My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 944 What are you doing climbing so high?

"I don't believe it can fly into the sky." While looking for it, Luo Enen raised his head and said unwillingly.

As soon as the words fell, Lonen was stunned again. On the back of a towering giant tree that was as thick as several people hugged, a belt was hanging on the tree branch thirty feet above the ground. Her eyes moved down the belt, and finally stopped on a young man.

This young man was about twenty-one or twenty-two years old, and his appearance was probably fairly handsome. The reason why I say probably is because he is lying on the ground with his right face on the ground in a strange posture, and his face is deformed and distorted due to being squeezed. A gray coarse cloth gown was loosely draped over his body, with cracks showing in many places, and he was not wearing a belt.

No need to guess, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen can also think that his belt is the one hanging on the tree, and the crack marks on the clothes, of course, were hung on the branch when it fell, and to put it more clearly, it is this The guy fell from a tree branch more than thirty feet high.

"Why is he climbing so high?" Gu Fenghua looked up at the treetops and said casually.

"Needless to say, of course he hanged himself." Luo Enen said with experience. As far as hanging itself is concerned, who can be more experienced than Miss Luo who used to hang herself three times a day.

Once you see the belt hanging on the tree branch, and look at the position where the person landed, you can guess that the person must have wanted to hang himself, but fell to the ground because the belt was not strong enough.

While speaking, Lonen turned the person over, sniffed, and said sympathetically, "I'm out of breath."

Gu Fenghua also stretched out his hand to feel for it, but there was indeed no breath at all, and he felt for the pulse again, but there was no movement at all, it was obvious that he couldn't die anymore. In fact, it's no wonder that if you choose to hang yourself from such a tall tree, even if you can't hang yourself, you will have to fall to your death.

But then again, since you want to die, it's natural to die as safely as possible. Miss Luo's three times a day of looking for life and death is a waste of Bai Ling.

"I don't know what I can't take care of, can't I just live well, I have to seek death." Luo Enen shook his head and said. As a fellow who has "died" countless times, she deeply sympathizes with what happened to this young man.

"It's pitiful to see him, why don't we do something good and bury him." Gu Fenghua said.

Seeing that this young man was young and extremely handsome, but passed away so tragically, Gu Fenghua guessed that he must have had a bleak life experience and encountered some difficulties that he could not overcome, otherwise he would never choose to end his life in this way , so she felt a bit of compassion in her heart.

"Okay." Luo Enen was already full of sympathy for this extremely unlucky young man, and he couldn't bear to think of his corpse being exposed in the wilderness like this, so of course he would not object.

Anyway, the little jade rabbit had already disappeared without a trace, and the two continued to search out of unwillingness, without any hope, so they simply threw it aside and buried the corpse first.

The young man fell so badly that he even made a dent in the ground. Gu Fenghua and the others didn't bother to find another place, so they first lifted the body to the side and dug it on the spot.

With the current cultivation base of the two of them, digging a dirt pit is of course effortless, and soon, there will be an extra dirt pit under the tree. Turning around and lifting the young man's body, the two were ready to bury it.

"What are you doing?" At this moment, the corpse suddenly opened its eyes and asked blankly.

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