"When did he return it to you? Why didn't I see it?" Gu Fenghua asked. Just now, I only saw Qiu Mingxuan rolled all over the ground by Luo Enen and the others, nothing but wailing, but I didn't see when he returned the sword to Luo Enen.

"Well, I think he feels guilty. He must be embarrassed to carry this sword again. He will definitely hand it back to us, so he took it before he asked. Am I being considerate?" Lorne En raised her head and said very narcissistically.

Gu Fenghua wiped his forehead, well, it's obviously a robbery, but he said it so fresh and refined, Miss Luo's face is getting thicker and thicker.

Gu Fenghua put the Hanxuan Moyang Sword into the storage space. It was originally an ancestral treasure of the Xinghua royal family. It was temporarily lent to Qiu Mingxuan for the Shifang Grand Ceremony. It's a pity that this useless man fled with such a sword. When I return to Xinghua next time, it will be returned to the original owner.

"By the way, what kind of magical weapon did Lord Hall Master and Elder Xie get injured by?" Luo Enen asked curiously again.

"I don't know, I'll ask them later when they wake up." Gu Fenghua shook his head.

Although she dissipated the power of the magic weapon and saved Fang Shibo and Xie Huaiyuan, in the final analysis, it was all due to the cheapness. Gu Fenghua still had no clue about the power of the magic weapon, and it was impossible to infer from it. What magic weapon was it that injured Fang Shibo and Xie Huaiyuan?

"Can't you guess it too?" Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse all looked at Gu Fenghua in surprise.

"Actually, I was able to save Lord Hall Master and Elder Xie thanks to Jianjian's help." Gu Fenghua didn't hide anything, and simply told what happened just now.

After listening to it, Luo Enen and the others were filled with emotion. Although they already knew that Jianjian had the blood of the ancient demon-planting emperor, they never expected that it would have evolved such a god-defying supernatural power, even the power of a magic weapon. devour.

"Then ask it and see if it knows?" Lornen said excitedly, Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse were also curious.

Although Gu Fenghua felt that most of them would not be able to answer, but seeing how curious they were, he still tried to ask.

"How, what did it say?" Lornen urged impatiently.

"It says that the taste is strong, pure and spicy, with endless aftertaste." Gu Fenghua said expressionlessly.

"The taste is strong, pure and spicy, what is this?" Ye Wuse repeated with a puzzled expression.

"I know what it is, it's noodles, hand-rolled noodles." Luo Enen's eyes lit up.

"Spicy oily noodles." Fatty Bai added in time, and swallowed by the way.

Gu Fenghua wiped his forehead again, and sure enough, the foodie world is interconnected, exactly as she thought.

"Forget it, let's wait for Lord Hall Master and Elder Xie to wake up before asking." Gu Fenghua said. It was too sudden at that time, Ding Qinghe and Gao Yangbo were pushed away by Elder Xie, and they didn't see clearly what magic weapon that man was using. Only Fang Shibo and Xie Huaiyuan might know the truth.

At nightfall, Fang Shibo and Xie Huaiyuan woke up again. Although they had just recovered from their injuries, they rested for a long time after taking the Tianming Shenghuan Dan, and both of them were in good spirits.

"My lord, Elder Xie, who exactly was the person who broke into my Xinghua Temple that day, and what magic weapon was used?" Ding Qinghe had been thinking about this question for a long time, and asked urgently without a few words of greeting. road.

Both Fang Shibo and Xie Huaiyuan fell silent, showing expressions of thought.

"Everyone else goes out, the two elders stay, Feng Hua, you guys also stay." After a while, Fang Shibo said.

"Tianyou and Youran should stay too." Xie Huaiyuan added.

Except for the few people they pointed out, everyone else was ordered to leave. In fact, as early as the beginning of the injury of the Hall Master and the Elder, they had already guessed that this matter was not simple. With the strength of the Hall Master and Elder Xie, how could ordinary people hurt them? Obviously, not everyone can get involved in this matter.

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