My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 986 This old guy must belong to a fox

"By the way, I've been putting the Yaomu cauldron on the storage bracelet, and the storage bracelet is completely closed. You can't breathe. How did you survive until now?" Gu Fenghua suddenly thought of a question and asked curiously.

Although the Yaomu cauldron is probably connected to the outside world, but it is in a completely enclosed storage space without air, so it is reasonable to say that Gui Yezi must die.

"Who said I can't breathe, have you forgotten how the spirit of the Yaomu tripod's artifact came from?" Gui Yezi said with some unfinished taste after eating the last bite of sweet-scented osmanthus crisps.

"You mean, relying on the spirit of the Yaozhi tree of the Yaohun wood, this artifact space can provide breathing energy?" Gu Fenghua said in surprise. The so-called breathing air, that is, air, is just called differently.

"Yes, a child can be taught. As far as I know, there has never been such a magic weapon in the world! Only I, Gui Yezi, can make it, hahahaha!" Gui Yezi said with some pride.

Although his Qiqiaolinglong Pagoda can allow people to hide in it and survive thousands of years, that is because the Qiqiaolinglong Tower is not isolated from the outside world. If it is thrown into an independent space like a storage bracelet, he will Already dead. As for the magic weapon like Yaomu Ding, which has the same independent space, but can generate vitality by itself, it has never been seen or heard since ancient times.

As a master craftsman, of course he couldn't help being proud.

"If it wasn't for the coincidence that the demon wood exploded itself, and the two magic weapons were forced to merge into one, the magic weapon for making farts? It's just a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse. What's there to be proud of?" Gui Yezi's complacency, Gu Fenghua was quite disapproving, and said secretly in his heart.

"Do you still want to eat it? I still have it here." Seeing that he was still unsatisfied after eating the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, Gu Fenghua took out another box of chestnut cake.

"No need, I've almost eaten enough." Gui Yezi remained vigilant against Gu Fenghua, offering courteousness for nothing, neither adultery nor robbery.

"Eat something, this is a gift from me, it has nothing to do with the art of refining weapons." Gu Fenghua said enthusiastically.

"Little girl, do you want me to be addicted to eating, and then in order to satisfy this appetite, you have to teach me all the skills of refining weapons?" Gui Zhizi said with a chuckle.

This old guy must belong to a fox, and he can't hide anything from him, Gu Fenghua cursed again.

"Good intentions are not rewarded. If you don't eat, you will be hungry. I will eat by myself." Although Gui Yezi saw through his thoughts again, Gu Fenghua didn't feel embarrassed at all, and directly threw the chestnut cake into his mouth, and finished eating He also recalled, "It's really delicious, but it's a pity that it's too far away from Xinghua Country. I don't know how long I'll have to wait until I want to eat such delicious food."

Vaguely, Gui Yezi swallowed again. Gu Fenghua secretly laughed in his heart: let you hold on, let me see how long you can hold on.

"Aren't you going to learn the art of refining weapons? Do you still want to learn it?" Gui Yezi said in a bad tone.

"Learn, learn now." Seeing that Gui Yezi lost his temper so quickly and became angry from embarrassment, Gu Fenghua almost laughed out loud.

Although such abundant and pure heaven and earth spiritual energy is not used to cultivate properly, it would be a waste to practice any art of refining, but a generation of master craftsmen like Gui Yezi is even more rare than heaven and earth spiritual energy, and this opportunity should not be missed.

"The way of refining weapons is usually divided into six schools, eight methods and twelve classics. There are many schools of refining weapons in the world, and thousands of sub-categories are derived from them. If you really want to learn them one by one, even if you live to my age Completion.

However, there are only four methods in my art of refining weapons, which are bone forging, shape building, spirit opening, and spirit integration. Each method is divided into seven realms. As long as you practice diligently, the most important thing is to learn With my true biography, I can refine a peerless artifact like me. "When mentioning his art of refining weapons, Gui Yezi was full of pride, and by the way, he emphasized his own true inheritance, and implicitly reminded Gu Fenghua of the condition.

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