"Father, I understand. I will definitely practice hard and control my own destiny." Luo Enen finally understood what his father meant, and said with clenched fists.

"Of course it's best if you have this determination, but the way of cultivation is difficult and bumpy, so you have to be more careful. Fortunately, you have Fenghua, Lansheng and Wuse as companions, otherwise I really can't rest assured." Looking at the firmness in her daughter's eyes , Patriarch Luo said with relief.

"Uncle Luo, don't worry, we will definitely take good care of Enen." Gu Fenghua said.

"Thank you very much. Enen can make friends like you. I don't know if it is a blessing from several generations of cultivation. If it weren't for you, she might not have achieved what she is today in her whole life. I respect you for this glass of wine. "Patriarch Luo raised his wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

Gu Fenghua and the others also drank the wine, and they looked at each other and smiled. In this life, having such a friend is enough!

After the meal, Gu Fenghua followed Patriarch Luo to the study, and copied a copy of the art of refining weapons and the art of alchemy taught by Feng Lao.

Although Feng Lao is not best at the way of alchemy, after all, he has lived for tens of thousands of years. He has repeatedly pondered and deliberated on this way of alchemy, reducing complexity to simplicity, eliminating waste and preserving essence, which is far from an ordinary way of alchemy. techniques are comparable. With this kind of alchemy technique, it shouldn't be a problem for Patriarch Luo to refine soul energy pills or ordinary magical artifacts.

Patriarch Luo is not an ignorant person, after just a few cursory glances, he can see what is extraordinary in it, and he is very grateful to Gu Fenghua.

Afterwards, Gu Fenghua and the others bid farewell and left the Luo family.

Lornen had been grounded for many days, and he was about to get sick from boredom, thinking that he wouldn't be able to stay for a few days anyway, so he simply left along with him.

At the time of parting, the father and daughter held hands and looked at each other with tears in their eyes, and there was another careful exhortation.

"Miss, you are back. Someone came to visit earlier and has been waiting for you for a long time." As soon as he arrived at Gu's house, the concierge came to greet him before he entered the door.

"Who?" Gu Fenghua asked casually.

"It's a young man surnamed Xie. He only said he was Miss's friend. Just when the master came back, I personally welcomed him in. I didn't dare to ask more questions." The porter replied.

"Surname Xie?" Luo Enen tilted her head and thought for a while, since she entered Lingtian Academy, she has been by Gu Fenghua's side all the time, and there seems to be no friend surnamed Xie in her memory.

"Could it be Xie Youran?" Gu Fenghua quickened his pace.

Sure enough, in the living room, my grandfather was drinking tea with a young man and narrating. The young man was travel-stained, his face was full of worry, and his eyes were slightly red and swollen. It wasn't Xie Youran.

"Youran, why are you here?" Seeing Xie Youran's anxious expression, Gu Fenghua felt ominous.

"My grandfather and my lord are seriously injured, I have come here to ask you for help." Xie Youran stood up abruptly, and said straight to the point without any politeness.

"What, Elder Xie and Palace Master Fang were injured, who made the shot?" Gu Fenghua exclaimed.

With Xie Huaiyuan and Fang Shibo's cultivation base, they can definitely be regarded as the top powerhouses in Tianji Continent, not to mention that they are in Jialuo Mountain, protected by many restrictions, and there are so many masters in the temple, who can be so strong? Got them.

"The incident happened suddenly, and we didn't see who it was..." Xie Youran briefly described the situation at that time.

After listening, the expressions of Gu Fenghua and the others were unusually dignified.

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