My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6112 6113 I will not show mercy!

Following the shrill roar of the demon face, streams of black mist spewed out of his mouth. In the blink of an eye, the black mist turned into a human figure, holding up the sword and axe, and rushed towards Gu Fenghua like a tide.

The humanoid figures were dressed in broken battle armor of ancient styles. Their limbs were also incomplete, and some even had only half of their heads left, but their eyes were filled with fierce gleams and intent.

The fighting spirit of the demon clan, this is the fighting spirit left over from the previous battles of the demon clan.

Long before the birth of the Supreme Heaven, the demons were often tolerated by all major races in all major planes because of their temperament and cultivation techniques. From now on, the demons have experienced countless killings and have no idea how many strong men there are. Died in war.

Unlike other races that reenter reincarnation after death, many demon clans still have their souls lingering after death due to their different cultivation techniques, protecting their descendants from generation to generation.

To the demons themselves, they are ancestral heroes, but to other races, they are lingering nightmares.

Although their cultivation was greatly damaged after death, they knew no pain or mercy, and all they could remember was killing and loyalty to the demons.

Such warriors are undoubtedly the most terrifying killing machines in the world.

No one expected that Yun Wutian, with his ninth-grade Saint Transformation level, would actually summon a demon war spirit against Gu Fenghua, who was only a sixth-grade Saint Transformation. He thought too highly of her.

One after another, the demon war spirits raised their swords and giant axes high, and screamed with resentment like ghosts. Although it was just a battle between two people, at this moment, everyone seemed to be on an ancient battlefield with thousands of troops.

The piercing scream was like a sharp blade piercing into the soul. The blood in Lin Yujing and others' bodies was also ignited, and the holy energy boiled. It stands to reason that their combat power would be greatly improved in this case, but this is not the case.

The boiling holy energy flowed crazily through the meridians, and was not under their control at all. In just a moment, the meridians burst open, and blood spots quickly soaked out from the holy robes, blooming like bloody buds.

If you can't even control your own holy energy, how can you have any fighting power?

It turns out that this is the real power of Tianmo Ranwu!

They had already ended up like this just by watching from the outside. So deep in the battle, what would be the outcome for Gu Fenghua?

Looking at Gu Fenghua, Lin Yujing and others' eyes were filled with tears, as if they had seen the miserable scene of her being torn into pieces by the demon war spirits.

"Clan Chief Yun, show mercy!" Even Dongfang Yahan couldn't help but shout.

"Stop, she has only transformed into the sixth level of Saint!" Helian Xiongba and Shangguan Wange also exclaimed in unison.

Obviously, they did not expect that Yun Wutian, with his ninth-level cultivation to fight against a mere sixth-level saint, would do his best without any reservation, and even summoned a demon fighting spirit.

"I said, I won't be merciful!" Yun Wutian was unmoved, and he still cut down the sword without hesitation.

Seeing this, Lin Yujing and others were extremely anxious. Although they could not control the holy energy, they still rushed towards Gu Fenghua without hesitation.

At this moment, a dark streak of blood rose into the sky from Gu Fenghua's body.

In an instant, the entire sky was covered with a faint layer of blood.

The strange thing is that this blood color does not give people the slightest sense of coldness and weirdness, but instead gives people a sense of warmth, tranquility, and peace.

Under this bloody shroud, all the demon war spirits stopped, and the screams that pierced the souls also stopped, and the incomplete figures stood in the air as quietly as petrified.

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