My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6111 6112 I only use one sword

Although Helian Xiongba, Shangguan Wange, and Dongfang Yahan were defeated successively and withdrew from today's battle, all the clans in the Xuming Ancient Territory were led by the Demon Clan, and Genius Yunwu was the true master of this ancient heaven. If he If you refuse to give up and insist on going your own way, the battle will not end today.

"The matter has reached this point. I can't take action. I'm afraid today's battle can only end here. But for more than half a year, we and other tribes have been instigated to kill each other. If we don't give them an explanation, I can't accept it. Everyone, so please forgive me, Miss Gu." Yun Wutian looked at Gu Fenghua deeply and said.

Lin Yujing and others looked at the demon clan leader's cold and stern face as if it was a knife or an axe, and suddenly felt a little strange.

The reason why the demons are called demons is because they have a cold and cruel temperament, and they tend to go to extremes in their cultivation methods. In order to break through the limits, they even resort to self-mutilation. They are cruel to others and even more cruel to themselves.

It is said that the reason why the original White Bone Heavenly Emperor was so injured that all his flesh and blood were destroyed and only his bones remained, but he was able to continue practicing without losing his vitality and finally became the first generation of Heavenly Emperor, was related to the fact that he had practiced demonic techniques when he was young.

When they thought about it, Yun Wutian, as the leader of the Demon Clan, was ruthless and ruthless, treating human life as nothing. But at this time, facing Gu Fenghua, apart from his slightly indifferent expression, there was no hint of killing in his words?

"Junior understands." Gu Fenghua bowed slightly and said.

"Just understand. I only have one strike. If you can block this strike, you will win. But I won't show mercy with this strike. You should be more careful." Yun Wutian nodded and said.

The expressions of Lin Yujing and others became even weirder. Although Yun Wutian said that he would not be merciful, his eyes were so gentle, as if a stern elder was about to give guidance to the younger generation on their cultivation.

Could it be that Gu Fenghua's extraordinary qualifications made even the notorious leader of the Demon Clan fall in love with talents? The more Lin Yujing and others thought about it, the more puzzled they became, so they could only guess like this.

"Tianmo, Luan Wu!" Just as they were thinking wildly, Yun Wutian had already pulled out the ancient long knife from behind and slashed at Gu Fenghua.

"Crack", the cloudy sky was cut open by his knife, lightning and thunder thundered in the huge hole, and a huge demon face emerged.

This devil's face looks like a human or an animal, with a single horn on its forehead, its eyes filled with blood, and its large mouth with interlaced canine teeth, like a sharp sword, with two long fangs sticking out of the mouth, like two long swords. The scimitar, which was several feet long, was stained with blood.

"Ugh..." As Yun Wutian's knife passed through, the demon face let out a long and shrill roar.

Lin Yujing and others were shaken to the point of trembling, their feet all staggered, and they almost fell to the ground.

What a strong strength, what terrifying demon fighting skills! Looking at the nine dazzling holy rainbows between Yun Wutian's eyebrows, everyone was shocked.

Although Yun Wutian's cultivation level is also at the ninth level of Saint Transformation and is not much better than Helian Xiongba and others, the shock brought by this sword to them is far more than that of Helian Xiongba who wielded it with his natural divine power. A punch.

Perhaps, Dongfang Yahan's Phoenix Holy Technique is not weaker than Yun Wutian's sword of the demon Luanwu, but in terms of murderous intent and hostility, it is much inferior.

Of course, this is normal. The Phoenix clan is the lord of divine beasts and possesses the top talent and strength among all major races. However, they yearn for peace and tranquility. They are not easy to kill in the first place. They are more murderous than demons. The patriarch’s cloud dances in the sky.

At this time, they did not know that the power of Yun Wutian's sword was actually much more than that.

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