My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 860: 860 I'll Show You Death, Have You Seen Enough?

The old man was not moved at all. It is an unbreakable truth that the strong are respected. Gu Fenghua's choice can be regarded as a hero who understands current affairs.

"Fenghua, I..." The Ninth Prince looked at Gu Fenghua with tears in his eyes.

He also knew that the opponent's strength was too strong, even if Gu Fenghua tried his best, even if all of them fought to the death, there would be no chance of survival, but how could he abandon Gu Fenghua and leave.

"Take them away." Gu Fenghua knew what the Ninth Prince wanted to say, but interrupted him directly, and said in an unquestionable tone.

"Don't forget your duty." The Ninth Prince wanted to speak, but Gu Fenghua didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

Tears rolled down the Ninth Prince's cheeks.

"Let's go!" Gu Fenghua yelled, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Her appearance was so desperate, so poignant, it was obvious that she had no hope of surviving.

Ninth Prince suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart. In his impression, he seemed to have never seen Gu Fenghua so desperate and helpless. But every time she transforms into a weak little white flower, it means that someone is going to be unlucky, and that is also the most terrifying time for her, could it be...

"Let's go!" The Ninth Prince didn't think any more, fearing that the old man would see the clue, he turned around abruptly, and left with Feng Yuanshi and others.

The old man kept his promise and did not stop it.

While walking, Feng Yuanshi and others couldn't help but look back, and tears rolled down like raindrops.

Although what Gu Fenghua said was the truth, even if they stayed, it would be nothing more than a pointless death, but they also knew that with Gu Fenghua's cultivation, even if he couldn't beat him, he might not have no chance of escaping. The reason why she stayed , all because of them.

Thinking of how they rejected Gu Fenghua and ridiculed her in the past, they were even more ashamed.

Not long after, the figures of the Ninth Prince and others disappeared on the winding plank road of Yingshou Gorge.

But Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse, Lin Hanyi and others stayed.

"Are you still leaving?" The old man's eyes flashed murderously.

"Let's go, all go!" Gu Fenghua said to several people.

"Fenghua, we can't leave, don't forget, we are best friends, even if we die, we will die with you." Fatty Bai said firmly.

"If you really regard me as your best friend, then take good care of my grandfather and Zihan. Otherwise, even if you die with me, I will never forgive you. Let's go!" Gu Fenghua said at the end, With a yell, tears poured out again. Xiao Baihua complained in her heart, master, you are crying like the real one! Gu Fenghua: Shut up!

"Let's go!" The fat white man bit his lips tightly, and led Luo Enen and the others, turning around and leaving with a tragic expression. A few teardrops also fell with the wind. Xiao Baihua continued to complain: Master, they are crying like the real thing. Gu Fenghua: Shut up!

"Okay, you can finish it yourself." The old man said to Gu Fenghua indifferently.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you kill me?" Gu Fenghua asked with a bit of unwillingness.

"Old man Tang Jixing." The old man said. Looking at Gu Fenghua's weak, beautiful and helpless appearance, he still felt a little bit of sympathy in his heart, as if it was to let her die a little bit more clearly. But there are some things that he can't talk about.

Gu Fenghua knew that if he asked again, he would get nothing out of it, so he slowly raised his long sword across his neck, rolled his eyes suddenly, and let out a scream of "ah", his body swayed from side to side as if he was about to fall, but It didn't fall to the ground for a while.

"What are you doing?" Tang Jixing was completely confused, and asked dumbfounded.

"I said I'm going to die for you to see. Have you seen enough? Is it good to die?" Gu Fenghua rolled his eyes back and asked innocently.

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