"Those guys are too stupid, they're not fun at all." Obsidian curled his lips and said.

"Their snacks...are not as delicious as my mother's." With the pill power flowing, Ju Ju finally regained his breath and said with a look of disgust.

Who said that if you have wine, you are a mother? Who said that they need the warmth of the tribe more?

Floating clouds, everything is floating clouds.

"Two idiots." Gu Fenghua hugged the two naughty children tightly, a warm smile appeared on his face, but tears could not stop rolling down his cheeks.

"Fenghua." Yun Wutian, Dongfang Yahan, Luo Jidao and others also came to Gu Fenghua's side at this time.

"Are you okay?" Gu Fenghua sent the two naughty children back to the demon pet space, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, stood up and looked at the few people.

"It's okay." Yun Wutian and others answered in unison.

They said it was okay, but their faces were all pale. Obviously, several people were seriously injured in order to resist Qin Nanxian's sword.

However, standing next to Gu Fenghua at this time, their eyes were so determined and determined, with no sign of retreating at all.

"If I guessed correctly, you should have been promoted to Taoist Saint, right? You are not afraid of triggering the Tao of Tribulation and dying without a burial place." Yun Wutian looked at Qin Nanxian and asked doubtfully.

After severely injuring several people with one sword, Qin Nanxian did not rush to take action again, but stood on the spot, lightly swiping his fingers across the sword's edge. A drop of blood dropped and actually soaked into the long sword, turning into a line of blood, faintly emitting a golden brilliance.

"The blood of the Emperor of Heaven, the blood of the Emperor of Heaven in Haokong!" Looking at the golden blood line, Dongfang Yahan's eyes narrowed and he blurted out.

The blood of the Emperor of Heaven! Yun Wutian and Luo Jidao suddenly realized.

Gu Fenghua also reacted. According to "Tian Lu", why is the Emperor of Heaven called the Emperor of Heaven? Why can't every strong person in the Taoist realm become the Emperor of Heaven? It is because they have insight into the secrets of heaven that connect all things. Even if they cannot override the path of calamity, they will not easily die under the path of calamity.

The Dao blood of the Emperor of Heaven is the essence of the Emperor's lifelong cultivation, and it is also the foundation of the Dao for resisting the calamity!

Legend has it that every Heavenly Emperor can condense nine drops of Dao blood, and every time he resists a calamity, one drop will be consumed. Once the nine drops of Dao blood are exhausted, the Heavenly Emperor will also die from the calamity and re-enter reincarnation.

The only way to condense new Tao blood is to go to the realm of reincarnation, but even if you enter the realm of reincarnation, the chance of gathering Tao blood is very slim. More importantly, it is extremely difficult to open the realm of reincarnation. Once it fails, you will definitely suffer heavy losses. Therefore, even the Emperor of Heaven will have to prepare for many years before he dares to take action. If nine drops of Tao blood are exhausted before then, then even this slim chance Don't even think about catching it.

The preciousness of the blood of the Emperor of Heaven can also be seen from this.

"Haokong is so generous. He is even willing to give you the Dao blood of the Emperor of Heaven. But with just this drop of Dao blood, how long can you hold on?" Yun Wutian said.

"I don't need to hold on for too long, just kill her." Qin Nanxian looked at Gu Fenghua and said confidently.

Of course he also knew that the blood of Emperor Haokong did not belong to him. If he wanted to borrow it, he had to use his own essence and blood as a guide. It would be okay to use it once in a while to cope with the tribulation. Maybe holding on too long. This was also the reason why he had been reluctant to take action personally before.

But the situation is different now. As long as he kills Gu Fenghua, he will have made a huge contribution. The life and death of Feng Haolie and other powerful people in the Royal Domain, as well as the life and death of all the clans in the Xuming Ancient Domain, are no longer important to him.

He is a strong man in the realm of Dao Saint. How many swords can Yun Wutian and others block from him?

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