My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 411 Alice needs you

Anastasia's kiss was sweet.

Very soft too.

In Luo Sheng's opinion, Anastasia's kiss is like a mature woman's love for you.

In particular, she looks like a high-ranking commander at one moment, and at the other she is a mature woman who is as obedient as a cat, with a little bit of a flattering color.

Alice is an attachment-type girl.

Apart from being cute, she simply relies on you.

After all, the environment in which I grew up was very turbulent.

Anastasia hugged Luo Sheng.

"I find that I like you more and more, especially when you look serious and handsome. When we were in the meeting just now, you were really handsome."

Luo Sheng could feel (Θ人Θ) pressing on his chest.

She held herself tightly.

Luo Sheng gently stroked her hair and forehead.

"Sorry for making you worry."

"No, actually I also need support. I believe you have the ability to let me cling to you."

Anastasia enjoyed his chest.

A happy expression on her face.

Apparently, Anastasia was getting tired of this life.

After struggling for more than ten years, it is still in turmoil, and now it is about to usher in the end of the world.

Luo Sheng kissed her forehead and said, "Don't worry, you will be fine. Pandora will not succeed either, I promise."

If he wants to try his best.

Able to destroy the Cyborg production factory.

However, it is of no avail, because Pandora's data has been scattered throughout the Sky City.

Even if the factory is destroyed, she has the ability to rebuild it.

Therefore, as long as her body can be destroyed, nothing else is a threat.

"I believe you." Anastasia nodded slightly, then pushed Luo Sheng away: "We will meet again in the evening. It's time for you to accompany Alice. She needs you very much."

Anastasia was very generous.

In her eyes, Alice is just a little girl wearing an adult appearance.

She doesn't mind sharing her love with Alice.

"Yeah." Luo Sheng rubbed her white face again.

Anastasia suddenly complained: "Stop pinching, the foundation will fall off!"

Luo Sheng pinched it again before leaving.

She said coquettishly: "You are so weak!"

Luo Sheng rubbed oil on the soles of his feet and ran away.

at this time.

Alice stayed alone in the hotel room quietly.

Standing outside the balcony, looking at the scenery outside.

Outside the city of Mellon, there is a deserted Gobi Desert.

The painful strong wind blew up the sky and filled the sky with smoke and dust.

This is already the norm in the world.

Because after the war, a large number of vegetation on the earth suffered a devastating blow.

The Martian Federation Army once used a special incendiary bomb to destroy a large amount of forest vegetation in order to attack the earth's food supply.

This incendiary bomb is capable of generating extremely high temperatures.

The ground was suddenly cooked, and even flowing magma was produced.

The seeds buried in the earth were burned.

When the incendiary bomb passed, strange substances were left in the shallow layers of the ground, causing all vegetation to be unable to grow.

Subsequently, under the influence of wind and rain, a large amount of soil organic matter was washed away, and the soil was also polluted, making it impossible for vegetation to grow.

Soon, desertification began across the planet.

In particular, the devastation caused by the explosions of war and the use of nuclear bombs have led to the destruction of many species.

The Alliance has just begun to build the Sky City and move the middle class or elite people into the Sky City.

They can enjoy the beautiful natural environment.

Other civilians can only endure the Gobi Desert.

Survive in the yellow sand sky.

However, Alice also likes that environment. She hopes to have a garden of her own.

Suddenly the room door was opened.

Luo Sheng walked in elegantly and gentlemanly.

He took off his dusty coat and threw it into the washing machine.

Behind Alice, he gently hugged her waist and sniffed her neck with his nose.

Then he put his head on her shoulder.

Looking at the vast Gobi Desert in the distance.

He opened his mouth and said, "What's wrong? You've been feeling depressed. Do those memories make you feel painful?"

"Well...I originally wanted to be a complete human being, but as a result, all I have is a miserable life."

Alice lowered her head.

He looked a little lonely.

Luo Sheng could feel her depression.

