It would be fine if it was just Gu Fenghua and others, but Xinghuaguo and his group still had a Ninth Prince, and he didn't want to make the matter too big.

After all, his identity and history cannot be seen in the light. If something goes wrong and reveals his flaws, it will definitely cause an uproar.

"Presumptuous!" Before he could finish his words, two guards flew up and slashed at the old man's head with their long swords.

All the people the old man mentioned were buried with him, naturally including the Ninth Prince.

As royal guards, this is absolutely intolerable to them. If they were in Guanghua, they would have some scruples in order not to cause disputes between the two countries, but when they returned to Xinghua, how could they have any scruples! Those who dare to disrespect the royal family, die!

Between the eyebrows of the two of them, nine blue holy beads emerged at the same time, the blue color was so deep.

The pinnacle of the Ninth Rank of Fasheng! It turned out that these two guards were both the strongest of the ninth-rank peak of the Dharma Saint.

More importantly, the two cooperated with each other tacitly, and the swords were unfolded, and the water splashed seamlessly. It was obvious that they were displaying a set of extremely exquisite combined fencing skills.

Two magic sages at the peak of the ninth rank, coupled with such combined fencing skills, I am afraid that ordinary soul sages are not their opponents! Feng Yuanshi and others seemed to have seen the miserable scene of the old man's blood on the spot.

Unfortunately, they were disappointed.

"The light of rice grains dares to compete with the sun and the moon!" The old man sneered and clapped both palms at the same time.

In the shadow of palms all over the sky, the two guards paused, as if they were pinched in the air by an invisible big hand.

Immediately afterwards, two muffled bangs were heard, and the two guards spewed blood and flew back upside down. When they landed, they were already very angry. Judging from the injuries, even if they could save their lives, they must not be able to protect their cultivation.

Feng Yuanshi and the others were stunned and shocked. The moment the old man made his move, they clearly saw nine blue holy beads appear between his eyebrows.

Profound Sage Ninth Rank, this old man's cultivation has actually reached Profound Sage Ninth Rank.

Gu Fenghua's expression also became extremely solemn.

Although she had already seen that the old man was powerful, and even guessed that he was a master of the Profound Sage Realm, she never thought that he was so strong that the Profound Sage Rank Nine was much stronger than Fang Shibo. cut.

"Gu Fenghua, you have no choice. You can either kill yourself or watch them die with you. Of course, you can also try to escape, but I guarantee that if you dare to escape, they will die even worse. "Seeing the inexplicable horror of Feng Yuanshi and others, the old man smiled with satisfaction.

"Two..." The old man raised his second finger.

Feng Yuanshi and the others were shocked. The other party's cultivation was too strong, beyond their imagination. Even if they joined forces, they would never have the slightest chance of survival.

All of a sudden, their hearts were ashamed, and their minds became muddled. A few timid ones even fell to the ground with their legs limp in fright.

"It's a dead end, this time it's a dead end." This was the only thought in their minds.

"Wait!" At this moment, Gu Fenghua looked deeply at the old man, sighed, and said with a sad expression, "Let them go, and I will die for you."

"Fenghua!" Feng Yuanshi exclaimed in unison. Even though their minds were in chaos, they could still hear Gu Fenghua's words clearly.

Although they and Gu Fenghua had settled their suspicions long ago, they were not good enough to sacrifice their lives for each other. No one thought that Gu Fenghua would make such a choice.

"Let's go, it's a dead end anyway, he's looking for me, you don't need to die needlessly." Gu Fenghua smiled sadly, but he couldn't be bothered.

Xiao Baihua complained in her heart: Master, your miserable appearance is just as real. Gu Fenghua: Shut up!

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