My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 467 Platinum-level Saint Dongfang Muqing

The Immortal King sent people to search for Dongfang Muqing's whereabouts, but unfortunately they could never find her.

Because Dongfang Tianyun had long accepted Luo Sheng's commission and hid Dongfang Muqing in the deep mountains and old forests, ordinary people could not sense it at all.

As long as the Immortal King doesn't take action.

No one can find her in their lifetime.

Dongfang Muqing practiced like this day after day in the deep mountains and old forests, and her strength continued to grow.

The card world screen gradually freezes here.

After a flash of bright light.

Luo Sheng had a platinum level card in his hand.

[Qingluan Saint-Dongfang Muqing (Specialized)]

Rating: Platinum four stars

Type: mythical beast-character


① Moonfall: Restores the blood volume of all friendly units by 0.88%/s for ten minutes.

②Peach Garden Wonderland: A peach blossom garden belonging to Oriental Muqing, and she is the protagonist in it.

③Ambush from all sides: Increase the attack power and HP of your own unit by 166%, and reduce the opponent's damage by 33%, lasting ten minutes.

④Gathering Call: Provides a basic increase of 38%~78% to all friendly units through musical notes.

⑤Piano Puppet: Control five puppets through musical notes to fight defensively for yourself.

⑥Five Finger Magic Piano: Create sharp sound waves through the sound of the piano, killing the enemy instantly, and can create five sound waves at a time.

⑦ Qingluan Immortal Bracelet: Passively increases own attributes.

⑧Shared Sounds: Let Mu Jing play a song immediately, restoring 44%~99% of the card holder’s mental power within one minute, up to twice a day.

Summary: I became a saint and escaped?

Luo Sheng looked at the card [Dongfang Muqing] and saw that his strength had greatly improved, from the original nine gold stars to four platinum stars.

Dongfang Muqing's strength has undergone a huge change.

Luo Sheng felt that with her increase, all the cards in the team could gain huge growth, basically improving by more than two stars.

In the future, we will deal with platinum-level card masters like Kishida Akira.

It is estimated that they will not be as evenly matched as before.

As long as Dongfang Muqing joins the battle and greatly improves the basic attributes of all the cards in the team, it will not be difficult to kill Kishida Akira instantly.

Just when Luo Sheng was carefully examining the card [Dongfang Muqing].

A familiar force surged into his body.

This feeling is very long gone.

Luo Sheng had not felt this for a long time, and mysterious energy began to flow into his limbs and bones.

Constantly temper every part of the body.

Finally gathered into the spiritual jade.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Sheng's spiritual jade began to operate crazily.

The progress has also increased rapidly, 300.9%...302.6%...303.5%...305.3%...

In the end, the progress of the spiritual jade stopped at 306.9%.

This time strengthening [Dongfang Muqing] only increased the progress by 6%.

Although he couldn't let Luo Sheng break through, he could feel that his physical fitness was much stronger than before.

However, what makes Luo Sheng feel strange is, "Why hasn't the decimal point disappeared? Is this the case after reaching the platinum level?"

Luo Sheng felt more and more that it was more difficult to upgrade the platinum level than the gold level.

Just when Luo Sheng lowered his head and thought.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

Luo Sheng opened the door and saw Xu Yourong, who was slightly scarred, had returned to the villa and was facing him now.

Luo Sheng asked in confusion: "Why are your whole body covered with injuries?"

"The accident in Wonderland is not over. Although the soul cards have been destroyed, the mutated invading creatures have not been eliminated."

As Xu Yourong spoke, he took out four or five contaminated cards.

They are all rated at seven or eight gold stars, and one is even as high as ten gold stars.

Luo Sheng was stunned for a moment.

"So you fight these cards?"

"Well, in order to improve my strength."

Xu Yourong nodded and admitted that she wanted to improve her own strength by defeating these powerful cards, instead of always holding back.

Luo Sheng directly blessed her with a Holy Light Technique.

