My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 396 I am still very strong

Jened led everyone towards the stairs and walked up.

Finally we reached the upper floors of the building.

Through the hidden window, he pointed at the black-armored cybernetics patrolling the streets outside.

Luo Sheng squinted his eyes and could clearly see soldiers wearing armor that looked like Star Wars. Their entire bodies were pitch black and heavy metal helmets were placed on their heads.

Not even their eyes can be seen.

These people held machine guns and heavy artillery in their hands and walked tirelessly, patrolling the streets in unison.

Even watching from a distance, there is a thrilling feeling. The formation of the team is no different from the ancient Roman army.

Genid said at this time: "They are all transformed people. Although these people look like soldiers, their strength is already higher than that of soldiers.

Many of the rioters in the city united with bounty hunters to hunt them down, but they all failed.

Even if these modified people are alone, bounty hunters are no match for them, let alone rioters.

Her black armor can withstand most bullets and cannot even be cut by a chainsaw. It is too hard, and no one can bear her revenge.

Able to deal with the people surrounding her within a minute.

This kind of war weapon is incredible, and the Nasdaq Group also has two factories that are producing this type of modified human beings day and night.

After today, they will be able to sell several hundred more units. "

Jened swallowed as he spoke.

This is not a transformation at all, but a Terminator.

In particular, the Nasdaq Group actually has huge production capacity. As time goes by, the number of troops it can control will definitely reach a terrifying level.

When the time comes, don't say that the alliance's army cannot restrain them.

Even the Spark Organization is nothing more than a child playing in mud in front of them. It can be destroyed easily, and even peace talks are impossible.

It's simply high-dimensional creatures crushing low-dimensional creatures.

I want to destroy you, what does that have to do with you?

Everyone who heard his words frowned and fell into deep thought.

"If we follow what you said, we are in for a big disaster." Dr. Jack said bluntly.

No intention of beating around the bush.

Literally, if the Nasdaq Group wants to destroy the Spark Organization, it will only take an instant.

Even though Anastasia possesses the first-generation Gundam, it has huge firepower and can constantly hover over the enemy's head.

There is no way to eliminate so many transformed people.

The Nasdaq Group uses a factory-style production method and has almost endless soldiers.

No matter what, the Spark Organization can be consumed to death.

The same goes for the powerful Alice, even with a mecha, she can't withstand such consumption.

Dr. Jack took out his pipe and started smoking, with a serious expression on his face, showing his sensitivity to machinery.

It can be seen that these modified people are much more powerful than the first contact with Katerina. It should be said that it is the iteration of the product that makes them more powerful than the previous generation.

Levget cursed loudly: "These damn groups are no different from vampires. They actually produce such a thing. Do they want to destroy all mankind?"

Jened smiled bitterly: "They don't care whether humans are extinct, they only care about the benefits they can obtain, even eternal life!

Now their plan is to evade the entire alliance. I got the news from the bounty hunter. Now the city in the sky is completely guarded by these modified people.

It can be seen that the Nasdaq Group's ambitions.

Maybe their next target will be our base. "

Jened has been here for so long.

I have long figured out the nature of Nasdaq Group.

They are a greedy bunch.

They are eager to control everything, and in order to stabilize their position, they continuously create soldiers who can be controlled, except for overhead alliances.

There is also the solidification of social classes.

Let the common people at the bottom have no power to resist, so that they can sit on the throne forever and look down on all living beings.

"If it's true, this is indeed bad news." Dr. Jack took another puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled the white smoke.

You can see his face that has gone through many vicissitudes of life.

Showing a hint of worry.

Luo Sheng suddenly suggested: "Instead of looking sad here, why not grab a few and take a look. There is Dr. Jack here, so it won't be difficult to study them."

Dr. Jack nodded slightly, "This is quite simple. As long as I have a sample, I can study it thoroughly in a few hours."

He looked at Luo Sheng when he spoke.

Luo Sheng asked by the way: "How many units do you want?"

"The more the better, at least five, so that I don't have to put them back together again after taking them apart. This can save a lot of trouble."

Dr. Jack took a puff of cigarette, exhaled it slowly and said.

Genid was stunned when he heard the conversation between the two, and said hurriedly: "Please think carefully before taking action. This is too dangerous. We made heavy acquisitions before, but unfortunately they failed, so you must Don't mess around!

If this place is discovered, many brothers will suffer disaster. "

Luo Sheng patted his shoulder gently.

He said with a comforting tone: "Don't worry, we will be fine, I can assure you."

He just used his mental power to take a peek.

The strength of each transformed person is about five stars of silver.

It is indeed a little more powerful than the Jekarina I just met, but it is only just a little more powerful.

Luosheng previously entered the Tushan Baiyue card world.

When brushing off.

However, nearly a thousand golden three-star [Ruin Guards] were destroyed along the way.

Those guys are much more powerful than the current cyborgs, so these cyborgs just look like this, and are indeed extremely powerful for ordinary people.

The same goes for ordinary armies.

But facing him as a card master, he couldn't stand on the stage at all.

"Well... they are really powerful!" Genid was still trying to persuade her, but she was reluctant and did not agree with this approach.

This is very risky for him.

At this time, Levget directly comforted him and said: "You don't have to cower like a mouse. You have to believe in him. He created the Spark Organization and can be regarded as one of the original founders."

Jened was suddenly stunned.

Some couldn't believe it.

"He is too young. Is he really the founder of our organization?"

"Of course, if it weren't for him, the rebel organization would not have been defeated so quickly. He was able to subvert an army on his own."

Levget said bluntly.

"Isn't this too outrageous?" Jened still didn't believe it.

It is incredible that one person can crush an army.

And from the time he kept looking at Luo Sheng, he didn't find anything special about Luo Sheng?

He wears ordinary clothes and doesn't have any powerful weapons. He doesn't look like a modified person, wearing heavy armor and possessing huge strength.

Especially with the help of technology, his strength has been greatly improved, and he can kill all bounty hunters instantly.

Luo Sheng patted his shoulder gently, "Don't worry, I will be responsible for any accidents, but usually there are no accidents."

What else does Jened want to say?

Luo Sheng suddenly opened the window, jumped up high, and then disappeared into their hidden base. It was too late for Jened to stop him.

The Cyborg Patrol could only watch helplessly as he kept getting closer.

Then, a strange mist emitted.

The originally quiet and visible streets were shrouded in thick black fog, completely unable to transmit light, let alone see what was going on inside.

Everyone looked at it curiously.

Immediately afterwards, violent gunshots were heard on the street.

From time to time, you can see a few bullets passing through the black fog and hitting other places.

When everyone saw this scene, they held their breath and concentrated.

He looked nervously at what was happening in front of him.

Only Alice, Dr. Jack and Levget looked relaxed and indifferent, and did not take this action seriously at all.

But Jened's heart kept pounding.

Even the men around him were the same.

Just a moment later, something happened that shocked him extremely.

The smoke slowly dissipated, and the patrol team composed of only ten modified humans fell completely into a coma and lay directly on the ground.

Luo Sheng suddenly appeared in the room again and said to Dr. Jack: "By the way, what if these modified humans have positioning capabilities?"

Dr. Jack said: "Put it on me."

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