"Master, this disciple's disobedience has made you ashamed, but this disciple has some unavoidable reasons for doing so." Qiu Mingxuan burst into tears suddenly, and while weeping, he kowtowed heavily, once, twice …With the muffled sound of thumping, his forehead was dripping with blood and flesh, mixed with the desolate tears on his face, made it even more tragic.

The old man Tianquan didn't want to listen to him, and made up his mind to expel him from the master's school and drive him down Tianquan Mountain, but he couldn't help being secretly moved when he saw the blood and tears on his face. Still a little emotional.

"Is there any last resort?" Old Tianquan asked expressionlessly. Killing is nothing more than nodding, even if you want to die, you should let him die to understand.

"Just the night before the Ten Directions Ceremony, I lost my temper and was seriously injured. I still haven't recovered from my injuries." Qiu Mingxuan said with a sad face.

"Desperation?" Of course, the old man Tianquan would not believe his words, so he reached out and grabbed his veins.

Sure enough, Qiu Mingxuan's breathing was restless, and his meridians were also damaged, which was the condition of unhealed injuries.

"Your character is not bad, how could you go mad at such a critical moment?" Tianquan old man asked puzzled.

He didn't know that the reason why Qiu Mingxuan's internal energy was restless and his meridians were a little damaged was because of his own retrograde holy energy just now, but he was also a little clever, knowing that if the injury was too serious, it would be easy for old man Tianquan to Seeing the clue, he acted very measuredly, pretending to be a symptom of the unhealed injury, and the old man Tianquan was blinded by him even if he didn't notice it for a while.

"Speaking of which, it's all related to Gu Fenghua. On that day, I kindly invited them to Guanghuafang City, and wanted to buy them some sacred alchemy artifacts in case they needed them. Who knows, she even instigated Luo Enen to tease me in every possible way. , and then went to Qianjinzhai, and she plotted in every possible way to make me lose face in front of everyone." Qiu Mingxuan recounted what happened that day with embarrassment and indignation.

According to him, Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, and those unscrupulous traders were clearly in collusion. As for Qianjinzhai, it was clearly the property of the Gu family, and Gu Fenghua deliberately concealed it, and even made it clear that he wanted to embarrass him.

At the end, he cried out in embarrassment and anger: "Master, I know that I am restless and let you down, but whoever is a bit bloody can calm down after suffering such humiliation? The next day is Shifang Grand Ceremony, I can't step up my practice in order to have more chances of winning, so I went crazy."

"This Gu Fenghua is so courageous, she actually plotted against my old man Tianquan's disciple, what is her plan?" Old man Tianquan was furious after hearing Qiu Mingxuan's cry.

Although it was said just now that Qiu Mingyuan would be expelled from the sect, Qiu Mingxuan was still his disciple during the Shifang Grand Ceremony, even the registered disciples were also disciples.

Beating a dog depends on the owner. Gu Fenghua's scheme to humiliate Qiu Mingxuan is obviously hitting him in the face.

"Fame is tiring." Qiu Mingxuan sighed, and said with tears, "Both Gu Fenghua and I became famous when we were teenagers. Speaking of which, her talent and strength are not inferior to mine, but I debuted earlier than her, a few years ago He was regarded by others as a leader among the younger generation of Xinghua Country, and even Dean Ran of Lingtian College intends to pass on the position of dean to me after a hundred years. As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, so how could Gu Fenghua be able to do that? Willing to be inferior to others?

I thought she did this just to ruin my reputation, but then she became mad, and then I realized that she had already planned, and guessed that I would step up my cultivation before the Ten Directions Ceremony, and destroy my character, just to make me go mad Bewitched, it's a pity that I didn't check for a while, and I fell into her poisonous scheme! "

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