My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 443 Tribulation halfway

Luo Sheng summoned Bai Moxue to let her sense the surrounding aura.

In this different dimension, Bai Moxue can easily sense the breath of living creatures, so it is most appropriate for her to find the evil card master.

Moreover, it has reached platinum grade Baimoxue, and its sensing range is wider than before.

Bai Moxue can sense all living things within a radius of at least 10 kilometers.

Alice is just a terrain explorer, and her telepathy is most suitable for exploring terrain.

So there is still an essential difference between the two.

One person belongs to the ghost, and the other person belongs to the machine.

Bai Moxue sensed it carefully. Not long after she left, she suddenly said: "I felt a guy moving quickly."

"Will he be a new student?"

"Her level should be platinum."

"Then let's go around slowly and observe her from a distance." Luo Sheng made a decision.

Then the two quickly chose that direction and left.

at the same time.

the other side.

Tang Zexiang, who had previously accused Luo Sheng of being a thief, was under a giant tree.

And in the shadow of the outline of the giant tree next to her.

A man covered in gray said in an emotionless voice: "Yuchi Xueyao is indeed still so terrifying. My plan was destroyed within half an hour of execution."

Tang Zexiang whispered: "Then your experimental plan makes no sense at all."

"Of course not. I still obtained a lot of data. In this experiment, I at least know that such a method is very feasible, not to mention that they are originally used for consumption."

The gray man said in a relaxed tone.

I don't feel sorry for the loss of those soul cards.

Tang Zexiang asked: "What about now?"

But she didn't look directly at the man.

Just separated from each other by the giant trees, whispering under the trees.

Anyway, their levels are very high, no matter how quiet the voice is, they can hear it clearly.

"What else can I do? Find a way to escape from here. That crazy woman wants to catch me, so you have to help me see the situation clearly." The man in gray said.

"This is too dangerous."

Tang Zexiang wanted to refuse.

She was not familiar with the other party at all, and the two parties had only been in contact for a short time, especially now that things were already going wrong.

Everyone is looking for the person who caused the destruction.

If Tang Zexiang helps him now, it will be tantamount to pushing his future to the edge of the cliff.

She wouldn't do such stupid things.

The gray man seemed to be able to read her thoughts, and there was no expression on his gray face.

He said in a mechanical voice: "Don't worry, nothing will happen to you, because when I implemented the plan, I also used a backup plan.

If the monsters from another dimension are contaminated, they will rapidly increase in strength in a very short period of time, causing trouble for these new students.

Or even kill these new students.

It is impossible for Yuchi Xueyao to kill all these invading creatures, otherwise the entire different dimension will be destroyed.

So I know she is in a hurry now, so you are safe, help me explore the situation nearby and find a way out for me. "

Although the gray man's words seemed to eliminate all dangers.

But Tang Zexiang still doesn't quite believe this person.

Tang Zexiang began to hesitate.

She doesn't want to lose her current job because of this deal. She is one of the security officers of another dimension.

Tang Zexiang was in a dilemma.

The gray man suddenly said: "Do you want to become stronger? You help me send it outside, and I will give you the resources to improve your strength."

"Do you want me to fall?"

"No, no, no, you are wrong. Where is your profession? If you become an evil card master, you will be discovered soon. But I have a new resource that can improve your strength without letting you down. You fall."

The gray man's language is full of temptation.

Like an angel in the sky, causing people on the ground to perish.

Tang Zexiang's eyes narrowed slightly when she heard his words.

There was a hint of longing in his eyes.

After all, no one can resist the temptation of resource cards, especially resources that can improve one's level and strength, which will undoubtedly make people addicted.

Tang Zexiang took a deep breath.

"I can help you find an escape route, but if something unexpected happens, you can't blame me."

Tang Zexiang calmed down his breathing and said slowly.

She was so eager to become stronger.

So much so that even if it was dangerous, Tang Zexiang wanted to give it a try.

