My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6107 Is there anything delicious in 6108?

The nine-tailed fox's powerful talent for charming people comes from its bloodline. It is obvious that the bloodline of Gu Fenghua, the demon pet, is far stronger than that of Shangguan Wange.

"A descendant of the royal family, she is also a descendant of the royal family." Lu Qiuhong said with difficulty as his throat rolled.

Just like the Iron-eating Beast clan, in the battle with Haokong, all the royal children of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox clan were wiped out. It was only because of their sacrifices that other clan members could successfully escape into the Xuming Ancient Realm.

Because of the destruction of the royal family, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox clan was also unable to awaken the ancient bloodline, and its current strength is far less than before. So over the years, the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox clan has also tried every means to find the descendants of the royal family, but they have been unable to do so despite being imprisoned in the Xuming Ancient Territory.

Unexpectedly, Gu Fenghua, this demon pet, was the descendant of the royal family that the Nine-tailed Sky Fox clan was searching for.

In the Supreme Heaven, even a strong person like Xingjun would find it difficult to have such a powerful demon pet. Gu Fenghua actually has two!

"I accept it." Gu Fenghua put away his sword and said to Shangguan Wange with some embarrassment.

This was a strong man of the ninth level of Saint Transformation. He was defeated by her own hands like this. Even she felt that she could not win.

Shangguan Wange nodded and said nothing. He just looked at the little fox on her shoulder, then took a step forward and bowed to the ground, "Shangguan Wange, the leader of the nine-tailed sky fox clan, welcomes my king back. "

"Welcome my king to return, welcome my king to return." Behind him, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox clan members also bowed down and prostrated, shouting for my king.

The little fox raised its beautiful fox tail, held its head high, and glanced at them proudly, but said nothing.

"Miss Gu, I have lost this battle, so I will lead my clan to withdraw from today's battle. But this demon pet of yours is a descendant of the royal family of our clan. Please ask Miss Gu to allow her to return to our clan." Shangguan Wange said helplessly. Looking at Gu Fenghua, he begged and said.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..." The little fox hugged Gu Fenghua's neck and let out an anxious and plaintive cry.

"Speak humanly." Gu Fenghua said angrily.

"No, I don't want to leave my mother. I'm not going anywhere. If I don't go, I won't go." The little fox shook its pointed head like a rattle and said firmly in a childish voice. said.

But I don't know why, Gu Fenghua always feels a bit fake when he listens to it?

"Set conditions. What do you want?" Gu Fenghua asked simply.

" there anything delicious?" The little fox saw through her thoughts at a glance and was too lazy to pretend anymore. He turned his head and looked at Shangguan Wange with his shining eyes.

"Yes, what do you want to eat?" Shangguan Wange broke into a cold sweat.

Seeing the little fox holding Gu Fenghua's neck reluctantly, she was still worried. Trying to persuade her to return to her clan might not be as easy as Helian Xiongba's persuading Obsidian. Who knew that she would start raising conditions so quickly? .

Although they are both nine-tailed foxes, the royal family is the royal family. Compared with others, I am still too honest.

"Do you have honey osmanthus cake?" the little fox asked.

"Yes." Shangguan Wange felt relieved, took out a wooden box from the storage ring, opened the lid, and the unique fragrance of osmanthus filled the air.

Fortunately, it is the nature of all nine-tailed foxes to like eating cakes, and she always carries some cakes with her.

"Do you have any thousand-layer red bean cake?" the little fox's eyes sparkled, and he asked.

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