My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 918 Pretending to be beep was bounced off

Elder Tianquan withdrew his fingers, pondered for a long time, and slowly made a series of handprints.

Gu Fenghua's eyes brightened, and he had to admit that old man Tianquan did not live in vain at such an advanced age. This set of handprints seems to be plain and simple, but in fact it is infinitely wonderful, and it has the meaning of returning to the basics.

If she was not mistaken, Old Man Tianquan wanted to use this set of hand seals to seal the weird aura in the root of the Holy Spirit, and then forcibly dissipate it. Gu Fenghua also thought about this method, but unfortunately he couldn't make such a delicate handprint.

Old man Tianquan's movements were not fast, probably because this set of handprints was too mysterious for him to use freely. Gu Fenghua carefully looked at every detail in his hand, and kept this handprint in his mind.

"Tianji six methods, seal!" Finally, the old man Tianquan completed a complete set of handprints, and the lights of Taoism and Taoism flickered, forming a huge seal, covering Fang Shibo, and then quickly condensed, like a small spot of light, pouring into him between the eyebrows.

Ding Qinghe and the others stared intently at Old Man Tianquan. Although they had some complaints about his domineering and stubbornness before, this hand-to-hand decision still opened their eyes.

"Senior Tianquan, is my father alright?" Fang Tianyou asked impatiently.

"What I just used was the Six Heavenly Seals passed down in ancient times. No matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it can still be more powerful than the Six Heavenly Seals. Within half an hour, Palace Master Fang will be able to wake up." Tianquan old man waved his robe. Sleeves, Fang Tianyou's suspicion was deeply disdainful.

The fluttering appearance of the big sleeves, how should I put it, is very pretending.

Fang Tianyou was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately rushed to Fang Shibo's side, and the others also surrounded him. At the same time, they didn't forget to look at Old Man Tianquan with reverence. No matter how much dissatisfaction they felt in their hearts, they had to admit that it was indeed reasonable for Old Man Tianquan to be hailed as the top peerless powerhouse in the Tianji Continent.

Elder Ding was completely at a loss for what to do about the injury of Lord Hall Master, and it would be cured as soon as it was in someone else's hands. What is severe is severe.

Enjoying the admiration of everyone, the old man Tianquan walked towards Xie Huaiyuan. While walking, he also looked at Gu Fenghua meaningfully. The meaning in his eyes was self-evident: When I cure Xie Huaiyuan, I will When you were expelled from the Xinghua Temple, you were allowed to do all sorts of tricks, but in the face of absolute strength, there was no use for it.

Ding Qinghe and the others certainly saw the deep meaning in his eyes, and there were mixed emotions in their hearts, all joy was replaced by deep guilt.

At this moment, the old man Tianquan suddenly stopped, and suddenly turned his head to look at Fang Shibo.

Following his line of sight, everyone was surprised to find that a small spot of light appeared on Fang Shibo's forehead and gradually enlarged. It was the seal that Old Man Tianquan had driven into his body just now.

"What's going on?" Before everyone could react, they saw the seal burst open suddenly, and the brilliance of runes flashed, and they sprinkled towards Old Man Tianquan.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, old man Tianquan flew out like an arrow from the string, and hit the stone wall heavily!

Everyone was taken aback by the sudden change.

"Master!" Qiu Mingxuan was the first to react, and rushed over with a cry of surprise, and helped Old Man Tianquan up.

It's not how filial he is, but his fate is closely related to old man Tianquan. If something happens to old man Tianquan, he will be completely finished.

"Senior Tianquan, are you alright?" Ding Qinghe also came back to his senses at this moment, and asked with a worried expression on his face.

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