My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 904: Qiu Mingxuan's Ghostly Idea

The most powerful Hall Master and Elder of the Xinghua Temple suffered heavy injuries one after another, but the other party was able to retreat completely. No one even saw who made the attack. If this news spread, no one would believe it.

"Fenghua, it's not too late, you should leave quickly." Gu Tianci didn't expect the situation to be so serious, so he urged Gu Fenghua.

"Grandfather, then I'm going to the temple right now, you have to take good care of yourself." Although he had already planned to go to the temple to practice with his grandfather and Zihan for a few days, but suddenly decided to leave, Gu Fenghua was still reluctant to let go .

"Don't worry about me, I will take care of myself and wait for you to come back, but you should be more careful when you are out." Gu Tianci said with a hearty smile. In fact, he was also reluctant to let go, but in order not to make Gu Fenghua feel sad, he hid all the sorrow of parting in his heart.

"En." Gu Fenghua nodded heavily, and led a few people out of the house, heading towards Xinghua Temple.

"Grandfather, take care!" The carriage was speeding, Gu Fenghua turned his head and looked at the gate of Gu's family that was receding away, and the blurred figure of grandfather in front of the gate, a tear fell with the wind. Although her grandfather hid it well, how could she not see the deep reluctance in his grandfather's eyes.

At the same time when Gu Fenghua and his entourage were anxiously rushing to Xinghua Temple, an old man with white beard, hair, and snow-white eyebrows was furiously pointing at a young man and yelling at Tianquan Mountain in the far west of the Tianji Continent. : "I accepted you as a registered disciple for the sake of your great-grandfather. I saw that you have excellent qualifications and good character. I originally wanted to officially accept you under the sect. I hope you will shine brightly. I never thought that you would be so unbearable. I am an old man." Your reputation will be ruined for the rest of your life!"

That's right, this old man is one of the top powerhouses in the Tianji Continent, and he is also a worldly master who dare not neglect even the major temples - Old Man Tianquan.

"Master, I know I was wrong!" The young man knelt down on the ground, and said in fear, it wasn't Qiu Mingxuan.

The news that he fled without a fight at the Shifang Grand Ceremony spread throughout the capital of Guanghua on the same day, and then quickly spread to Xinghua, and now it has spread to all countries in the mainland like a plague. The young master of the family has also become the laughing stock of the whole world.

He also knew what kind of shame his actions would bring to the family. Once he returned to Xinghua Kingdom, he might not wait for the spittle of outsiders to drown him. The Patriarch of the Qiu family—that is, his grandfather would be the first A righteous killing of relatives, returning the Qiu family's innocence, and Xinghua's hundreds of millions of people a justice, so he didn't even dare to go home, so he came directly to the master.

"Shut up, I'm not your master, and I, Old Man Tianquan, don't have a shameless apprentice like you. From now on, we will never be in love again, get out, get out!" Old Man Tian Quan cursed angrily. If it wasn't for his friendship with Qiu Mingxuan's great-grandfather, I really wish I could slap him to death and leave him clean.

"Disciple realizes his mistake, please forgive me, please forgive me." Qiu Mingxuan turned pale with fright.

His reputation is already rotten. Without the protection of old man Tianquan, it would be difficult to move forward in the Tianji Continent, and those who dare to return to Xinghua Kingdom will die.

"Don't leave yet, do you want me to send you away with my own hands?" Elder Tianquan said with a cold face, unmoved at all.

Qiu Mingxuan's already pale face was even more bloodless. He knew that old man Tianquan had made up his mind, and if he didn't do something, it would be impossible for him to change his mind. After a few quick turns in his mind, he suddenly had an idea.

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