My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 395 Katerina’s clone

The killing continued.

A large number of rioters, most of whom were killed on the spot, were captured by reformers when they returned home and sent to prison to become free labor.

The Nasdaq Group's prison factories are constantly building new ones. In less than ten days, the second human rehabilitation factory was completed and put into operation.

Subsequently, the Nasdaq Group's production capacity reached 400 modified people per day.

Since then, Dietrich has transformed more and more people.

The Security Bureau has almost no use for it.

Nowadays, the people patrolling the streets are basically transformed people wearing black armor.

Few people have seen their faces.

Every time they go out, they wear heavy black armor, and even their faces are covered by the armor.

For a time, the city was filled with black terror.

No one spoke of resistance again.

All the civilians became docile. Even when they saw them, they lowered their heads and did not dare to look at them, for fear that they would be the next to die.

Of course, with the establishment of the Nasdaq Group and the Cyborg Factory, he needed to spend more and more materials, and the ranks of Cyborgs spread around.

Loot and occupy refugee strongholds everywhere.

Occasionally, the local army will be isolated.

Local warlords could not resist if they wanted to.

First of all, part of their financial resources come from the Nasdaq Group. Secondly, the team of these modified people is very powerful.

Local warlords wanted to rebel.

Their leader's head was separated the next day.

The Nasdaq Group will apologize to the local warlord leader who was accidentally killed in the name of transforming people's faults.

But not legally guilty.

After all, it was a machine killing, sending a modified human to the guillotine, and the mastermind behind it was not guilty.

Therefore, all warlords are afraid.

Soon, the Nasdaq Group controlled the surrounding area. It belonged to the Alliance Army on the surface, but the actual controller was the Nasdaq Group.

Even the defense of the Sky City.

Nasdaq Group has used some means to let the league outsource this defense to them.

Soon, all the defense forces of the Sky City were replaced by cyborgs. These cyborgs could work around the clock and were more efficient than human soldiers.

A few days later.

Luo Sheng and Alice came to Dietrich.

I found that the place had changed a lot. The once bustling and chaotic streets were now deserted with not many people around. The streets were littered with garbage and plastic bags blown up by the wind.

All the signboards were in pieces, and the neon lights were also broken and flickering on the buildings, giving a sense of deja vu in a ruined world.

Most of the pedestrians Luo Sheng saw had their heads lowered and were walking in a hurry.

He looked quite scary and nervous.

When Luo Sheng wanted to talk to them, these people turned around and left as if they had seen a devil, running away as if they had greased their soles.

At this time, Alice was wearing a mask.

Some people asked in confusion: "What are they doing?"

"Have we been discovered?" Levget muttered, and soon he denied himself, "It's impossible, we just arrived not long ago."

Luo Sheng looked at Dr. Jack, "Maybe you can find out more about the current situation."

Dr. Jack hasn't answered yet.

Levget volunteered: "Let me do it. I promised the leader to try my best to help you."

Listen to his proposal.

Luo Sheng had no objection, so he followed his wishes.

Levget led everyone in a hurry through the deserted streets, came to a hidden and deep alley, and knocked on the door.

A voice came from inside the door.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Sir, my lighter can't light up. I want to light it up." Levget whispered. This was their secret order.

He just finished speaking.


The heavy iron door was opened with a small opening. The people inside said nervously: "Come in quickly. It's very dangerous outside now."

"what happened?"

"You guys should come in first and talk about it later. It's not convenient to talk here."

At his signal.

The group can only enter the house first.

Luo Sheng originally looked at the outside of the house as quite small, but after entering the house, he discovered that there was something inside.

There is a three-story basement inside. Through other passages, you can walk to a tall building a little further away. When you climb up to the tall building, you can overlook most of the streets of Dietrich.

After everyone entered the house.

The man did not begin to speak.

Instead, he kept gesturing for everyone to come to a room full of noise reduction equipment, and then said, "Sorry, the world is not so good these days, so we have to try our best to keep the conversation as confidential as possible."

Katerina raised her eyebrows slightly and complained, "Does it need to be so hidden? They can't eavesdrop on the sounds in the house through various means."

In her memory, the Sky City and Dietrue were both peaceful places.

Why is it like this now?

That's why she said these words subconsciously.

However, everyone who had not paid attention to her was suddenly stunned.

His eyes were fixed on Katerina.

Be very alert.

His hand was still on the butt of the gun, as if he was ready to draw the gun at any time.

At this moment, Alice, Luo Sheng, and Levget were all extremely confused.

"What are you doing?" Levget said suddenly.

The man said with a vigilant tone: "I have to confirm whether she is a reformer of the Nasdaq Group."

While they were talking, they also expressed doubts about the identity of Luo Sheng and his party.

Until Dr. Jack said: "Don't worry, she is one of us, and her body was modified by me. You should believe me."

Everyone looked at Dr. Jack.

He was stunned for a moment.

Then he took his hand off the butt of the gun again and said with a hint of apology: "I'm sorry, because of the recent wind, we have to be more cautious, otherwise we will either die or work until we die."

The other personnel also nodded.

Sweat can be seen on their foreheads.

Apparently what happened just now also scared them into a cold sweat.

Dr. Jack looked at his expression and asked: "Janed, why are you so afraid? You used to be very bold, why didn't I become so timid during this time?"

Jened was once one of Dr. Jack's main assistants.

Responsible for smuggling valuable parts.

and gathering intelligence.

Since Dr. Jack left, he has become the main underground person in charge of Sky City and Dietrich.

Genid vomited bitterly, "You don't know, but there has been a huge change recently. The Nasdaq Group uses clones to create modified humans.

Nowadays, most of the people out there are their transformed people, those who wear black armor. They have no emotions at all and only know how to kill.

There have been many riots in the market before, and we have also instigated some resistance, but we did not expect the Nasdaq Group to be so direct.

These modified humans were sent to massacre the rioters, and more than 10,000 people died in one day! "

When he said this, he looked at Katerina.

Seems a little angry.

Jened slowly calmed down his anger and continued: "The dried blood on the streets is what happened the night before. The surviving rioters were captured and imprisoned by these reformers.

And they will face endless labor, working twelve hours a day without any compensation, endlessly producing and transforming people for the Nasdaq Group.

And their faces are the same as the lady in front of them, maybe she is one of them. "

He just finished speaking.

Everyone was surprised.

They all looked at Katerina.

Luo Sheng couldn't help but ask: "Nasdaq Group keeps copying you?"

Katerina was also at a loss. She frowned slightly and shook her head wildly: "I don't know either. I have been on the battlefield since I was reactivated by them."

Genid added: "But they did clone you. The cyborgs on the market today are almost identical to you, and the number of such cyborgs has reached 3,000, and the growth rate is still increasing."

Katerina felt incredible.

Even unacceptable.

The whole person froze in place for a long time.

"Impossible, they won't do this, and the Alliance will stop it. After all, I was transformed by the Alliance." Katerina felt like her head was shutting down.

It's a bit unbelievable that the group would actually do this.

She was activated but the alliance.

How come the group has her DNA?

Genid saw that she didn't believe it, so he said, "You will know after you come with me."

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