My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 919 It was a momentary carelessness just now

Hearing what the old man said with confidence, he thought that Dianzhu Fang and Elder Xie's injuries would be fine and they would wake up soon. Who knew that such an accident would happen in a blink of an eye, and he began to doubt it.

"It's okay, it's okay, the Six Seals of Tianji are too profound, and I've been useless for too long, so it's just a small mistake." Tianquan old man slammed his back against the stone wall just now, feeling his internal organs There was a huge shock, and the blood in his chest surged, and he was almost out of breath, but seeing the suspicion in Ding Qinghe's eyes, he still forced himself to speak.

A tree has a skin, a person has a face, he is recognized as a peerless powerhouse in Tianji Continent, how could he lose face in front of the juniors, not to mention that his internal organs were violently shaken, even if he was seriously injured, he had to endure it.

Saying this in his mouth, the old man Tianquan came to Fang Shibo's side again, took a deep breath, suppressed the churning blood in his chest, and then slowly made his handprints again.

Is it really just because of the fingerprints? Gu Fenghua was somewhat skeptical of the old man Tianquan's words.

Although his handprint was extremely slow, since he could complete it smoothly and put the handprint into Fang Shibo's body, there should be no big problem. The real problem might still be the power of the magic weapon.

Others don't know the power of the magic weapon, but doesn't she know it?

That qi mechanism is so upright and peaceful, but so weird, even her phoenix power can't purify it, and I'm afraid that the six seals of Tianji may not be able to restrain it.

Of course, these are all her guesses. After all, it was the old man Tianquan who made the handprint, and Gu Fenghua didn't know his strength, so he didn't dare to make a conclusion.

With such doubts, Gu Fenghua continued to concentrate on looking at the fingerprints of old man Tianquan. In order to capture the power of the magic weapon, she had exhausted her mind before. If she learned this set of handprints and added her phoenix power, it should be much easier.

Finally, old man Tianquan finished the last handprint, the talisman light flickered, and the huge talisman continued to condense, pouring into Fang Shibo's eyebrows like last time.

Old Man Tianquan let out a long sigh of relief, his forehead was already covered with fine sweat, Qiu Mingxuan quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his forehead. Old man Tianquan nodded, he was very satisfied with Qiu Mingxuan's filial piety.

"Senior Tianquan, is there any problem this time?" Ding Qinghe asked anxiously, and Xie Youran, Fang Tianyou and others also showed a bit of worry in their eyes.

It wasn't that they doubted Old Man Tianquan's strength, but that the scene just now was too surprising. They were afraid that Old Man Tianquan would make another mistake and hurt Fang Shibo.

"Aren't you worried about my strength? It was just a momentary carelessness that went wrong. This time, I will concentrate on doing my best, and there will never be any accidents." Old Tianquan was deeply displeased with their doubts. Glancing at them sideways, he said with a cold snort.

While speaking, he threw the handkerchief back to Qiu Mingxuan heavily to express his inner dissatisfaction. Then turned around and walked directly towards Xie Huaiyuan.

"That's good, then we'll let it go..." Ding Qinghe said with a smile, a little embarrassed seeing that he had accidentally offended Old Man Tianquan.

Before he finished speaking, Fang Shibo's eyebrows suddenly flashed brightly, and a talisman quickly enlarged, blasting towards the back of old man Tianquan like thousands of meteors.

"Senior Tianquan!" Ding Qinghe exclaimed.

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