Slowly shaking her waist, she said softly: "Although I can't prevent you from having a tragic experience, now, I can let you have a wonderful life."

"Are you trying to comfort me?"

"It's not a comfort, it's a promise to you."

Luo Sheng looked at the scene outside the balcony and said.

A warm smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, Alice turned around and hugged him tightly.

"Can you please don't leave me?"

"I have never left you. Maybe you don't know it, but when you enter a dream or close your eyes, you will see me, and that me is real."

Luo Sheng kissed her forehead.

He rubbed her cheek.

said with a smile.

Alice still acted like a little girl and buried her head in his chest.

No words were spoken, just tears flowing.

Until five minutes pass.

Alice then raised her head again and looked at Luo Sheng.

Luo Sheng first kissed her soft and rosy lips, and then said, "Have you thought of anything?"

"I want a garden. When I was in the orphanage, there was a garden."

Alice is no longer as soft and cute as before.

Rarely put forward his own needs.

But then she shook her head and said, "Forget it. This is too much to ask for. I am very satisfied just to be with you."

Alice thought Luo Sheng couldn't do it.

After all, it is completely impossible to transform this planet.

So don’t call it a garden.

In order to make the environment better, the alliance is just using all its capabilities to build a city in the sky.

But now the resources of the Mellon base are not enough to build the city in the sky.

"It's not too much to ask, it's pretty easy for me."

Luo Sheng gently pinched her little face.

And wipe away the traces of tears.

Alice's skin is as smooth as glass, as soft as cotton, and especially full of baby fat, making people want to ravage her again.

Alice looked at him doubtfully.

"You really can?"

"Of course, I said that your future will be a beautiful life." Luo Sheng said with a smile.

Then let go.

"Wait for me here, I'll be back soon."

Luo Sheng pointed to the balcony, then opened the door and left.

Find a place where there is no one, and with a thought, the whole person disappears into Alice's world.

When he appears in his room, he immediately interrupts the evolution of the card world.

Instead, he took out his mobile phone and searched in the mall for cards that could fill the Gobi Desert with vegetation.

Then he found a card.

【The Wizard of Oz】

Level: Gold five-star

Type: Domain


Through cards, a vibrant green world is created. Even a steel city can be covered with green vegetation.

Increase the amplification effect of wood attribute characters, animals, and skills.


①Flower World: Reduce the enemy's damage value, bloom with flowers, and can confuse the enemy.

②Life recovery: Increase the recovery ability of wood attribute cards and enhance their blood volume.

③Transpiration: It has a great weakening effect on water-element enemies, reducing the lethality of water elements by 30%.

④Soil solidification: For enemies that can drill holes, it can hinder the speed of travel.

⑤Green notice: The user can listen to natural feedback and determine the direction of the enemy within the territory.

Overview: Mother Earth’s little garden may also be a gift to the world.

Luo Sheng looked at this card.

and decided that was it.

This realm card is perfect for Alice's world.

Even in the Gobi Desert, it can still make the world lush.

"It's just a little expensive. It actually costs five hundred card coins. But as a police officer, I should get a discount, right?"

Luo Sheng went to try it.

He filled in his position at the mall and showed his police detective ID.

Then I found out that I can get it for 450 card coins.

10% off.

Although it was still a bit more expensive, Luosheng was able to save fifty card coins, which was equivalent to one month's rent of the villa.

Luo Sheng bought it with tears in his eyes.

After all, this is Alice's request, and it will help him strengthen his cards.

When the card was delivered, Luo Sheng immediately entered Alice's world.

Outside the Mellon base, ten kilometers away in the desolate Gobi Desert.

Integrate this card directly into the world.

At this moment.

Alice was still standing quietly on the balcony.

But her pupils shrank slightly.

I saw a towering tree suddenly appearing in the Gobi Desert not far away.

Then at a speed visible to the naked eye, the green color began to cover the entire Gobi Desert, until it extended to the foot of Melon City.

Alice was shocked.

The civilians in Melon City were also shocked and dumbfounded.

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