Taking a deep breath, Gu Fenghua continued to chase after her. Seeing that she refused to summon the two brats out, Luo Enen guessed her intentions and could only continue to follow panting.

Two people and one rabbit just chased each other like this, and before they knew it, a few days and nights passed. The little jade rabbit purely teased Gu Fenghua and the two of them, and never put too much distance between them, so they didn't lose track even at night, and of course they couldn't catch them.

Following the little jade rabbit closely, the two turned a corner of the mountain and stopped suddenly.

There is a sparse grove in front of you, and you can see all the scenes at a glance, but the figure of the little jade rabbit is missing.

"Huh, where did you go?" Luo Enen could finally take a breath, bent over, and looked around while clutching his stomach. Running all the way down really exhausted her. If she hadn't been so angry with the damn rabbit and came up with all her strength, she didn't know how she could persist in chasing him until now.

"Have you noticed that there seems to be something wrong here?" Gu Fenghua did not answer her question, but said with a strange expression.

"What's wrong?" Lonen looked puzzled and continued to look around.

"Have you noticed that the aura of heaven and earth here is much weaker, and the restriction seems to have disappeared?" Gu Fenghua said.

Only then did Luo Enen feel it carefully, and sure enough, as Gu Fenghua said, the aura of the surrounding world was much thinner, and he could no longer feel the space restriction of Biluogu.

"We've already left the Biluo Valley?" Luo Enen said in surprise.

"It's not only out of Biluo Valley, but also in Jialuo Mountain." Gu Fenghua said. The spiritual energy of the surrounding world is too thin, as long as it is still within the range of Mount Jialuo, it should never be like this.

"How is this possible?" Lonen's eyes widened.

Both Biluo Valley and Jialuo Mountain have space restrictions, and they can't go in and out freely without going through the formation. They even passed through the restrictions unintentionally.

"I think it should be because of that jade rabbit." Gu Fenghua thought about it. With their abilities, it is impossible for them to pass through the restriction easily. Even if they can barely do it, there will definitely be a lot of noise, and they will never be so silent that they don't even notice it.

Then, the only possibility is that the jade rabbit can break through the restriction and bring them out by the way.

"What a powerful rabbit!" Lorn couldn't help but exclaimed.

At first, I thought that the little jade rabbit was just extremely fast, but I didn't expect it to have this ability to break through the restriction silently.

Obviously, this monster was many times stronger than they imagined, so Miss Luo's desire to catch the rabbit became even stronger.

"Yeah, I never thought that a rabbit could become such a powerful monster." Of course, Gu Fenghua was even more tempted by such a cute and powerful monster.

However, it was obvious that Miss Luo's reason for being tempted was not exactly the same as hers, because after sighing, Luo Enen immediately added, "It's so powerful, the taste must be very good."

Ignoring this prodigal girl who only eats and buys in her mind, Gu Fenghua continued to search.

It's a pity that the eyes of the two quickly swept across the entire forest, but they didn't find the little jade rabbit again. Unwilling to give up at this point, the two walked into the sparse grove again, ready to dig three feet into the ground.

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