He knows Gu Fenghua and the others well. Although their cultivation is not too strong, they have been tempered. When it comes to wit and adaptability, they are far better than ordinary people. After going to the Nether Sand Sea, they still have some self-protection power, but My own precious son was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, and he still looks like a child who hasn't grown up at this age. What is he going to do, is he going to die?

"Father, I know that I have let you down and shamed you all these years. This time, I must participate in the Promise Trial. I want to prove to everyone that I, Fang Tianyou, are not useless." Without waiting for him After saying the words of persuasion, Fang Tianyou clenched his fists and said.

Seeing his firm gaze, Fang Shibo was both touched and relieved in his heart. He couldn't say a word of what he wanted to persuade.

"If that's the case, then go. It's just that you have too little experience. I'm still not at ease if you go like this. Unless you promise me, you will listen to Fenghua in everything in the Nether Sand Sea. Seeing her is like seeing me. You must not violate it in the slightest." .” Fang Shibo finally agreed, but put forward conditions.

"Yes, Father!" Fang Tianyou nodded emphatically.

"Since we have to go, pack up and leave as soon as possible." Fang Shibo said.

Xia Qingfan only gave Gu Fenghua and the others a month, since they have already decided to go, there is no need to delay any longer.

"By the way, where is the ancient city of Mingsha?" Gu Fenghua asked this question again.

Several people in Fang Shibo talked about it, but they only talked about the origin of the ancient city of Mingsha, but they still didn't mention the specific location.

"You inject holy energy into the jade tablet." Ding Qinghe said.

Gu Fenghua poured holy energy into the jade tablet according to his words, a strange light flickered in front of his eyes, and a map appeared in front of him out of nowhere.

Unexpectedly, there is such a mystery in such a small jade card. Gu Fenghua and the others were amazed at Wuji Shengtian's art of refining weapons.

Not long after, Gu Fenghua and the others memorized the map, and after a brief tidying up, they bid farewell to Fang Shibo and the others, and rushed to Mingsha Ancient City as soon as possible.

Because the Promise Trial should not be publicized, Xinghua Temple did not see them off with great fanfare this time, only the Hall Master and the three elders personally sent them outside Yaoshan Town.

"Fenghua, Tianyou will teach you." Fang Shibo said to Gu Fenghua with some reluctance.

"Youran is also handed over to you. If he refuses to accept discipline, you can beat him up if you want, even if you want to deal with him." Xie Huaiyuan also said.

Although Xie Youran is much better than Fang Tianyou, he still lacks experience, and he can only rest assured if he is handed over to Gu Fenghua.

"Don't worry, Uncle, don't worry, Elder Xie, I will take good care of them." Gu Fenghua said.

In fact, both Xie Youran and Fang Tianyou's strengths are good. Seriously speaking, their cultivation base is actually a bit higher than that of Luo Enen. The only thing they lack is their experience, so she doesn't think it is cumbersome.

After finishing speaking, several people stepped into the carriage specially prepared by Fang Shibo for them.

"By the way, you're leaving this time, aren't you going to give me something else?" Fang Shibo jokingly said.

"Oh, sir, don't tell me, I haven't remembered it yet. I bought a lot of good things when I went to Guanghua country this time. Sir, see if you like it and take it. Take it as my filial piety." Luo Enen slapped her head and said.

"I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding." Fang Shibo's face changed drastically when he saw Lonen take out a hemp bag from the space bracelet. He was just joking casually, but who knew Lonen took it seriously.

The first two times he accepted the filial piety from several people, but he was so angry that he didn't get a good night's sleep for a long time. For him, it was a nightmare.

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