However, Gu Fenghua's expression was as calm as water, without any sympathy. If they hadn't won the Shifang Grand Ceremony in the end, Qiu Mingxuan's actions would not be a pity to die, and suffering such a little bit of suffering would only be the punishment he deserved.

When Luo Enen and the others finally stopped, Qiu Mingxuan had already had a bruised nose, swollen face, and bruises all over his body. If he hadn't seen him a long time ago, no one would have recognized who this pig head was.

Qiu Mingxuan stood up tremblingly, looked at Gu Fenghua, there was no hatred in his eyes, only emptiness and bewilderment, he didn't know if he was beaten stupid or what.

"Let's go." Gu Fenghua waved his hand and said to Qiu Mingxuan.

Although Qiu Mingxuan fled in the Shifang Grand Ceremony, they still won in the end and the Ninth Prince was safe and sound, so no matter how much she despised or loathed Qiu Mingxuan, there was no need to put him to death.

Besides, being expelled from the school by old man Tianquan, there is no place for him in the world. For Qiu Mingxuan, such a result is more cruel than killing him, so why should she bother.

Qiu Mingxuan turned around with a blank expression, and staggered out of the hall.

Old Man Tianquan walked down the mountain with him without saying a word.

"What's going on with the Shifang Grand Ceremony?" Elder Tianquan couldn't help asking when he came halfway up the mountain.

Although he was a bit extreme and arrogant, but as the saying goes, people are old and smart, and their brains are not stupid. Earlier, seeing Qiu Mingxuan being slapped and scolded by Gu Fenghua several times, but he was ashamed and speechless, and he had already become suspicious.

"Master, I was wrong. I shouldn't have lied to you old man. I was wrong." Qiu Mingxuan's whole body was shaken, and he knelt down suddenly, crying bitterly.

Perhaps it was because of the utter despair of being expelled from the teacher's school by the old man Tianquan, or because he was completely awakened by Gu Fenghua's slaps, Qiu Mingxuan did not continue to hide it. Of course, the matter has come to this point, and he has no need to hide it.

Although Qiu Mingxuan didn't go into details, how could the old man Tianquan not understand what was going on, his face was livid with anger, and he raised his hand abruptly, but seeing the bruises and blood stains on Qiu Mingxuan's face, this slap never stopped. No fan out. Finally, with a long sigh, he floated away.

To Qiu Mingxuan, he was completely disappointed, and he didn't even want to look at him again.

"Master..." Seeing the heartless background of old man Tianquan, Qiu Mingxuan let out a heart-piercing cry of grief, and burst into tears again.

There is remorse in the tears, but unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in this world, everyone must pay the price for what they have done, and he is no exception.

He knew that he was finished, completely finished.


"Fenghua, you should keep this sword." Luo Enen took out a long sword and handed it to Gu Fenghua.

"This is?" Gu Fenghua gave her a strange look.

"What Qiu Mingxuan gave me back should be the Hanxuan Moyang Sword." Luo Enen replied.

Gu Fenghua pulled out the long sword, only to see that the sword body was pitch black, releasing a dense chill, which was strange. There seemed to be a scorching hot air in the sword body, one cold and one hot, two completely different breaths It was so harmoniously gathered in one sword.

The blade of the sword is as thin as a cicada's wings blown hair, but it is extremely tough. Two small characters are engraved on the bottom of the blade: Mo Yang.

As expected, Luo Enen was right. This is the ancestral sword of the Xinghua royal family: Xuanhan Moyang Sword, and it is also one of the top ten famous swords in Tianji Continent.

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