My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 466 The deal with Dongfang Tianyun

Dongfang Tianyun nodded: "Well, because I am in the game, it is difficult to find any clues, but you are different. You are an outsider. What's more, you also have special abilities, and you may be the one to break the game."

"I see, I told you that you won't go to the hot springs with me for no reason."

Dongfang Tianyun suddenly laughed.

She winked and said, "Do you still want another time?"

Luo Sheng fell silent for a moment.

Apparently he didn't want to answer.

After all, the allure of Oriental Tianyun is too great, especially the scene of hibiscus emerging from the water, which really makes people want to die.

Luo Sheng didn't want to fall into her hands.

After all, who can resist such temptation?

A young woman + a caring sister + maturity, not even Leifni can do such charming moves.

Luo Sheng was silent for several seconds.

Dongfang Tianyun suddenly laughed, "I didn't expect that I would create such a big shadow in your mind. Are you so afraid of me?"

"Of course, no one can resist such a temptation. I don't want Dongfang Muqing to nag in my ears all day long... Don't see anything inappropriate, don't think anything inappropriate, emptiness is color, color is emptiness."

Luo Sheng turned his gaze to the other side.

I don’t dare to watch Dongfang Tianyun at all.

Nowadays, she is full of temptations, especially the rough coast and the vaguely translucent gauze, which makes people mesmerized.

Dongfang Tianyun burst into laughter.

"You are indeed very interesting. I obviously want to see it, but it is very interesting to be forced to have such an idea."

Dongfang Tianyun seemed to be laughing at him.

Anyway, he smiled brightly.

She looked like she wanted to seduce him, she was like a mature vixen.

Luo Sheng coughed dryly, and then said: "That's all I have said. I don't know who they are colluding with. I only know that they are no longer normal, so you'd better be careful."

What Luo Sheng said had the meaning of driving others away.

Dongfang Tianyun knew that the other party was trying to relieve the embarrassment.

The eviction order issued.

Dongfang Tianyun's smile gradually disappeared, and she turned into a cold royal sister, "I already have a clue... I will check carefully when I go back. If my guess is right, it should be the Immortal King. .”

"If it's the Immortal King, then you have to be careful."

Luo Sheng also frowned.

When he stayed at the Dongfang Muqing Villa under the sycamore tree, he had learned more about the Immortal King in detail.

This continent is very huge.

And the human race is just a small place.

Although the human race does not have much morality, it reproduces quickly, has a large number, and occupies many positions.

But it’s just a drop in the bucket for the entire continent.

The one who really occupies the best position is the Immortal King. His subordinates have a large number of generals, most of whom are monster beasts from ancient times.

Some are still ancient immortal beasts.

He can transform into a humanoid form and survive on this continent, and there is more than one Immortal King. This continent accommodates a large number of Immortal Kings.

They fight openly and secretly.

Therefore, if an Immortal King degenerates into a dark card, the entire world is estimated to be in danger of collapse.

Luo Sheng felt a chill running down his back at the thought.

I didn't expect it to be so big here.

It cannot be solved with his current strength.

After all, the Immortal King's strength is estimated to be above diamond level, and may reach obsidian level. This is something that cannot be solved at his level.

"Thank you for the reminder, see you next time." Dongfang Tianyun disappeared into the small bamboo forest while talking.

Her faint fragrance still lingers in the air.

And the sound echoed in the bamboo forest.

Luo Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

This guy was simply the temptation of a widow, but Luo Sheng couldn't stand it, "Forget it, don't think about it, just find Dongfang Muqing."

At this moment, Dongfang Muqing was sleeping in a soft quilt.

I vaguely felt like I was being pulled out.

Opening her eyes and finding Luo Sheng right in front of her, Dongfang Muqing yawned loudly, "What time is it now? Are you still not sleeping?"

"You can continue to sleep."

Luo Sheng said seriously.

Dongfang Muqing curled her lips immediately, "I can't sleep with you like this... Uh, be gentle~"

Dongfang Muqing's face quickly turned red.

Luo Sheng stayed in Dongfang Muqing's world for more than a month.

During this period, Dongfang Tianyun kept coming to him to learn about the sycamore tree from his perspective. Luo Sheng also knew that many things happened under the sycamore tree.

Dongfang Tianyun's guess is indeed correct.

