My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 410 Luo Sheng’s Strategy

Luo Sheng explained his thoughts.

“They are already a decadent and backward regime, just for the sake of a small corner of their own land.

Before the war breaks out, they will not send troops to help us and contribute their own strength.

Unless they are attacked, so instead of helping them resist Pandora's invasion, we should implement our own plan.

And don’t be burdened by them.

What's more, Pandora's army will not attack our headquarters immediately.

The first target they want to capture is the Alliance Army, followed by us. However, there are many Alliance armies in various places, and they are still doing their own thing. It will take at least three months to half a year to completely occupy them. "

Luo Sheng's analysis was very clear.

Anastasia and the other commanders nodded.

Let them help the Alliance forces fight Pandora.

They are extremely reluctant.

After all, they didn't like the Alliance Army in the first place, and many of them even hated them deeply.

Luo Sheng's analysis was absolutely correct.

According to the ideas of these alliance forces, no, it is the warlords.

Only by threatening them will they have the motivation to fight, and the rest will just wait to die.

Maybe these people will stab you in the back, or even more likely, let the soldiers of your organization die first.

Anastasia and everyone looked at Luo Sheng.

"What do you suggest?"

Obviously, they all regard Luo Sheng as their backbone.

Especially Luo Sheng and Alice are fighting on the front line and have the closest contact with Pandora.

Therefore, his speech is very convincing.

"I think it is necessary for Dr. Jack to talk about it. On the way back, we have already exchanged opinions and reached a preliminary idea." Luo Sheng motioned for Dr. Jack to come forward as he spoke.

Dr. Jack smokes a cigarette.

He slowly said: "Now we need manpower, material resources, financial resources, and many scientists to continue to develop our technology and create advanced weapons."

At this time, someone interrupted, "But now that the crisis is approaching, do we still have time?"

"Yes, we have to rob someone in front of Pandora."

Dr. Jack said bluntly.

Then he explained excitedly: "Today, Pandora will continue to kill scientists and researchers to prevent them from developing powerful weapons in order to implement their own plans.

So they pushed all their technical talent to our side this time.

We need a lot of talents to develop weapons for us.

Just like this set of mechanical armor, it is a product of their research and development, and we can imitate it to equip our soldiers. "

While Dr. Jack was speaking, he took out the armor worn by the transformed man and displayed it in front of everyone.

"With R\u0026D personnel, resources, and technology, we can have the ability to compete with it. After all, we already have ready-made cases here, and both Aiji and Ivan are willing to join us.

They are top researchers trained by the alliance. "

When Dr. Jack spoke, he pointed at Aggie and Ivan who were brought back together.

The two of them looked at everyone's eyes, feeling flattered.

I can only laugh there, "We will help you with all our strength, because we are all in a community with a shared future."

Anastasia and the other commanders heard their words.

They applauded one after another.

"Welcome to the Spark Organization, we will not treat you badly." Anastasia said sincerely.

She knows the importance of professional and technical talent.

These people can improve the technological level of the organization.

Luo Sheng also added at this time:

"What they lack most now is resources, so while we are robbing her of talents, we also have to destroy the factories where they obtain resources. Resources are what they rely most heavily on.

Even if the factory is destroyed, they can rebuild it, but if the energy supply is cut off, they will quickly stop production.

So I plan to destroy their resource acquisition facilities and slow down their production speed.

Buy us more time and equip ourselves with newer weapons. "

When Luo Sheng and Dr. Jack revealed their plans.

Everyone in the meeting fell silent.

Keep thinking about the feasibility of this plan.

Rather than helping the Alliance fight against Pandora.

It would be more interesting to develop and grow secretly behind the scenes.

In other words, everyone supports the latter more.

Not long after, Luo Sheng and Dr. Jack's plan was generally approved.

The main executors of this plan, Luo Sheng and Alice, organized the army.

Anastasia will also be involved.

Because she piloted the first generation Gundam.

The goal is simple, defeat the Cyborgs and save the technicians in the city invaded by Pandora.

Collect as many resources as possible in the destroyed city.

There will also be a large number of warriors involved.

Because when Dr. Jack returned to the base, he brought back ten sets of mechanical armors, which through a series of modifications can be used by soldiers in the organization.

In this way, the organization can have the strength to compete with the Nasdaq Group.

Everyone in the conference room slowly left.

Only Anastasia and Luo Sheng were left.

At this time.

Anastasia couldn't help but ask: "How is Alice's condition?"

"Her memory has been fully restored."

"That's a good thing."

"But her previous memories are all of suffering."

Luo Sheng gently held Anastasia's soft and smooth hand.

As smooth and moist as agate jade.

You can feel Anastasia's body temperature and the faint smell of milk.

Anastasia didn't mind either.

There was even some enjoyment. Perhaps because of her high position and being alone for too long, she hoped to be quietly comforted and caressed like this.

Hearing Alice's memory, she showed a curious look.

The body also leaned gently against Luo Sheng.

Her white thighs, wearing stockings, rubbed against Luo Sheng's legs.

Both sides showed ambiguous gestures.

Anastasia blinked her bright eyes, "What is that?"

"Her previous life must have been a tragedy."

Luo Sheng explained patiently.

Alice was born, orphaned because of the war, and sent to an orphanage. Unfortunately, this happiness did not last long, and because of the war, she was sent to work in the alliance's arsenal.

Production of weapons in the back exposes people to high doses of radiation.

Alice suffered from an incurable disease.

So she could only accept the path of becoming a reformer so that she could survive.

She after transformation.

was sent directly to the battlefield.

Confront the Federation forces on Mars.

Alice witnessed too many tragedies on the battlefield.

Friends who grew up in the same orphanage, or other girls who were transformed together, died on the battlefield one by one.

Not even the ashes could be found.

Afterwards, she was seriously injured and was sent to the hospital. Since the war was over, the Alliance could no longer withstand the consumption, so it decided to seal away the reformers like her.

Alice was left alone in a petri dish for fifty years.

It was later used by the Nasdaq Group as a money-making tool.

Got fucked and scrapped in the extreme arena and thrown from the Castle in the Sky.

What happened next was that he saved her.

After Anastasia heard about Alice's tragedy.

Breathing became heavy.

Crescent Bay's eyelashes also drooped down.

Anastasia felt sorry for Alice's tragedy, and even sympathized with her in her heart.

Because her own life has been quite good.

Born in a petty bourgeoisie family.

He studied at United University in Sky City and learned good skills. After entering the league, he also had a prosperous life.

Although the position provided by the Alliance Army does not have any rights, it cannot change anything.

But Anastasia was able to get paid handsomely.

It would allow her to own a small villa in the Sky City.

Or a happy and prosperous life.

Anastasia will pursue her ideals only after her heart and spirit are satisfied.

"She needs you most now, you are her only support."

Anastasia patted the back of Luo Sheng's hand gently.

"And you?"

"We will have plenty of time in the future."

Anastasia showed a soft smile and continued: "Doctor Jack is going to inject me with strengthening fluid. I will live a long life in the future, so we will be together for a long time.

Besides, Alice has been alone for fifty years, so don't let her stay alone. "

Anastasia finished.

Flesh-colored lips kissed Luo Sheng's lips.

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