My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6118 6119 Just kill the root of the problem

But Qin Nanxian has no restrictions. As one of the seven star kings of the Big Dipper under the Haokong Seat, he has inexhaustible cultivation resources, but his cultivation level has probably reached the realm of Tao Saint. How could he go to Xuming Ancient in person? area?

"Fei Wuchang, you, the Mingjing Kingdom, actually colluded with Qin Nanxian to blame my three kingdoms. Today, I, the Holy Spirit Kingdom, will fight to the death with you!" Feng Haolie looked at Fei Wuchang, who was floating down with Qin Nanxian, and shouted sternly.

"I, the Zhenxing King Realm, and the Xiaoyao King Realm, will fight with you, the Mingjing King Realm, until death!" The two old men next to them were also furious, pointing at Fei Wuchang and shouting.

"Hmph, do you still have that chance?" Fei Wuchang smiled disapprovingly.

Qin Nanxian refused to take action, so he was worried in every possible way. Now that Qin Nanxian had appeared, he had nothing to worry about.

"Originally I didn't want to take action personally, but I didn't expect that she would come to the Void King's Domain, just in time to eliminate the root cause of the trouble forever, hahahaha!" Qin Nanxian did not disappoint him this time. He looked at Gu Fenghua and laughed loudly, and then stretched out his hand to her. Refers to, "Leave this person to me, and others will kill him without mercy!"

This is the daughter of Emperor Lingxu, what a credit it must be to kill her!

Even though Han Tianxing had flattered Emperor Haokong in every possible way over the years and made a lot of achievements, which made Emperor Haokong very happy, he only needed this one credit to trample him under his feet and never stand up again.

The more Qin Nanxian thought about it, the more excited he became, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became. Even the finger pointing at Gu Fenghua was trembling slightly.

Of course, he couldn't let others share such great achievements. As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't wait to rush towards Gu Fenghua.

"Kill!" Fei Wuchang had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Just waiting for his order, he led the crowd to kill Feng Haolie and others. And those Tiangong imperial guards wearing dark red armor were also led by several commanders, and they killed all the clans in the Xuming Ancient Territory with a tacit understanding.

"Clan leader Dongfang, Elder Luo!" Yun Wutian shouted loudly, flying up together with Dongfang Yahan and Luo Jidao, blocking in front of Gu Fenghua.

After all, her cultivation level was only at the sixth level of Hua Sheng. She had won successively because of their mercy. If there was a life and death fight, how could she be Lian Zhen Qin Nanxian's opponent.

In mid-air, Yun Wutian slashed out again. The devil's face reappeared in mid-air, and with a shrill roar, thousands of demon ancestors' heroic souls once again came out of the bloody mouth, killing Qin Nanxian like a tide.

Dongfang Yahan waved his arms, and the graceful phoenix appeared behind him. He flapped his wings gently and rolled up a fire storm, imprisoning Qin Nanxian in it.

Luo Jidao stroked his chest with one hand and made hand seals with the other. An ancient and vast whisper came out of his mouth. The soul of the sacred tree grew tall in the wind and towered into the sky. The slender branches danced in the wind, like a giant net, intertwined in the fire storm. .

The three most powerful men in the Xuming Ancient Territory join forces, and very few people in the supreme capital can capture their edge.

But Qin Nanxian was not afraid. His eyes were burning with excitement and he fiercely pulled out his sword.

"Buzz!" Following an exciting sword cry, the sword light slashed out.

The dazzling sword light illuminated the entire void and ancient realm. Time stood still, and this ancient realm seemed to fall into deathly silence.

It seemed like just a moment, but it seemed like a long time of hundreds of thousands of years had passed.

"Crack!" Finally, a thunderbolt sounded.

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