My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 144 Breakthrough Evaluation: Garbage Worse Than Even The Five Scums

A group of second generations called for a long time, but it turned out to be completely useless.

Going back, the stone door of the passage has been closed, and it is impossible to return to the hall.

So after a burst of wailing, a group of second generations continued to move forward under the escort of bodyguards.

But the expressions on their faces were as if they had eaten a dead mouse.

After walking for more than an hour, they finally left the passage and came to the second hall.


When they all entered the hall, the stone door of the passage behind them was instantly closed.

Seeing this situation, the faces of the group of people became even uglier.

"Here's a package."

At this time, a bodyguard came to a corner and found a bag.

Inside the bag were three withered and yellow scrolls, a blood-stained diary, some dried meat and a small kettle.

"Open the diary and have a look." Feng Chuang said to the bodyguard.

The bodyguard nodded and opened the blood-stained diary.

"It's wrong...we are all wrong...there is no eternal life...there is no blessing from the gods...only endless nightmares.

All dead....and I'm the only one left...but I'm going to die too.

Later people... the three demon-breaking scrolls in the package are regarded as gifts from me...but you will all will all die..."

The diary is not complete, many pages have been torn out, leaving only the last page, but the content on it makes people even more collapsed.

"Breaking Demon Scroll?"

A group of second generations are not stupid, and they quickly grasped the key content in this diary, which is the scroll of breaking the magic.

Looking at the three withered and yellow scrolls, a group of second generations were very excited.

"Do you think this scroll can break the curse of aging on us?"

"Should be 687, this should be a customs clearance reward."'27

"I always feel something is wrong. These three scrolls should be mission props, and we may use them next."

A group of second generations looked at the three scrolls, talking with each other.

But in the current situation, no one has encountered it before, and there is no clearance strategy, so they don't even know what the use of this demon-breaking scroll is.

In the end, a group of people reached an agreement that they wanted to use a magic-breaking scroll for a try.


As a demon-breaking scroll was opened, a ray of light burst out.

A group of people were illuminated by the light and felt warm all over their bodies.

At the same time, their bodies have regained their youthfulness, from their thirties to their original twenties.

"It really worked, we changed back again.

"The curse of aging has been broken."

A group of second generations were very happy, and everyone was very excited.

The group of bodyguards were the same, and the heart they had been carrying was also let go.

At the same time, they carefully kept the remaining two magic-breaking scrolls, which are completely life-saving props for them.

"Go, let's go on."

Rejuvenated, with life-saving props in their hands, a group of people stopped being cowardly, entered the passage again, and embarked on a journey.

"Death is the ultimate belonging, and the living are the sacred nourishment, serving the desperate souls of my king.

After entering the passage, bloody text appeared on the wall again.

After seeing the text, the faces of a group of people became ugly.

Before, they could not (ahbi) take these words seriously, but after experiencing the curse of aging, they were a little scared of the content of the bloody words.

It's a pity that this text doesn't seem to reveal any information other than a smile.

Therefore, for the rest of the journey, a group of people walked with trepidation, fearing that they would accidentally fall into the trap.


After half an hour, the authorities did not meet, but they heard some strange voices.

It was as if something was rubbing against the ground and walking.

"The sound seemed to be coming from under our feet."

"No, I heard it from the wall just now."

"Why do I feel like the sound is coming from overhead.

A group of people gathered face to face, and they were all sure that they heard those voices, but everyone heard the voices in different places.

"Be careful, walk slowly because of family."

The group of people slowed down again, and the bodyguards in front of them would step on the ground twice with their feet every time they took a step forward, to make sure that there was no problem before leaving.

In this way, the speed at which the group moved forward could be described as a tortoise's speed.

Probably the tortoise can crawl faster than them.

After another half an hour, the group still hadn't left the second passage.

And the rustling sound in their ears became more and more frequent, which made them feel bad.

"Look, what's ahead?"

At this time, a bodyguard saw the abnormal situation ahead, as if something appeared.

Soon, everyone saw it.


In an instant, everyone gasped.

Because what appeared in front of the passage was nothing else, but countless scarabs.

Uh... Ai-level is called a scarab, and Hualixia is called a dung beetle.

Countless scarabs covered the entire passage, rushing toward them like a tide.

"Back, fast!"

The group immediately turned around and ran back.

But after a few steps, it stopped, because there were also scarabs behind, and the number was no less than the ones that appeared in front.

In other words, they have been surrounded by scarabs.

"This... dung beetles don't seem to eat meat." A second generation said in horror.

"I don't know if dung beetles eat meat or not, but what we met is definitely not a normal dung beetle." Another second generation shook his head and said.

"Use the magic-breaking scroll, or we will be finished."

Feng Chuang took out the demon-breaking scroll in his arms, and fixed his eyes on the coming sea of ​​scarabs.

Soon, when the scarab was five meters away from them, Feng Chuang opened the magic scroll.

A ray of light burst out, sweeping across the sea of ​​scarabs in the front and rear.

Countless scarabs turned into fly ash under the radiance of this ray of light.


When the light disappeared, the sea of ​​scarabs in the channel also disappeared.

Everyone exhaled, finally safe.

When countless scarabs swarmed towards them, the pressure was really too great.

But the current crisis has been lifted, but there is only one scroll left in their hands.

After resting for five minutes and calming down, the Japanese pedestrians moved forward again.

Once again, they encountered no danger, spent two hours, and finally reached the third hall.

"Take a break, I can't walk anymore."

After Feng Chuang entered the hall, he fell to the ground directly.

After four hours of nervous walking, even those bodyguards were exhausted, let alone the second generation of them.

So now they are thirsty, hungry and tired, and they are almost collapsed.

I didn't dare to rest in the passage before, but now that I have come to the hall, I can finally rest.

According to previous experience, this kind of hall should be very safe.

A group of bodyguards searched in the hall to see if there was any package. It would be the best if they could find the Demon-Breaking Scroll again.

Unfortunately, before a group of people could finish searching the hall, the walls of the hall were broken.

A golden scarab the size of an altar shell rushed into the hall.

"Fuck...there is a BOSS."

"Hurry up and use the magic-breaking scroll."


In an instant, before everyone could react, the huge golden scarab killed several people.

Taking advantage of this time, the third magic-breaking scroll was finally opened.

The familiar light erupted again, covering the entire hall.


The golden scarab shrouded in light roared, as if in great pain.

Just when everyone thought they were safe, the light disappeared.

And that huge golden scarab was smoking black smoke, climbing up again.



"Brother... I was wrong, don't eat me.

The wounded golden scarab went wild, waving its front paws at everyone.

A few bodyguards wanted to go forward to attack, but unfortunately they didn't break the defense at all, but were torn apart by a claw.

One minute later, the last No. 2 was torn apart by the Scarab.

Feng Chuang and his group were wiped out immediately, and the scarab ate chicken.

At the moment when the last second generation died, time seemed to be suspended.

The blood and mutilated corpses that were originally on the ground turned into illusion at this moment and disappeared quickly.

The golden scarab also turned into nothingness, including the walls in the hall, which also became intact, just like nothing happened just now.

"Easy mode death gold collapse exploration failed, exploration degree: 5.7%, completion degree: 1.9%.

Breakthrough evaluation: Garbage that is not as good as the five scums.

Rewards: None.

Soul Enhancement: None.

Special occupational enhancement weighting: None.

The game is over, and the rules are reset... The reset is complete, and the healing of the mind begins... After the healing, the awakening of the will starts. "

When Feng Chuang and the others opened their eyes again, they had already returned to the initial hall. .

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