What are you proud of? It's obviously a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. Gu Fenghua cursed again.

"Today we will start with the first level of bone forging. The bone is the root of the weapon..." Gui Yezi did not hesitate, and began to explain.

Gu Fenghua listened attentively, and at the same time practiced in his heart. Time is precious, and she pointed to relying on this spirit-gathering formation to practice well and improve her strength before the trial began, of course she didn't want to waste it.

While Gu Fenghua was concentrating on learning the art of refining weapons, Tang Junhou's banquet for Gong Yuanhong in the private seat on the second floor of the inn dining hall also came to an end.

"It's getting late, you guys have to participate in the trial in a few days, go back to practice early." Gong Yuanhong said.

Although Tang Junhou's No. 1 Courtyard in Dizi was not as good as No. 1 Courtyard in Tianzi, it still had plenty of aura. He didn't want Tang Junhou to miss this great opportunity to improve his cultivation.

"Uncle, I will take you home first." Tang Junhou said respectfully. In front of Gong Yuanhong, he didn't dare to put on airs as the young master of the first family in the Southern Tang Dynasty. He did his best in everything, even in front of his father, he had never been so respectful.

"Junhou, I think you have something on your mind." Gong Yuanhong asked with concern.

Gong Yuanhong's real age is actually much older than his face looks. However, he has been cultivating all these years, he is not married, and has no heirs. Tang Junhou is serving his side these days. How filial and filial should he be? How well-behaved, although he looks a bit shabby, but practitioners don't value appearance, so Gong Yuanhong is very satisfied with him, and he really has a bit of uncle and nephew.

He had already discovered that since Gu Fenghua appeared, Tang Junhou had behaved very differently, and after seeing Lu Fangyuan deliberately flattering Gu Fenghua, he was even more depressed and worried.

"To be honest, I have some issues with that Gu Fenghua. The reason why I came to participate in the Promise Trial behind my back this time is because of her." Tang Junhou didn't hide anything, and said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, what's going on?" Gong Yuanhong asked.

"The girl with Gu Fenghua is named Luo Enen. She is the only daughter of the head of the Luo family in Xinghua Kingdom. I came to ask for a marriage a few days ago. It was already settled. Who knows that Gu Fenghua..." Tang Junhou will He detailed the grievances with Gu Fenghua.

"It's unreasonable, it's really unreasonable. As the saying goes, Dao would rather tear down a temple than destroy a relationship. You have a wonderful marriage with Miss Luo, why should she interfere?" Gong Yuanhong was furious when he heard this.

Speaking of which, he was right. One of the most hateful things in this world is to destroy other people's good marriages for no reason. Unfortunately, he forgot one thing. This so-called good marriage is just wishful thinking of Tang Houzi. I think so, and Lonen himself doesn't think so. In the eyes of others, it is simply a flower stuck in cow dung, oh, monkey dung, okay?

"Gu Fenghua not only ruined my marriage, but also embarrassed me in the public hall, humiliated the Tang family, and made me a laughing stock of every family. If I don't take revenge, what kind of face will I, Tang Junhou, live in?" In this world!" Tang Junhou said angrily.

"That's right, a good man should have such blood." Gong Yuanhong praised him.

"It's a pity that although this evil woman has a despicable character, she is really good in talent and strength. After thinking about it, I can only have a chance to avenge my blood hatred if I go to the Promise Holy Heaven. Besides, even if I don't go, she will be very talented." I hope to pass the trial, and by then, I will have no hope of revenge, so I came to participate in the trial with my family behind my back." Tang Junhou looked at Gong Yuanhong expectantly as he spoke. . In this Promise Trial, he actually had no idea in his heart, if Gong Yuanhong was willing to help him, the chances would naturally be much greater.

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