“It’s a little smelly…” The pole glanced at the little mouse, and could even see the poop of the mound.

The pole is a bit disgusting.

Dunzi, don’t you guy wipe his ass after pulling shit?

You just deliberately keep the little mouse to wipe your ass.

It’s so wicked.

“I’ll change places to cultivate… You are here watching him and as soon as he wakes up, immediately knock him unconscious. After the pole finished speaking, he turned around and entered another cave and began to cultivate.

The pier did not leave, just guarding Cutra in the distance.

Of course, Dunzi was not idle and continued to cultivate in this cave.


Konick held the scepter in his hand, and the crystal ball on the scepter also appeared in the cave.

Konick covered his head, a little speechless.

Little mouse, you are miserable enough.

Konick has basically guessed this result.

That’s a cat!

The little mouse single-handedly challenged two cats, which is already very remarkable.

Although the little mouse has not seen a cat before.

But this kind of bloodline suppression is innate.

And through this battle, the yellow-haired little mouse … Eh, the bald little mouse Cuetra finally defeated the suppression in the bloodline.

Perhaps from now on, Cuitra will no longer be afraid of cats.

These are all experiences for you.

I hope you can grow up as soon as possible.

As for saving you?

Even if you die, I can bring you back to life.

These experiences are valuable assets for you.

Come on, little mouse.

Come on, my Cuitra!

Konick didn’t take care of the little mouse anymore, and certainly wouldn’t treat him.

The premise of treating him is that the little mouse can come back on its own.

Konick was just about to take back the scepter, but suddenly found the pole and pier that were punching the cat.

Konick didn’t care about their cat punch.

At this time, I looked carefully and suddenly found that the two cats’ fist techniques were very similar.

Moreover, Konick was surprised that the two cats seemed to have cultivated energy through their own cultivation.

Other animals are different.

The other small and large animals….

For example, Ligill the Fox, Rumsey the Elephant, and Cuetra the Mouse….

Even the tiger of Macarita and the dog of Sava.

These animals have been taught by us, so they have cultivated energy.

Only these two cats are different.

Are they the energy cultivated through this peculiar cat fist?

Konick looked closely at the cat punches made by the two cats.

Suddenly it felt like the cat fist was amazing.

Well, do you have to tell Lord Grand Priest about this as soon as possible?

Thought about it.

After all, Kornick still contacted the High Priest through the scepter.

“Lord Priest…” said Konick immediately and respectfully.

“It’s Konick, is there something wrong?” The voice of the Great Priest also came.

“It’s about Beerus and Elephant Pa.” Konick hurriedly said, “I accidentally discovered… The cat punch that the two of them fight seems to be a very deep skill…”

“You found out too?” The Great Priest smiled slightly.

“Has Lord Great Priest known for a long time?” Konick was stunned.

“Konick, do you have any good proposals?” The Grand Priest did not answer Konick’s question, but asked.

“Good proposal?” Konick didn’t understand what the High Priest meant.

“I have a better proposal, but I hope Konick will cooperate well.” The Great Priest smiled.

“Lord Great Priest, please say.” Konick replied.

“Please ask Kornick to keep a good record of their cat punches, and when I’m done with the matter at hand, I’ll study it properly.” The Great Priest smiled, “As you said, Conix, maybe it is really possible to comprehend a new skill through their cat fist.” All this time, you didn’t have your own combat skills… It’s time to give you a new skill in the process of governing the universe. ”

“I know what to do, Lord Priest.” Konick nodded solemnly.

“So be it.” After the Great Priest finished speaking, he directly cut off the call.

The Great Priest continued to explore in this sea of stars, looking for valuable life forms.

It’s just that the whole universe has looked for a circle.

The Great Priest still did not find a life form that could succeed the Creator God.

The human world has looked for it….

No, let’s go around the prefecture….

Maybe there will be gains.

Although this possibility is not very great.

But it’s also good to go and see.


The Great Priest appeared in the underground mansion in just an instant by teleporting through teleportation.



King Yan Luo is playing cards with a few imps.

Too idle.

It’s just too idle.

The universe has just opened.

Dead small animals, small animals without spiritual intelligence, souls are not under the control of King Yan Luo.

Those souls are directly into the soul pool, where they undergo a big shuffle and reincarnation.

You are an ant in this life.

Accidentally trampled to death by something.

Then your soul will enter the soul pool of the underworld to be cleansed.

After cleaning, your memories will disappear.

Or, after purging, you are directly washed away by the soul pool and disappear completely.

Neither this world nor that world will cease to exist.

If you’re lucky, your soul will be placed in the area of reincarnation.

Then, you are reincarnated as another small animal.

After the little animal died, it continued to enter the soul pool to wash it.

After repeating this for several reincarnations, you may become a human.

Or become an animal that has turned on its mind.

The world is so cruel.

At this time, in the hall of this king of Yan Luo.

King Yan Luo is fighting the landlord with two imps.

“A 2!” King Yan Luo hit a 2.

“Bomb!” The imp plays the card.

“Boy, you dare to up?” King Yan Luo’s face darkened, and he looked at the little ghost.

The little ghost was so frightened that he hurriedly put the bomb back.

“Don’t!” The imp changed his mind.

“What about you? Do you want it? King Yan Luo asked another imp.

In addition, this little ghost also shook his head vigorously.

What do I want?

I would like to.

Besides, I don’t dare ask for it.

“Yes 3!” King Yan Luo dropped two threes.

“Yes 2!” The imp threw down two 2’s.

King Yan Luo looked straight at the little ghost.

The little ghost’s face changed slightly, and he hurriedly took the “pair 2” back, and struggled to tear down the 445566 and throw down the “right 4”.

“Is there a right 4 you don’t out, you out of the right 2? Can you play cards? King Yan Luo squinted.

Little Ghost: “…”

I’m dismantling this right, is it good for 4?

“Well, I still have to study hard… Hahahaha…” the little devil laughed dryly.

PS: I saw the reader’s message saying that he didn’t like the story before the God of Destruction very much… It makes some sense, send the 3-day save manuscript at hand and enter the plot of the protagonist as soon as possible.

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