My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 468 What happened after the actual combat assessment

"Well, there must be many unknown secrets in him." Luo Sheng said equally curiously.

for these production bases.

Luo Sheng was already salivating.

He wanted to have a good understanding of the operating rules inside, and Luo Sheng also wanted to understand the research between the Xu family and the evil card master.

Especially regarding wafers.

Luo Sheng had several in his hand.

These chips can not only provide energy to the hidden world, but can also use the chips to summon cards. This function exceeds that of any machine.

It can even directly use the chip to create a force.

After all, if you recruit a card master to become one of your forces, the opponent will be independent in thought and strength, have his own ideas, and may betray you.

But if you use a chip to summon cards, you can make the cards completely obey your orders and create new guards or soldiers that are loyal to you.

Luo Sheng had a vague guess.

Kishida Akira summons cards through the chip, and he wants to use the cards to create his own power.

As long as you control the chip, you can control a huge force.

The Xu family cooperates with the evil card master to achieve this goal, so they take risks.

Luo Sheng took out the chips and devices he had seized previously.

Xu Yourong happened to be here, so she should be able to understand a lot.

So the two began to study chips and instruments again.

Xu Yourong only had a rough understanding of this chip.

Even if you ask the man in black, he doesn't know much. As long as it involves core secrets, he can't get it from the master. He just has a little more information than the two of them.

Xu Changren said helplessly, "These core secrets are only known to the senior family members, and we liaison officers are only responsible for passing on the news.

I only know that these chips can control cards. If you add soul cards, it will be perfect. After all, soul cards have thoughts, so as long as you give them a clear goal, they can be controlled well.

As for how to use one, only the top management knows about it, and we are just the bottom people. "Xu Changren said simply.

And he didn't lie, he told the truth.

Such an important thing will not be leaked to others, even the family liaison will not be informed.

Because they are expendable at any time.

So I don’t know much at all.

Luo Sheng looked at the bright chips and the somewhat decayed machines.

All that is known is that the chip was created by the card master's spiritual jade.

That is to say, kill people, take eggs, and then create a chip. Therefore, the chip has mental power and can naturally restore this strange ability.

"It seems that we really need to find time to go to the production base and learn more about it."

When Luo Sheng was thinking.

Xu Yourong reminded him, "Now is not the time. The actual combat assessment has just ended, and the academy has suffered heavy casualties. It is estimated that the Xu family will take this opportunity to strictly defend."

Only then did Luo Sheng remember.

Entering the card world, several days have passed in the real world.

Ignoring what happened afterwards, Luo Sheng asked, "What happened after the practical class? After I went to the Security Bureau, I never went back to work as a security officer."

Xu Yourong recalled briefly, and then simply said:

"More than ninety people died in this accident, and Tang Zexiang informed a lot of news, and there will be follow-up matters against the college.

The top management of the college was very angry and seemed to have gone to investigate. The Security Bureau also got involved, and the Alliance also took it very seriously.

Therefore, today's security in Yuncheng has become stricter, and security bureau patrols can be seen everywhere, so the family chaebol are now much more disciplined.

They were afraid that evidence of their collusion with the evil card master would appear. After all, the instructors in the academy were not easy to mess with and could destroy them at any time. "

Luo Sheng listened to her explanation quietly.

Keep nodding.

Now because of this incident, the situation has become even more uncertain, and everyone is afraid of receiving the wrath of the academy and the alliance.

As a result, they become well-behaved and it will be very difficult to catch them in the future.

Of course, sneak into their production site.

It can also become quite difficult.

He might even move his base, which would indeed cause unnecessary trouble for him. The worst thing he could do is miss the target and fall into their trap.

So, be more careful in the future.

You must be completely confident before you can break in. Otherwise, if you fail to catch them, you may be falsely accused by them.

By then, nothing can be said.

Xu Yourong looked at Luo Sheng thinking seriously, and then silently added: "However, in this incident, you should be rewarded."

Luo Sheng was pulled out of his thoughts.

Looking at Xu Yourong, there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Xu Yourong continued: "It's because of you that we caught the spy hiding in the academy this time. I heard from the dean that they are worrying about how to reward you."

"Does the academy also want to reward me?"

"Well, that seems to be the case. After all, you help the college get rid of a hidden danger. No matter what, the college has to reward you with something."

Xu Yourong said casually.

A trace of sadness appeared on Luo Sheng's face: "Then wouldn't I have to expose myself?"

"It's not clear, but I think they will keep it a secret. After all, the college has announced it to the outside world. It just said that someone invaded this actual combat assessment and caused an accident in another dimension. As for who the spy was, they didn't say. Even Tang Zexiang and the others claimed that the counselor was seriously injured and needed to retreat, and only insiders knew the whole story."

"I see, this should be considered a good thing." Luo Sheng nodded thoughtfully.

He estimated that the possibility of secretly rewarding himself was very high.

If he rewards himself openly, it means that many people will know that a traitor has appeared in the college and caused serious casualties.

It might bring disgrace to the college.

After all, poor employment can cause serious losses to the reputation of the college.

By then, who among the next freshmen will dare to sign up to join the college?

At this moment, Luo Sheng also remembered something. Yuchi Xueyao still owed him two platinum cards.

"It seems that we need to find some time to get the reward back." Luo Sheng said thoughtfully.

Xu Yourong reminded at this time: "Over there at the school, you'd better go back and have a look."

After Xu Yourong finished speaking, he left.

As for Xu Changren, the man in black, all the news has been told.

Xu Yourong also recorded this information and later compiled it into a book, so that he could know a lot of secrets of the Xu family in an organized manner.

Xu Changren became a card and was put away by her.

This guy will still be useful in the future.

Xu Yourong returned to her room and continued to meditate. At this moment, her level was not high at all, only around Golden Seven Stars.

This time it was an accident.

Exposing her strengths and weaknesses.

Now that he had to face a behemoth again, Xu Yourong was simply not able to support what would happen in the future.

Therefore, Xu Yourong felt more and more urgent.

She went back to her room to meditate.

Luo Sheng looked at her back and felt a trace of relief on his face, "It seems that this accident is not all bad."

He always felt that Xu Yourong's level was too low.

Three stars away from myself.

But if both sides were at the same level, it would be quite easy for Luo Sheng to crush Xu Yourong.

Even though she has two Spiritual Jade, she can control a large number of cards, and even, as an analyst, can control the dynamics on the battlefield.

Unfortunately, she could only surpass it technically.

It is impossible to surpass in strength.

Because Luosheng's cards can crush them in terms of strength, epic-level cards are almost invincible when challenging cards of the same level.

And he has several epic cards in his hand.

Therefore, no matter how strong Xu Yourong's analytical skills were, he could not let the cards win directly.

If you want to defeat yourself, you must summon more cards to resist, which will also affect the output of mental power, resulting in a heavier burden during the battle.

When Xu Yourong entered the room.

Luo Sheng was about to leave the villa and go to the academy.

Just came down the stairs.

I heard hurried footsteps.

Looking up, I saw Xu Xiaoqin running over and saying with a smile, "Have you noticed any difference in me?"

Luo Sheng glanced briefly and said expressionlessly: "Your level has been improved."

At this moment, Xu Xiaoqing's level was completely exposed in front of him.

Silver six stars.

To be honest, it wasn't enough in front of him. The Six Silver Stars were just running errands, not even cannon fodder. They were too fragile.

However, Xu Xiaoqin's level improvement also surprised him.

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