My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 394 The devil from hell comes to the world

Everyone at the Octagonal Round Table.

Look at this giant factory, crazily producing cloned human beings.

They were also the remaining cyborgs who had transformed the alliance before, and their combat effectiveness was very good. The combat power of one cyborg was enough to withstand a company.

It's just that in the last battle, Alice basically defeated them all.

Even the mecha company suffered heavy casualties, and almost no one came back. They sent out a reconnaissance team and found that there were only damaged mechas on the site.

All the Cyborgs are gone.

Therefore, these elders all felt that the Cyborg was captured by Alice.

So much so that they express doubts about the production of human beings.

However, the modified human factory shown by the Great Elder produced such modified humans in large quantities.

"Is this really useful? If they are brainwashed by the bandits on the opposite side, they may turn their guns and attack us." An elder questioned.

The great elder knocked on the table slowly.

He showed an obscure smile.

That smile was a little crazy and a little arrogant.

He said slowly: "Don't worry, these modified people are specially processed modified people. Didn't you see the connecting lines on their heads?

Through some special means, I indoctrinated them into slaves that belong only to our troops and will be loyal to us forever, and I implanted special chips in them.

If they dare to turn the gun, as long as they have any thoughts of resistance, they will be given a powerful electric shock by the chip until they die!

Therefore, you can understand it as a robot wearing human skin.

This is also the latest work of our group, which integrates a large number of advanced technologies and is the final product of research and development. "

The words of the great elder were like the devil in hell.

In the octagonal round table conference room, it echoed leisurely.

The great elder put his hands on the table and looked at the blurred figures of the people.

The language was full of temptation: "This factory can produce two hundred modified humans every day. If you give it a few days, it can create a huge army.

These transformed humans do not need supplies or life. They tirelessly obey our orders and fight until their energy is exhausted or they die.

Can you imagine what it's like to have such an army?

As long as they are equipped with various weapons, they will become a powerful army that belongs only to me.

Not only can we control the City in the Sky, but we can also directly neutralize the Alliance Army. It is more concise and effective to eliminate these unruly people in Dietrich. "

The great elder said word for word.

The sound echoed in the meeting.

Other Nasdaq Group elders, listen to him.

Silent, seemingly hesitant, because this is a crazy plan, which means that the Nasdaq Group will become an extremely large group on top of the alliance.

Even overthrowing the government and becoming the government themselves.

This is extremely risky.

After all, they have always been a group attached to the alliance, constantly draining the blood of the alliance, like blood-sucking insects sucking the nutrients of the alliance to grow.

If the alliance falls.

Whose blood are they going to suck?

What's more, they are used to doing evil on their own and the Alliance helps take care of the tail.

That is to say, the Alliance acts as thugs, and when encountering big or small things, they will use various means to get the Alliance to send troops. Anyway, it is the Alliance people who die.

Their group can gain benefits.

Just need a little money, wouldn't it be better to let the alliance work for you?

The Great Elder continued: "I know what you are hesitating about. You became one of the controllers of the Nasdaq Group just for eternity and immortality.

But if we have this army, we have everything in the world, even the sky cities of other regional alliances.

With their technology, we can produce endless resources for our own use.

What's more, it will be easier to control them and remove the obstacles of the rebels and bandits, isn't it?

As for the Alliance, their army has long been useless, so we can cut off their supply, which can save us a lot of costs. "

Under his constant temptation.

The other elders were silent for a while.

Finally nodded, such a crazy plan has more advantages than disadvantages.

On this day, the Elders of the Nasdaq Group agreed to the plan to transform people.

They looked inside the giant screen.

Large factories will produce modified humans.

Sent to the equipment factory, the cyborg was put on black mechanical armor, looking like a medieval black knight, full of terror and blood.

Dietrich under the Castle in the Sky.

A circular road in the city.

A large number of vehicles were abandoned here, still burning with raging fires. Among these scrapped cars, police armored vehicles can be found.

A lot of fierce men stood on the car and cheered, holding Molotov cocktails, machine guns, and various weird combat machines in their hands.

"Brothers, sisters, tonight is our carnival night, we want those alliances, those damn groups to see our power!

They have been weighing on us.

Now that I have become the masters of our own affairs, we are riding on their heads, robbing them of their money and their place. What can they do to us? ! "


"Whoa whoa!"

The crowd cheered.

Someone fired a gun into the sky.

Chuchuchu... sounds came and went, expressing the joy of a carnival.

Some people even drank wine on the spot, clapped their hands and whistled, and even saw a coquettish woman doing a pole dance in scantily clad clothes.

Instantly attracted the attention of many men.

Cheers came and went.

Today, a large number of troops in the city of Detrout are sent to the front line, resulting in insufficient defense in the city.

In particular, the growing reputation of the Spark Organization has given hope to these low-level civilians, so these civilians have bought for zero yuan, causing the entire order to become chaotic.

After all, they have been suppressed for a long time.

It's natural to need to vent.

What's more, the current Security Bureau can't take care of it at all, because there are at least dozens of such riots, and their manpower cannot be dispersed.

But that's it.

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard from the crowd.

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep…

Crazy machine gun fire, instantly fell into pieces at the bonfire banquet, even the pole dancers, inevitably fell down.

The originally white skin was now a blur of flesh and blood.

And the civilians reacted.

Immediately seek shelter in a nearby bunker.

Then they saw a group of soldiers wearing black mechanical armor appear on the street at some point.

They walked in neat steps, just like the ancient Roman army, uniform, more like soldiers in Star Wars, wearing armor on their heads and holding very sci-fi guns in their hands.

"What the hell is this?"

"Is it the Alliance Army?"

“Don’t the military handle everything in the city?”

The rebellious civilians were talking a lot. Looking at such a uniform team, they felt a sense of fear in their hearts.

But a big man directly set up a heavy machine gun and fired at the black-helmeted army.

Beep beep beep beep...!

The flames of the machine gun were spitting out wildly.

Bullets poured into this army.

When other civilians saw this, they also set up their guns and started shooting. A large number of bullets poured into them.

Unfortunately, their thick armor completely blocked the bullet attack. Even the heavy machine gun only left craters on the armor.

On the contrary, it is in their field of vision.

A blue screen is revealed.

Intelligently target these living creatures and the objects that attack them.

Then, these modified people raised their guns without emotion and pulled the triggers.

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep, as well as the flames in the dark night, the bullets sprayed out accurately hit every living thing, even the people hiding in the car.

He was also hit in the head by an armor-piercing bullet and was instantly chilled.

It was a naked massacre.

It only took the Cyborg thirty seconds to massacre everyone at the banquet. In this farce of civilians, at least more than 300 people died.

Others saw this bloody scene.

Fleeing like crazy.

But when they fled back to their house.

After two minutes.

The door of the house was kicked open, and these black-armored reformers broke in from the outside. Without saying a word, they stretched out an iron rod and knocked them unconscious and took them away.

These rioters will be sent to prison.

Unless a sufficient ransom is paid, they can be released without charge, and the rest go into prison and become laborers, working for the Nasdaq Group for free.

And a lot of such things happened that night.

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