Her two elders, Dongfang Hong and Dongfang Yiren, had secretly contacted the Immortal King's people.

They want to replace themselves, while the Immortal King wants to occupy the entire sycamore tree.

After all, the sycamore tree is a treasure.

The Qingluan clan made their fortune here back then, and at its peak it was second only to Phoenix, so the Wutong tree has become a place coveted by many people.

Therefore, the Immortal King who is in alliance with the Wutong Tree has always wanted to occupy this place.

Even as an ally, you do one thing in front of others, but do another thing behind your back.

Listening to Dongfang Tianyun's words, Luo Sheng's views were completely refreshed, "This world is too scary for the weak and the strong. No wonder there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests."

He sighed for a while.

So she trained Dongfang Muqing more and more rigorously.

I want Dongfang Muqing to become stronger quickly, otherwise it will be difficult for her to survive in this world.

Luo Sheng understood the appearance of the entire continent through Dongfang Tianyun. There were countless strong people here, and there were at least hundreds of people with diamond-level strength like her.

Luo Sheng was afraid that Dongfang Muqing was walking outside, and if he met some gangsters whose strength reached the astonishing diamond level, he would probably only be able to sing a cool song.

Dongfang Muqing knew what Luo Sheng was thinking.

Apart from daily complaints, he basically practiced according to Luo Sheng's requirements.

Until it was time for Luo Sheng to leave.

He said to Dongfang Muqing: "You have to take good care of yourself here and learn to hide. Dongfang Tianyun will help you hide your aura. It will also cover up the brilliance of the bracelet. They can't rely on the bracelet to find you."

Luosheng and Dongfang Tianyun have reached a deal.

He helped Dongfang Tianyun find all the bad guys hiding under the sycamore tree, and when Dongfang Tianyun encountered danger in the future.

Luo Sheng helped her unconditionally.

After all, Luosheng is an outsider.

An outsider has the advantage of being an outsider and can observe more clearly, especially under the sycamore tree, where there are no close people at all.

Therefore, you will not be swayed by emotions.

Therefore, it was most appropriate for Dongfang Tianyun to let him secretly observe the members of the clan.

It was also Dongfang Tianyun’s helpless move.

Luo Sheng also needs Dongfang Tianyun to help Mu Qing hide her residence and support Dongfang Mu Qing unconditionally.

Prevent the Qingluan clan from marrying Dongfang Muqing to the Immortal King.

So the two sides struck a deal.

"Okay, I understand, you should take good care of yourself and don't go to those weird places, hum~" Dongfang Muqing snorted cutely.

Especially after Dongfang Muqing put on a new bracelet.

More charming like a fairy.

Luo Sheng rubbed her little face and said simply: "I know, you also need to remember to practice well. In this world, the jungle is strong and the jungle is strong. You must know better than me."


The two said goodbye like this.

Dongfang Muqing and Xiaoqing live here, in a remote and desolate mountain forest.

Luo Sheng found a deserted place.

A thought came to my mind.

He slowly disappeared from this world, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already back in his room.

[Dongfang Muqing] This card exudes a bright light, gradually transforming from the original gold color to platinum gold color.

In Luo Sheng's mind.

[Dongfang Muqing] cards are still evolving.

After he left, Dongfang Muqing began to practice in seclusion, and her level increased rapidly, especially with the help of Luo Sheng.

His skill training is also better than that of ordinary people.

It's like traveling a thousand miles a day.

Under the plane tree.

Dongfang Tianyun also continued to track down the spies hiding in her clan. If she didn't investigate, she wouldn't know. The more she investigated, she discovered the horror of the Wutong tree being infiltrated.

Not only the first elder but also the second elder were betrayed by the Immortal King.

Even several senior members of the tribe continued to leak secrets to the area where the Immortal King was located through collusion.

These people are the ones who control the clan's treasures, defenses, and maids.

If the maze of the sycamore tree hadn't been controlled by Dongfang Tianyun, everything under the sycamore tree would have been occupied long ago.

at the same time.

The Immortal King knew that Dongfang Tianyun had found a saint, so he began to force Dongfang Tianyun to marry.

Take out the rules set by our ancestors.

That's called speaking with integrity.

Conclusive words.

However, Dongfang Tianyun postponed it because the saint was missing. Therefore, the other party began to send people to search among the people.

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