My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 930 I just don't like you

Luo Enen and the others also thought of Lin Hanyi's tragic injury, and their eyes were full of anger.

Qiu Mingxuan also thought of the bones that had pierced his body, and shivered coldly, and was speechless, unable to utter a single word.

"Slap." Just when he was in a daze, Gu Fenghua slapped him again, and sent him flying, and several teeth flew out.

"This slap was given to you on behalf of the Ninth Prince. If you hadn't fled without a fight, he wouldn't have needed to go on the field in person. With his cultivation, he would have been sent to death. Did you know that he used the Nine Breaks of the Nine Breaks?" , How much risk did you take, and you almost lost your life.

The Hanxuan Moyang sword passed down from generation to generation by the Xinghua royal family is on your body, why don't you dare to let it go and fight? Even if you want to escape, you should keep this sword. Do you do this to the Ninth Prince? Your Majesty Do you trust me? "Before Qiu Mingxuan stood up, Gu Fenghua continued to curse.

Qiu Mingxuan touched his red and swollen cheeks, stood up slowly, still speechless.

Speaking of the Hanxuan Moyang Sword, he actually regretted it a bit. Even if he wanted to escape, he should have kept the sword, but he was really terrified at the time, how could he think of so much.

Han Xuan Mo Yang Sword? Old man Tianquan frowned, but he didn't know that Qiu Mingxuan still carried the ancestral treasure of the Xinghua royal family on him.

Gu Fenghua's words are correct, no matter what reason Qiu Mingxuan gave up the competition, he should not have taken the Hanxuan Moyang Sword. Could it be that what Qiu Mingxuan told himself earlier was not the truth?

Originally seeing Gu Fenghua slapping Qiu Mingxuan painfully in front of his face, he thought she was too arrogant, too disrespectful to him, and wanted to dissuade him, but at this moment he was suspicious, so he endured it.

Before Qiu Mingxuan could stand firm, Gu Fenghua moved his feet and slapped him away again.

"This palm is given to you for Xinghua's hundreds of millions of people. Don't you know that if we are defeated, the Xinghua Congress will be in decline in a hundred years? How many people will be displaced and how many people will not be able to eat because of it?" Wrap your belly, are you worthy of your conscience?" Gu Fenghua's scolding voice rang in his ears again.

Every sentence of reprimand pierced his heart like a sharp knife, and Qiu Mingxuan had no way to refute it.

"Slap." Before he could stand up completely, another loud slap landed on his face. But this time it wasn't Gu Fenghua who made the shot, but Lonen.

"Who is it for this time?" Qiu Mingxuan asked in a daze.

"It's not for anyone, it's because you don't like it." After finishing speaking, Luo Enen flew out again, kicking Qiu Mingxuan.

Uh, is that a good reason too? Xie Youran and the others wiped their foreheads at the same time.

"I didn't want to argue with you at first, but you still dare to jump out by yourself, and even dare the wicked to sue first. We have tolerated you for a long time." Seeing this, Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse also rushed forward, facing Qiu Mingxuan There were punches and kicks.

If it was the past, with the strength of the three of them, they might not be able to do anything to Qiu Mingxuan, but now that they have all been promoted to the realm of soul sages, how can Qiu Mingxuan stand against three with one enemy?

Soon, Qiu Mingxuan's screams of ghosts and wolves were heard from Shengjia Peak. The scream echoed in the mountains for a long time, and everyone who heard it looked sideways, expressing deep sympathy to the owner of the scream.

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