Because she has been stuck at the platinum level, if she wants to have a better life, she must improve her strength and slowly switch from counselor to mentor.

After all, being a tutor is the real core employee of the college.

You will receive the most rewards and receive the most support from college resources.

There are also a range of implicit rights.

Anyway, this is temptation.

Karasawa knew the danger here, but she still wanted to try it.

The gray man knew what she was thinking.

He said: "Don't worry, I won't betray you if someone finds out. Besides, I will only follow you and no one will find out. You can just patrol as normal."

The gray male protagonist constantly dispels Karasawa's doubts.

Tang Zexiang hesitated for a moment.

He quickly nodded in agreement, "Then let's follow this."

"Just pretend to walk away casually. I will always be by your side." The gray man said calmly.

Tang Zexiang followed his words and left as if nothing had happened.

The gray man didn't know how to use a certain card.

The whole person disappeared in place.

In fact, he was wandering 100 meters below Kara Zexiang's feet.

Even underground, he moved with ease, as if swimming in the sea, not like digging a hole at all.

Tang Zexiang also couldn't sense the gray man's aura.

It was as if he disappeared with him.

"I hope he will keep his word." Tang Zexiang murmured.

Tang Zexiang pretends to be a security guard, wearing student clothes and patrolling everywhere.

Killed a few cards on the way.

The journey was very smooth, and I met several of the same security officers, and both parties chatted and laughed.

The intercom even called her for help.

Tang Zexiang easily rescued several freshmen.

And swaggering towards the periphery of the different dimension.

Just when she felt like she was going to make it.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared in front of her.

It was that annoying guy again. Luo Sheng looked completely lost at the moment. Seeing Tang Zexiang was like seeing a life-saving straw.

"Counsellor Tang, long time no see. I got lost recently." Luo Sheng showed a warm smile.

But Tang Zexiang looked at him warily.

"It's normal to get lost. This different dimension is your assessment target." When Tang Zexiang spoke, there was a hint of coldness in his tone.

After all, this guy cheated her once.

She still has lingering fears.

At this moment, he was more depressed and angry. If he hadn't done it intentionally, he wouldn't have become a sinner and made Yuchi Xueyao hate him.

"You also know me. I am a security officer. If I get lost, it will be a big deal." Luo Sheng still looked smiling.

He looks like a sunny and cheerful little boy.

Tang Zexiang sighed helplessly, "Where do you plan to go?"

Luo Sheng replied directly: "I am going to the edge of another dimension and will escape when I find a suitable opportunity."

When Tang Zexiang heard that he was traveling with her, her pupils shrank slightly, and she was obviously a little nervous.

But after hearing it clearly, this guy was careless.

Why is this guy fishing in troubled waters when he works so hard? The more Tang Zexiang thinks about it, the angrier he becomes. "When you become a security officer, you shouldn't think about escaping. If someone is in danger, you will have a great responsibility."

"I know, but the time is almost up now. There shouldn't be any danger. Besides, with the mentor here, do we still need to work so hard?"

Luo Sheng still looked sunny and cheerful.

At this time, in this different dimension of Wonderland, two-thirds of the assessment has passed, that is, two days have passed.

So it’s okay for him to leave early.

It’s almost over anyway.


A voice came into Tang Zexiang's mind.

"Promise him. It just so happens that there is someone who can prove your innocence, so if you go with him, at least it will be safe."

The voice came from the gray man.

He is hiding deep underground, transmitting his words into Tang Zexiang's mind through his own spiritual power in some form.

Others couldn't hear it at all.

Tang Zexiang nodded silently, then said to Luo Sheng: "Then you come with me."

Tang Zexiang was ready to leave.

But Luo Sheng did not leave. Instead, he raised his head and asked her, "By the way, Counselor Tang, are you leaving too?"

Tang Zexiang's heart skipped a beat.

Thanks to the Descendants of the Dragon for the 10 Great Awards~

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