My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6110 6111 The Qingyuan Clan of the Phoenix Royal Clan

The sea of ​​magma and fire swirled like a storm, gradually engulfing Gu Fenghua. Their hearts were also in their throats...

"Chirp..." Suddenly, a phoenix cry, as clear and pleasant as the sound of immortality, resounded throughout the world.

A beautiful phoenix shadow rose into the sky from the sea of ​​magma and fire, showering down a rain of fire.

Everyone looked at the sky in shock, but their eyes were blurred by the dazzling firelight. Their spiritual thoughts probed away, but they were also blocked by the falling fire rain.

"The phoenix dances, the stars fall!" It wasn't until Gu Fenghua's familiar shout sounded again that everyone was surprised to find that at the heart of the phoenix shadow, a beautiful and graceful figure stood in the air.

The last meridian was finally completely opened, and the new meridian formed a wonderful cycle. The holy energy flowed through it again and again, and the majestic and vast power filled the body.

This is the true power of the divine beast contained in the power of the Phoenix!

A mysterious and complex holy law appeared in his mind out of thin air, as if he was born with it, and even the name of the holy law was deeply imprinted in his soul.

Following Gu Fenghua's soft drink, the phoenix shadow behind him stretched its wings, and thousands of meteors flew down, blasting into the rotating sea of ​​magma and fire.

"Rumble..." A thunderous sound sounded, and the sea of ​​magma and fire flew in all directions, disappearing into nothingness in just a moment.

Dongfang Yahan was also shocked and flew into the air until she was nearly a hundred feet away before she fell down.

Although her face was pale and tired, and she even looked much older, she was not unwilling or resentful at all. Instead, she looked at Gu Fenghua with eyes full of joy.

"I lost and quit today's battle." She stared at Gu Fenghua with tears in her eyes and said with a smile.

In front of him, the phantom of the phoenix flapped its wings, and Gu Fenghua gently fell to the ground, tears bursting out of his eyes uncontrollably.

She could see that the exhaustion on Dongfang Yahan's face was not because she was injured under her "Feng Wu Xing Luo" holy method, but because it cut her veins and cleansed her marrow, opening up new meridians and greatly injuring her vitality.

Although during that process, she herself experienced the pain of being burned by fire, at the same time, she also felt the deep love of Dongfang Yahan. That is the love and care a mother has for her daughter.

"Thank you." Gu Fenghua looked at Dongfang Yahan and bowed deeply.

Victory, victory again! But this time, when they saw Gu Fenghua defeat Dongfang Yahan, who was at the ninth level of Holy Transformation, with his sixth-level cultivation, Lin Yujing and others were more confused than excited and happy.

Although Dongfang Yahan did not reveal her identity and did not show her true identity as a phoenix, it was not difficult for them to guess her identity just from the fiery sunset glow in the sky.

Qingyuan clan! Obviously, she is from the Qingyuan Clan of the Phoenix Royal Clan.

If Gu Fenghua relied on strong strength, maybe it would be understandable to rely on her demon pet to defeat Dongfang Yahan like she did in the last battle against Shangguan Wange. However, she defeated him with the holy method. More importantly, she used It is obviously also the fire-based holy method unique to the Phoenix clan, otherwise it would never be possible to show the true form of the Phoenix.

In other words, Gu Fenghua has the blood of the Phoenix clan!

It would be too weird for someone with Phoenix bloodline to participate in the demon-slaying expedition and kill the remnants of various clans, including the Qingyuan clan.

By the way, Gu Fenghua has never been interested in killing demons. Is it because of this?

Subconsciously, everyone looked towards Yun Wutian again.

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