My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 143: Seriously?

"The difficulty of the game? This is a dungeon! Brother Chen really knows how to play."

"666... ​​How many difficulties have been created, and different scenes are arranged in the difficulty?"

"Open up wasteland...don't say anything, just go straight to the difficulty of nightmares and try to clear the level in one go."

After hearing the prompt, a group of second generations were very happy.

This is the first time they have seen this kind of haunted house, it is very interesting, and it is much more awesome than the horror city they thought before.

The death gold has collapsed, it is completely a live online game.

But they are not stupid, they did not directly challenge the highest difficulty, but started playing from the easy mode.

"The difficulty of the game is selected, and the easy mode is turned on."

"In the simple mode, special props cannot be used, and special occupational possession cannot be experienced. The attribute improvement is limited to the inside of the death gold collapse, and cannot be turned into real attributes.

"The simple mode of the death gold self-defeating adventure is turned on, the rule changes are locked, and the game begins.

In an instant, three notification sounds appeared, and then the fire in the entire hall went out and became pitch black.


This change directly startled them.

But everyone has a mobile phone, so they took out their mobile phones immediately and wanted to turn on the flashlight.

But at this time, their mobile phones have become scrap iron and cannot be used at all.

boom boom boom...

In the next second, the deep beating sound of the heart sounded, and every sound seemed to hit everyone's heart, making everyone feel very uncomfortable.

"Anubis, the god of death, bestowed a divinity on the Ai-level king. When the king dies, this divinity will transform the king into a mummy and become the god of mummy, possessing eternal life and immortal priesthood.

However, in order to integrate this divinity, the king must build a Jinzitan, and convert a hundred thousand soldiers loyal to him into mummies, use the Jinzitai to absorb the death power of the underworld, and rely on the power of a hundred thousand mummified soldiers, Integrate the power of death to refine divinity, and finally become the god of mummy.

The king prepared everything before he was alive, but when he died, the plan changed. Jin Ziluo, who was supposed to make the king the god of mummies, became a forbidden place for the living, and all the truth was buried in the long river of history. .

You have found a clue from the ancient historical documents, and you have come to the death gold Zidao, wanting to pursue the truth of the ancient legends.

You came to the death gold Zitan with the key of blood, but you were trapped inside the death gold Zitan. You need to collect three keys to leave the death gold Zitan.

However, ancient curses and legendary creatures wake up at the moment you step into the death zone. If you do not leave the death zone within three days, you will become ghosts in the death zone, and you will never be able to escape. leave`

At this moment, some memory fragments kept appearing in everyone's minds, just like watching a movie, seeing the scene of King Ai level notifying the world in the distant age.

And as the voice sounded in their minds, they saw the projection of the god Anubis, the spectacular scene when the king ordered the construction of the gold collapse, or the terrible scene when a hundred thousand soldiers were buried with mummies.

But in the end, after the death of the king, the flames of war spread all over the Ai-level land, and the death gold block was not opened according to the original plan.

When they wanted to see the truth, the picture disappeared, but instead it was replaced by the fog of history, and all the truth had disappeared.

After the instilled memory scene disappeared and the sound disappeared in the mind, the lights in the hall turned on again.

At the same time, they also saw a key that seemed to be condensed from blood, quietly suspended in front of their eyes.


A group of second generations swallowed their saliva, and the previous cheerful expressions disappeared, but were replaced by panic.

Not to mention Feng Chuang and the others, even the bodyguards around them were stiff at this moment.

"That.....I want to go home, everyone has no objections." A second generation said, breaking the silence.

"Well, I want to go back too." Another second generation nodded immediately.

In an instant, none of the dozen or so people wanted to continue playing, and they all clamored to go home.

Although they knew that this death benefit Zi Zi collapse was not the real death benefit Zi Zi collapse, it was just a house of horrors.

But the scene just now really scared them silly.

"Let's go, we want to go out, then call Brother Chen and ask them to arrange other people to experience it.

Feng Chuang also regretted a little, why did he come to experience it so recklessly, isn't this a brain pit.

bang bang bang...

The Broken Dragon Stone at the entrance of the hall has completely sealed Yinqiu.

So a group of second-generation and bodyguards worked hard for a long time, but they didn't open a gap.

"Or, let's continue playing. According to the rules of the game, as long as we find three keys, we can leave."

After a while, Feng Chuang said helplessly.

A group of second generations looked at each other and nodded helplessly.

What else can they do now? Song can continue to play according to the rules.

"Let's go, let's find the key together. There are so many of us, what are we afraid of? It's just a game."

"That's right. After all, it's just a house of horrors. There's nothing to be afraid of. Even if you encounter anything, it's all pretended by the staff. Don't be afraid."

"By the way, we can go to the staff and let the staff take us out.

Thinking of this, a group of second generations once again ignited hope.

They brought 17 bodyguards, plus 12 of their own, adding up to a group of almost 30 people, so many people playing haunted house together, what are you afraid of.

The reason why I was scared just now is that I have never experienced that kind of situation.

Now calm down, think about it, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Leave the key with me, let's find the key now." Feng Chuang said as he put the blood key in his pocket.

Everyone has nothing to do with it, it's just a game item, and it doesn't matter who puts it in the same hands.

A group of people left the hall and entered the passage leading to the tomb.

"The living who disturb my king's rest will be cursed by the dead. When you walk through this passage, you will be cursed by old age."

After Feng Chuang and his group entered the passage, they saw the bloody writing on the wall.

"It looks like a scary person, which is kind of interesting."

None of the group of people took this passage seriously.

But after a while, they felt something was wrong.

That is, the more they walk, the more tired they become, as if their body (Qian Zhao's) is rusted.

At this time, they realized that they seemed to be getting old.

However, Feng Chuang and the others are not aging directly by dozens of years like the previous expedition team in Jin Zitao.

On average, they are only about ten years old.

But the problem is that their bodies are not in good shape, and their bodies have been emptied by wine, sex and wealth. The reason why they can't feel it now is because they are young and their bodies are in peak condition, so they can bear it.

But suddenly aging ten years old, turning them from the peak of their bodies in their twenties to the downhill stage of their bodies in their thirties, they are like a deflated ball in an instant, useless.

"Is the Curse of Aging Real?",

"Fuck... I'm ten years older!"

"I'm not playing anymore, I'm going home.

"Brother Chen, I was wrong, I'll go."

A group of second generations all collapsed. They thought it was a game, but it turned out to be a real game. This is still a joke.

If they continue to play, they will be played to death. .

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