My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6108 6109 I’m reluctant to leave as promised.

"Yes." Shangguan Wange took out another wooden box.

"Gudong, Gudong, do you have the ice and snow yam cake, do you have the straw mold imperial concubine cake?" The little fox swallowed hard and asked impatiently.

"Yes, yes, all." Shangguan Wange took out wooden boxes one by one.

"Mother, I'm going to meet my tribe and I'll be back soon." The little fox turned into a stream of light and jumped out with a whoosh.

What about being reluctant to leave as promised, never leaving as promised, being reserved as promised, and being arrogant? Hallucinations are all hallucinations.

Shangguan Wange was overjoyed and led the little fox back to the tribe. The crowd burst into laughter and joy.

Seeing this scene, Gu Fenghua felt secretly relieved, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help but feel moist.

Although she treats several demon pets equally and is never indifferent to the little fox on weekdays, unlike Jianjian and Hei Yao who are heartless, the nine-tailed sky fox is known for its intelligence and intelligence, and is far more thoughtful than others. Monsters are much more sensitive. Therefore, they also need the warmth of their own race more.

No matter how good she was to the little fox, there were some things she couldn't give her.

"Miss Gu, it's my turn for this battle." Just when Gu Fenghua was feeling secretly relieved, the beautiful middle-aged woman stepped forward and said.

"Junior Gu Fenghua, please." Gu Fenghua made a gesture of invitation.

Although this beautiful woman is much older than Shangguan Wange and less charming and charming, she has a more luxurious and graceful temperament, which makes people feel friendly and affectionate. Good impression.

"Dongfang Yahan, please!" The beautiful middle-aged woman smiled slightly, announced her name, and nodded.

Nine holy rainbows appeared between her eyebrows, her white hands gently waved again, and a dazzling red light bloomed from her fingers, turning into a fiery red sunset and pouring towards Gu Fenghua.

At this moment, the originally gloomy and gloomy sky of the Xuming Ancient Territory was reflected in red, presenting a beauty that even the Supreme Sky could rarely see.

Although Dongfang Yahan's smile was gentle and kind, seeing this scene, Gu Fenghua didn't dare to be careless, and took action again with the strongest sword and the Cangchen Holy Mark.

Something surprising happened: the frosty sword light and bloody sword light cut into the sunset, just like cutting into the vast ocean, sinking straight into it without making any waves.

But the dazzling sunset continued to fall towards Gu Fenghua like a sea of ​​burning clouds.

Under the scorching heat, the earth quickly dried up and the gravel melted, turning into a sea of ​​magma and fire, and Gu Fenghua was in the center of this sea of ​​magma and fire.

Holy law, this is the real holy law!

Behind them, Lin Yujing and others suddenly changed their expressions, and even Ning Yu'er grasped the hilt of the sword fiercely.

Under such high temperatures, even the strongest gold and mithril in the world would be completely melted, let alone human flesh and blood.

"Choke..." Everyone pulled out the magic weapon at the same time.

"Don't do it." At this moment, Gu Fenghua's voice sounded.

The flaming clouds continued to fall. She was in a sea of ​​magma and fire, and even her protective air shield was rapidly melting, but her voice was still so calm and calm, and even a little joyful and joyful.

Lin Yujing and others subconsciously stopped and looked at Gu Fenghua, finding tears of excitement in her eyes.

Being in the sea of ​​magma and fire, a wonderful feeling of blood connection came to her heart. Gu Fenghua finally understood that the closeness that Dongfang Yahan brought to her was not because of her graceful and luxurious temperament, nor because of her That gentle smile is because...

She is from the Qingyuan clan!

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