My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 955 That's His Only Chance

"Hahahaha..." Seeing the drastic change in Uncle's expression, Gu Fenghua and Ye Wuse couldn't help laughing.

The carriage drove a long way, and their brisk laughter still echoed in my ears.

Seeing the carriage gradually shrinking in sight and finally disappearing, Fang Shibo and the others also showed warm smiles on their faces.

"May you all return safely." Fang Shibo whispered blessings to the distance.

"May you return safely." Several elders also murmured blessings softly afterward.

The soft voice contained the deepest blessings and hopes.

At the same time that Gu Fenghua and his party left Xinghua Temple and headed for Mingsha Ancient City, a young man in Guanghua Temple also packed his bags and prepared to leave.

His figure was extremely tall and straight, his face was originally heroic, but he was somewhat lonely. It was Luo Changfeng who had been seriously injured by Gu Fenghua.

"Changfeng, have you really made up your mind? The Nether Sand Sea is the number one Jedi in my Tianji Continent. I don't know how many top masters have died in it since ancient times. You are still young. With your talent, as long as you practice diligently, you will be promoted." Profound Sage is only a matter of time, and it is not impossible to even reach the Heavenly Sacred Realm, so why take risks in the Netherworld Sand Sea?" Yue Gushan, the master of Xinghua Temple, said with a worried expression.

He has taken in two disciples in his life, one is Luo Changfeng and the other is Feng Qingyue. Both of these two are leaders among the younger generation, geniuses among geniuses, when he accepted these two disciples, he aroused the envy of many people.

It's a pity that these two people were defeated by Gu Fenghua one after another. Because of the serious injuries of the latter, he is now a cripple. Only Luo Changfeng recovered from his injuries under Su Muyun's treatment. He really didn't want to see the only one What happened to the genius disciple again?

"Master, I have already thought about it. Even if I reach the realm of Profound Sage or even Heavenly Sage one day, I will never have the opportunity to take revenge. Shame on the blood." Luo Changfeng gritted his teeth and said with absolute determination.

No one knows Gu Fenghua's horror better than him. He can be completely defeated at the age of less than ten or twenty years old, and his cultivation base is almost destroyed. Elder Yun Gu was seriously injured whether it was because of his madness or some other reason. Even Elder Tianquan was helpless, but in the end it was Gu Fenghua who rescued them and cured their injuries.

At such an age, such strength, and such medical skills, even Luo Changfeng feels inferior.

He can step by step advance to the realm of Profound Sage, and even reach the realm of Heavenly Sacredness that even his master can't reach, can't Gu Fenghua do it?

He didn't even dare to imagine how high Gu Fenghua could reach in the future. If he practiced step by step like this, he would never be able to catch up with her, and he would never have the chance to take revenge. If he wanted revenge, he had to go to Wuji Shengtian, and that was his only chance.

"Is revenge and blood hatred really that important to you?" Yue Gushan smiled wryly, suddenly feeling a little regretful.

If he had known this would be the result, he shouldn't have agreed to Su Muyun's request at all. After all, this is the Tianji Continent, even if she is powerful in Wuji Shengtian, there is still nothing she can do about herself.

This is great, the Xinghua Temple is still as stable as Mount Tai, Fang Shibo is safe and sound, but Su Muyun himself returned to the Wuji Holy Heaven, but he didn't eat any mutton, and instead caused a commotion. One disciple's cultivation base was completely useless, and the other disciple was also deeply enmity and embarked on a road of no return.

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