Liang Ruolan's eyes showed unconcealable jealousy and resentment. Su Muyun's trip to the Tianji Continent this time was more than a success than a failure. However, Master Shizun didn't reprimand her, and instead sent her to the Wuji Trial Carrying out the experience, she was so eccentric that she even wondered if Su Muyun was his illegitimate daughter.

Of course, this idea is just thinking about it in her heart, she dare not say it, no matter how much jealousy, no matter how much resentment, it can only be suppressed in her heart.


Unknowingly, it took a month to go. Although Gu Fenghua and the others practiced with all their strength, they did not make much progress in their cultivation.

Of course, this is normal, no matter how abundant the aura of heaven and earth in Mount Jialuo is, after all, there is only one month. If they really rely on one month of practice to make rapid progress, it is unreasonable.

You must know that Fang Shibo and others have stayed in Jialuo Mountain for hundreds of years, and Ding Qinghe, who has the longest life span, has even practiced for nearly a thousand years, and now he is only in the realm of Xuansheng. If they really have such a fast cultivation speed , others might as well find a big tree with a crooked neck and hang them.

Gu Fenghua is not in a hurry, anyway, in a few months, he will be able to use the jade liquid stone again. Once he enters the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man, are he afraid that his cultivation will not improve?

In addition to practicing, Gu Fenghua pondered over the art of refining weapons.

According to Qin Yuan'an, her Yaomu cauldron is not just as simple as a pill furnace, it is likely to be an extremely powerful attack or defense magic weapon. If it can be fully refined, her combat power will increase by many times. It is much better than step-by-step practice.

It's a pity that although she has practiced the technique of refining weapons since she was a child, she has a very solid foundation, but she has never learned too advanced techniques of refining weapons. In Gu Fenghua's opinion, it is not much better than the art of refining weapons taught by his brothers, and it is obviously not enough to temper the Yaolin Ding.

Gu Fenghua tried again and again and did not know how many times, but he still got nothing.

"Fenghua, I think you should stop wasting your efforts in vain. With Xinghua Temple's refining technique, you can't refine this alchemy furnace well." When Gu Fenghua failed again and had no choice but to give up, Lorn entrusted said the jaw.

Her cultivation has reached a bottleneck, and what she lacks now is an opportunity for a breakthrough, so she is no longer in a hurry to practice these few days, but relaxes and finds a way to find an opportunity for a breakthrough.

In fact, Gu Fenghua could blow her up a few more times to help her forcefully break through, but considering that the cultivation bases of the few of them had improved too quickly a while ago, the meridians of their bodies could not keep up with the improvement in cultivation bases, so they did not overthrow the growth.

"I also know that Xinghua Temple's art of refining weapons is still a bit weak, but where can I find better techniques of refining weapons." Of course, Gu Fenghua also understood that Luo Enen's words were right, but he was still a little unwilling .

This feeling, as if there is a golden mountain in front of you, but you can't take any of it away, so aggrieved and depressed.

"Wuji Shengtian." Luo Enen blurted out without thinking.

"Nonsense." Gu Fenghua gave Lonen a blank look.

As long as the brain is not in the water, everyone knows that you can definitely find a more advanced art of refining in Wuji Shengtian, but the question is where is Wuji Shengtian, can you go there?

"By the way, according to what Uncle Qin said, Senior Gui Yezi should still be alive. As long as he is found, there is a solution?" Luo Enen also knew that he had just said something nonsense, so he thought about it and said again.

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