My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 920 Failed to Pretend to Beep Three Times

"I've already said that there will never be any accidents this time. It will take at most fifteen minutes for Palace Master Fang to wake up. Just wait patiently!" Old Tianquan turned his back to him, not noticing any movement at all, thinking that Ding Qinghe still refused to believe himself, he flicked his sleeves violently, and said angrily.

After he finished speaking, he realized that Qiu Mingxuan's eyes were staring, and his face turned pale.

"What's wrong?" Old Man Tianquan asked subconsciously.

Behind him, Ding Qinghe and others closed their eyes at the same time.

"Master, again, again..." Qiu Mingxuan's eyes widened, but before he could finish speaking, a piece of rune that looked like thousands of meteors had already smashed heavily on the back of Old Man Tianquan.

"Bah!" Elder Tianquan was unprepared, as if thrown by a trebuchet, he slammed into the wall again. But this time it's not the back, but the front.

When Ding Qinghe and others opened their eyes, they saw old man Tianquan sliding down the wall slowly, leaving a large humanoid imprint on the wall.

"Master!" Qiu Mingxuan let out a mournful cry, and rushed forward to help Old Man Tianquan.

As expected, he is one of the strongest powerhouses in Tianji Continent, and his strength is really good. He was slapped against the wall so hard, but he was not seriously injured, but his nose was flushed red like a rosacea, and the two nosebleeds also gradually disappeared. Gushing out, Qiu Mingxuan quickly took out the handkerchief and handed it over.

"Senior Tianquan, are you alright?" Ding Qinghe wanted to laugh when he saw Old Man Tianquan's red, distilled nose, but he couldn't laugh when he thought of the Lord Hall Master and Elder Xie whose life and death were uncertain.

Xie Youran, Fang Tianyou and the others also looked at Old Man Tianquan with doubts in their eyes: Is this old man really capable? It's fine if he can't cure Lord Hall Master and Elder Xie, but don't kill them.

"It's okay, it's okay, I was careless for a while, I was careless." Old man Tianquan said vaguely while wiping his nosebleed. It's really embarrassing to boast about Haikou just now, and to be photographed on the wall in a blink of an eye.

Sensing the suspicious gazes of Xie Youran and others, old man Tianquan felt his old face burning hot, as if he had been slapped hard on his face several times, without saying anything, he threw the handkerchief to Qiu Mingxuan, and walked to Fang Shibo in a few steps Next to him, he made his fingerprints again.

After successive setbacks, he was obviously a little flustered. Gu Fenghua could tell that his handprints were obviously not as good as the previous two, and there were obvious sluggishness in many places, but in the end it was finally over.

As the seal continued to condense and finally poured into Fang Shibo's eyebrows, old man Tianquan secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Senior Tianquan, nothing will happen this time..." Ding Qinghe asked worriedly. After failing twice in a row, he really doubted Old Man Tianquan's strength.

Before he finished speaking, Ding Qinghe's eyes suddenly widened. I saw a piece of runes shining, and once again bombarded Old Man Tianquan like a flying fire meteor. Well, there is no need to continue asking, the facts are right in front of you.

"Crack!" Amidst the crisp sound, Old Man Tianquan was slapped against the wall again.

This Tianji Six Dharma Seal not only exhausted the holy energy, but also exhausted the mind. He was exhausted after performing three times in a row, and he suffered internal injuries the first two times, but he just suppressed it for the sake of face. Bombarded by that sigil, there was no strength to resist it.

Bursts of severe pain rushed into my mind, as if the bones in my body were shattered, as if my internal organs had been torn apart, blood gurgled out from the nostrils, and a line of blood gushed out from the forehead.

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