Of course, he knows the power of the Qiankun Yin-Yang Mirror. Although the power of the magic weapon can erode the root of the Holy Spirit, it itself comes from the Yin-Yang energy of the heaven and earth, and it is not heretic. Unless Su Muyun uses the Yin-Yang realm of the Qiankun again, otherwise Even he couldn't think of a good cure. How did Fang Shibo heal from his injury?

"It is said that Gu Fenghua cured his injury." Liang Ruolan said.

"How is this possible? Isn't she already dead?" Su Muyun said in disbelief.

"There is another piece of news that Tang Jixing died. Although the body was not found, the fate card has been broken. His body must be smashed to pieces. There is no place to bury him." Liang Ruolan continued, with a sneer in his eyes.

Su Muyun had just sworn that Fang Shibo and Gu Fenghua would surely die, and soon such news came, and it would be interesting to see how she would explain to Master.

Su Muyun was completely stunned. She never thought that Tang Jixing's action would have such a result.

"Junior Sister, accidents can happen to anything in this world. How can you rush to report to Master when you haven't settled down yet? You still lack some experience, and your actions are not safe enough." Liang Ruolan said, as if comforting, but actually But it is sowing discord.

"Master, the disciple is reckless. I'll go back and kill Gu Fenghua." Of course Su Muyun could hear the provocative meaning in her words, but he didn't have the time to get angry with her, but said with a face of shame.

When she said this, there was finally some hatred in her eyes. Gu Fenghua, Gu Fenghua again, did not say bad things three times, and this time made her lose face in front of her master. If she had known this earlier, she should have killed Gu Fenghua at all costs.

"Forget it, let's let this matter go for the time being, let her go first, and then discuss it in the future." The old man seemed a little disappointed, but when Liang Ruolan was even more angry, he still didn't reprimand Su Muyun, but said lightly.

"If we let her go like this, how will we deal with the Xinghua Temple? Why don't I go to the Tianji Continent again?" Liang Ruolan said in a puzzled and unwilling manner.

"Let's put aside the matter of the Xinghua Temple first." The old man said.

This time, not only Liang Ruolan, but also Su Muyun's eyes were puzzled. You must know that Master Master has put a lot of effort into the matter of Xinghua Temple, why did he give up so easily?

"The Promise Trial is about to begin, and many eyes are fixed on the Tianji Continent. At this time, it is absolutely impossible not to cause problems." The old man said.

Both Liang Ruolan and Su Muyun were slightly startled, and then suddenly realized.

Every few hundred years, Wuji Holy Heaven will hold a trial to select qualified saint masters from the Tianji Continent to go to Wuji Holy Heaven. This trial is also called the Levelless Trial.

At that time, Wuji Shengtian doesn't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at Tianji Continent. If they make a move rashly, they will show their clues if they are not careful.

"Also, it seems that some people have doubted us, let alone act rashly." The old man's subsequent words made Su Muyun and Liang Ruolan feel even more uneasy, and they didn't dare to say anything more.

"This Promise Trial will be organized by Lord Wuding's emissary, Mu Yun, when the time comes, you will also help to monitor it, so it should be more experience." The old man continued.

"Yes, Master." Su Muyun bowed in response.

But secretly thought in his heart: With Gu Fenghua's talent and strength, he will most likely be selected to participate in the Wuji Trial, so he can just take this opportunity to get rid of her to vent his hatred.

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