My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6119 6120 She didn’t dare to have any reservations

The giant web of sacred tree souls was cut through with one sword, and the flame storm that filled the sky was also broken through with one sword. Amidst the sad roars, the souls of the ancestors of the demon clan turned into streams of light and returned to the huge mouth of the demon face. Then, the demon face trembled violently, and let out an unwilling sorrow, disappearing in the air.

The remaining power of the sword light was not exhausted, and it swept towards Yun Wutian and the other three people.

"Poof!" The three of them spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time and flew out.

Without their obstruction, the sword light slashed towards Gu Fenghua with great force.

Is this the true strength of the Seven Beidou Heavenly Guards? Yun Wutian and other three powerful men joined forces, but they were no match for him! Gu Fenghua's expression was solemn as never before, but the hands holding Qingyun Sword were as calm and collected as ever.

She knew that facing such a powerful enemy, there was no chance, let alone retreat, and of course there was no chance of retreat. The only way to survive is to fight hard.

Fortunately, as early as when Qin Nanxian and others showed up, she had already begun to use all her strength to restore her holy energy.

Before the sword light could strike in front of him, Gu Fenghua's long-prepared sword and the bloody sword light of Cang Chen's sacred pattern were slashed out at the same time.

The space bracelet flashed with strange light, and the demonic wooden cauldron flew out and stood in front of her. The furnace lid opened, and the Nine Heavens Destruction Gourd shot toward Qin Nanxian like an arrow from a string.

Facing such a strong man, she didn't dare to have any reservations.

Unfortunately, this is not enough. In just the blink of an eye, her long-awaited sword and the bloody sword light of the Cangchen Saint Pattern shattered in the air and turned into thousands of streams of light. The Demonic Wood Cauldron and the Nine Heavens Destruction Gourd were also thrown out and hit hard behind them. There were two loud bangs coming from Emperor Meteor Peak.

But Qin Nanxian's sword light, which seemed to be able to kill everything in the world, was still slashing at her.

Although under the combined resistance of Yun Wutian, Dongfang Yahan, and Luo Jidao, the power of Qin Nanxian's sword was weakened a lot, and then he cut through Gu Fenghua's strongest sword and the Cangchen Sacred Mark, and then slashed through it. The power of the flying demon wooden cauldron and the nine-day world-destroying gourd are much weaker. But just now, Gu Fenghua had almost exhausted all her holy energy in this attack. How could she withstand the remaining power of this sword?

"Fenghua!" Seeing this, Yun Wutian and others were shocked.

They had been waiting for tens of thousands of years for Gu Fenghua. If she died at the hands of Qin Nanxian like this, all their hopes and the hopes of the entire race would be shattered.

"Mother!" At the critical moment, the voices of Obsidian and Juju sounded at the same time.

There was a flash of golden light in front of his eyes, and Obsidian's majestic mountain-like figure appeared in front of him, and he punched out with a fist glowing with golden light.

Juju was suspended in the air, with nine graceful fox tails shaking desperately. Two red lights pierced Qin Nanxian's eyes like lightning, seeming to pierce into his soul.

"Boom!" Amidst the loud noise, the giant hammer-like golden fist hit the sword light hard, finally shattering it in one fell swoop.

The tyrannical force suddenly exploded, and a deep pit with a diameter of a hundred feet and a depth of several feet was blasted out of the ground.

Obsidian and Juju groaned at the same time and flew out.

"Obsidian, Juju!" Gu Fenghua took a quick step and came to the side of the two naughty children.

"Mother..." Hei Yao raised his head with difficulty, looked at Gu Fenghua who was safe and sound, and opened his mouth with a big smile.

With one punch, Qin Nanxian's sword light was shattered. The naughty boy himself was obviously seriously injured, and he returned to his cub appearance. As soon as he opened his mouth, blood poured out in large mouthfuls.

Next to him, the little fox also raised his head and looked at Gu Fenghua pitifully, but he couldn't say a word. The petite body was cut with wounds by the sharp turbulent flow of sword energy. The hair that was originally as white as snow was dyed red, and the divine light in his eyes was dimmed.

Gu Fenghua felt a knife-like pain in his heart and hurriedly put his spiritual thoughts away.

Fortunately, although the two naughty children were seriously injured, they were ancient alien species after all, and their vitality was far greater than that of ordinary monsters, so there was no danger for their lives.

"Why are you back again?" Gu Fenghua finally breathed a sigh of relief and said distressedly as he took out the healing pill and quickly stuffed it into their mouths.

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