My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 442 Rumors of “Happiness”

The guards outside the castle at this moment.

They were all very worried about Leifani's safety.

After all, that intense white light looked very majestic. It hit the ground directly from the sky, making people think it was divine punishment from heaven.

"Lord, please reply quickly! Otherwise, my subordinates will break in without warning!" the Regal Wolf guard shouted anxiously.

His duty is to protect the lord's safety.

If the Lord makes any mistakes.

He was so ashamed of his loyalty that he could basically be buried with him.

After all, this is a knight's promise, and the Regal Werewolf Guard actually belongs to her half of the knight.

Therefore, the rider’s commitment is particularly important.

Reifni did not go over to open the door, but waved gently, and the door to the room opened automatically.

Regal wolf guards broke in from outside.

Seeing the intact Reifni, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Lord, you're fine, you just scared me to death!"

He said with lingering fear.

Reifni simply explained: "This is not an attack, it is like a gift from God, but I feel familiar, like his masterpiece."

There was a hint of nostalgia in Reifni's words.

She felt that light enhanced her strength.

Just like Luo Sheng had been strengthening her before, pushing her to become stronger step by step.

"Lord, what do you mean by this?" the Regal Wolf guard asked in confusion.

He didn't understand the meaning of what Reifni said.

All I know is that the light is really scary.

Reifni explained again: "That light made me stronger. Do you understand now?"

The Regal Wolf guard was stunned.

"Lord, are you telling the truth? You are really favored by God!"

He seemed to have received some happy news.

He couldn't help but smile on his face. It looked very weird, just like the smile of a Shiba Inu. It didn't look like a wolf at all.

Reifani didn't say much.

Instead, he gently showed off his magic.

I saw delicate porcelain suddenly floating on the birch wood table.

"Lord, you actually learned telekinesis?" the Regal Wolf guard asked again in surprise.

Reifni shook her head: "This is not telepathy, but the effect I created through the condensation of magic."

As she spoke, she tested her abilities.

As if he had discovered a treasured woman, the Regal Wolf guard asked again: "Lord, do you have other powerful abilities?"


Reifani nodded slightly.

She then grabbed the staff given to her by Luo Sheng.

A bubble-like light blue halo continued to expand from her staff, just like the expansion that occurred during the creation of the universe and the Big Bang.

Ravenie raised her staff.

The bubble continued to expand, covering the entire castle in an instant, followed by the town outside the castle.

Many people were in a trance.

Even the Regal Wolf Guards also fell into the illusion.

He saw that he was standing on a gorgeous and majestic tall city wall, looking down at all living beings, looking aloof.

And behind him is just a luxurious army.

Wearing a lot of expensive precious metal armor, it no longer looks like the small town that it once was, with all the fuss and fuss.

This majestic army shines in the sun, making people feel like a torrent of steel.

He is the general of this huge city.

And he was guarding Reifni's territory.

The same goes for other ordinary people, who see themselves living in a new city.

There are flowers blooming there, and a large amount of materials are circulating in the city. No one will worry about starving to death, or even suffering from hunger and cold due to lack of materials.

They live in a happy world.

Enjoying the beauty of everything.

After a while.

Reifni's illusion slowly disappeared.

Everyone was still trying to unravel the illusion. Apparently they still wanted to live in that beautiful daydream and didn't want to wake up.

Reg werewolf guard.

Smashing his mouth at the moment.

Feeling a burst of surprise, "Lord, your illusion skills have surpassed any member of the royal family."

His words were very sincere.

After all, no royal succubus in the past generations could achieve such a wide range of illusions.

Even His Majesty, the most powerful King, can only trap three or four people into illusion at most.

If there are too many people, the effect of the illusion will be weakened, so in single combat, the succubus is very powerful.

But when it comes to group fights, its effect is not as good as before.

However, at this moment, Reifni completely surpasses any previous predecessors. The illusion she releases is enough to trap the civilians in the entire town and make them unable to extricate themselves.

Reg Wolf Guard has reason to believe.

If Reifni releases such an illusion, it will be enough to charm an army in place.

Reifni just replied calmly: "This is not a powerful skill. There is no need to be surprised. It's just that light that makes me stronger."

After she finished speaking, she returned to her previous appearance.

Continue to sit in the chair and admire the world outside.

Or wait for Helena to come over, enjoy the prosperity of the town with her, and taste the desserts.

At this moment, the residents of the town were in a different state.

They were shocked by the illusion they had just performed.

Some people even think that the illusion just now was not Reifni's skill, but some kind of divine inspiration.

It was God who revealed to them that Reifni would be the appointed saint in this world, or in other words, she was the spokesperson recognized by God as God.

Everyone's admiration for Leifani became more and more intense.

There are even plans to erect a statue in her honor.

After all, with the holy light shining, Reifni must be an angel sent by God.

Subsequently, a large number of rumors circulated in the town.

Some people say that the Great Light is a blessing from God to Raifni.

Some people also say that Reifni has been designated as a saint by God, and she will lead the demon clan to prosperity.

Some people even say that Reifni herself is a god, but she committed some sins and was demoted to the world to atone for her sins. Now she has made atonement for her sins and is preparing to return to heaven.

Anyway, there are all kinds of rumors.

But what everyone can be sure of is this.

After that beam of white light, Reifni became even more powerful than before.

Everyone no longer underestimates this lord.

She even felt that she could surpass the contemporary King.

That is her father.

Little did Raveny know that these rumors were getting more and more outrageous.

And it spreads extremely fast.

Soon, rumors about Leifni were also spread in the surrounding towns, villages, or border cities.

And this rumor spread beyond the capital of the kingdom.

He also came to the human city.

Many people know that a holy light has descended into the demon territory.

A certain border human city-state, the Adventurer's Guild, "Have you heard? A holy light appeared in the territory of the demons and descended on a lord. He heard that it was the revelation of the greatest treasure in the world. Obtaining it will bring endless rewards." Power up!"

Such rumors are outrageous.

But it has a huge market.

Finally, word spread to the upper echelons of the human race, including nobles and kings, who all believed in such rumors.

At this moment, Reifani was pushed to the climax of public opinion.

But Leifni didn't realize that she was in the whirlpool of public opinion.

Still living his life as if nothing happened.

In the final world of cards, the picture is frozen at that moment.

The [Reifni] in Luo Sheng's hand has changed greatly. It is no longer the color of gold, but the light of platinum.

Wait until the card changes stop.

Luo Sheng holds a platinum three-star [Reifni] in her hand. Her skills have been greatly improved and become more powerful.

Luo Sheng could feel that summoning Reifni again, this guy's illusion was enough to interfere with most card masters in the platinum game.

After all, she is an epic level card.

"However, you cannot obtain any mysterious energy by using [Heavenly Official's Blessing]." Luo Sheng murmured to himself.

[Heavenly Official’s Blessing] can quickly improve the level of the card.

But its premium is also very small.

Strengthening ordinary cards will not only give you mysterious powers, but also improve the compatibility of the cards, and there is a high probability of improving the quality of the cards.

However, the quality of the card using [Heavenly Official's Blessing] will not be improved, and the compatibility will be the same.

[Heavenly Official’s Blessing] simply improves the level of the card.

"With these cards, we are enough to deal with that guy. There is no need to call for support." Luo Sheng said more confidently.

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