Xu Yourong's wounds, large and small, gradually recovered, and he returned to the smooth-skinned, tall Xu Yourong he once was.

However, there was no way to repair the large and small tears in Xu Yourong's clothes.

Xu Yourong's outfit was like hole-in-the-wall pants or hole-in-the-wall clothing. Although the exposed position was not considered private, it still made people's blood boil.

Luo Sheng pulled her into the room.

Find some good clothes and throw them to her.

Xu Yourong often lived in her own room, so it was natural for her to have several pieces of her clothes in her room.

Xu Yourong didn't hesitate and took off his tattered clothes.

Then put on a new one.

Luo Sheng took all the pollution cards in her hand and said, "I will help you remove the pollution from these cards, and you can continue to use them later."

Xu Yourong nodded, "Thank you."

"Why are you being polite to me?"

Luo Sheng put away these cards.

Then he said: "By the way, I already have the ability to create soul cards, so I plan to start with the man in black."

Luo Sheng had not forgotten the man in black who he kidnapped while fighting Murong Yu.

The identity of the man in black is a liaison between the Xu family and the evil card master.

Xu Yourong immediately turned to look at him.

There was a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

"Let's go." Luo Sheng directly summoned the tunnel in the hidden world. He knew that Xu Yourong had been anxiously trying to find the secrets about the Xu family.

He just stopped talking on the surface, but actually he was more anxious than anyone else on the inside.

Xu Yourong jumped in without hesitation.

Luo Sheng also entered.

He came to a dungeon in the mansion and dragged out the half-dead man in black.

After letting Xu Yourong beat him to the point of death, Luo Sheng took out the [Soul Salvation] again and lit up this card with his mental power.

Then, a strange light suddenly emerged.

It was like a hand of holy light, slowly dragging the soul of the dying man in black and slowly pulling his soul out.

The light blue soul is gradually compressed by the holy light.

Eventually it became a one-time use card.

[Soul-Xu Changren]

Luo Sheng merged this card with an ordinary bronze card.

Soon, Xu Changren successfully seized the body and directly occupied the bronze card, and Luo Sheng summoned him casually.

The moment Xu Changren appeared.

I was stunned.

"Am I not dead?"

Xu Yourong took out a knife and put it against his neck, threatening: "You are indeed dead. We will use some small means to turn you into a soul card."

When Xu Changren heard these words, he didn't dare to breathe.

Xu Yourong looked at Xu Yourong, who was full of terror.

And Luo Sheng behind her.

Xu Changren couldn't believe that one day he would become a soul card and his life would be in the hands of others.

Luo Sheng wrote lightly: "Before, because of the existence of the contract, you couldn't tell everything, but now that you have become a soul card, these must no longer be a problem."

Xu Changren swallowed.

He knows that his fate is in the hands of others.

All contracts cannot take effect.

Later, Xu Changren recruited them all under Xu Yourong's torture to extract a confession.

For example, the main characters of the Xu family and colluded with the evil card master to secretly research some things, the content of which is to develop the human body, and making spiritual jade into chips is one of them.

These chips are taken out of the human body and installed on special machines. Cards can be summoned through the machine and then controlled to fight.

Moreover, a characteristic of this kind of machine is that it has a large capacity and can be manufactured in large quantities as long as the number of wafers can keep up.

Luo Sheng and Xu Yourong knew a place where they conducted human body research in Xu Chang's Blade.

A production base located in a suburb of Xujia.

It's officially a production base.

Produced a large number of cards, infrastructure, resources and food materials for the entire Yuncheng, becoming one of the main suppliers of Yuncheng.

In fact, there is a secret research and development center that specializes in human experiments, and there are many evil card masters hidden in it to conduct research together.

There is even a research room dedicated to dark cards.

Therefore, the power of the Xu family can grow rapidly.

Luo Sheng frowned when he heard what he said, "It seems they really want to go all the way to the dark side."

"It seems like we need to find some time to find out." Xu Yourong suggested.

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