“Yes, there’s a lot to learn.” King Yan Luo nodded in satisfaction.

“Yes 10!” Another imp plays cards.

“Yes A!” King Yan Luo played his cards.

“Don’t!” The little ghost said quickly.

King Yan Luo looked at the little ghost again without blinking.

The little ghost is a little weak-hearted.

“Or… I fried? The imp asked.

“Do you play or do I play my cards?” King Yan Luo shouted.

“So… I don’t want…” The imp was about to cry.

“If you want to blow up, hurry up and fry!” King Yan Luo urged.

Little Ghost: “…”

What the hell are you going to let me blow up?

“Bomb!” The little ghost was helpless and carefully dropped a bomb.

“Don’t!” Another imp said quickly.

“King Fried!” King Yan Luo laughed and smashed Wang down with a shake of his hand.

Two imps: “…”

It turned out to be waiting here.

“A 3.” King Yan Luo casually dropped a 3, “I only have one card left.” ”

“A 2!” The little ghost hurriedly died.

King Yan Luo: “…”

“Yes 5!” The imp plays the card.

“Yes, Q!” Another little ghost road.


“Lian Card!” In addition, this little devil directly left in a set of cards.

King Yan Luo’s face was dark at that time.

Will you play cards?

“Huh? Who is this? At this time, the little ghost suddenly saw the great priest who appeared behind King Yan Luo.

“I asked if you could play cards? Do you play cards like this? King Yan Luo looked at the little devil with a cold face.

“Lord Yan Luo, there is someone behind you.” The little ghost hurriedly said.

“Less lying to me there! I am the most powerful god in this world! Can I not know that there is someone behind me? King Yan Luo snorted, turned back to the Great Priest and said, “Are you right? ”

King Yan Luo quickly turned his head.

The next moment, King Yan Luo’s entire body trembled violently.

This, this, this….

I felt as if I was a supreme god….

It won’t be the Great Priest, right?

I heard that a great priest has come to the God Realm, and the entire God Realm will be controlled by him in the future.

King Yan Luo mechanically turned his head again and looked at the great priest who appeared behind him.

King Yan Luo was frightened, and at that time he knelt on the ground and kowtowed vigorously.

“I don’t know that the Great Priest has arrived, and I am far from welcome, please forgive me!” King Yan Luo broke out in cold sweat.

“King Yan Luo, you look very leisurely.” The Great Priest put his hands behind his back and said with a smile.

“Don’t you dare…” King Yan Luo shouted all over his body.

“By the way, I heard that there is a planet called Boundary Core Star, and there is a huge boundary tree on it, and the boundary tree will bear fruit every few years, and the fruit will be born in the way of the core man. There is no gender distinction, and the average life expectancy is about 75,000 years. The Great Priest looked at King Yan Luo and asked.

“Yes, Lord Grand Priest, do you want to go to the Core Star?” King Yan Luo breathed a slight sigh of relief.

As long as I am not prosecuted about cheating on cards, I will be relieved.

Not true….

This is special!

I didn’t win by cheating.

“Lord Grand Priest… Want to pick a new Realm King? King Yan Luo asked.

“No, I tentatively plan to select a few Creator Gods from among these realm kings… It is equivalent to a god above these realm kings. The Great Priest thought thoughtfully and muttered in a low voice, “You just said the Realm King? Well, then call it the Realm King God, and the Realm King God is responsible for managing the existing four Realm Kings and you, you don’t have an opinion, right? ”

King Yan Luo shook his head vigorously.

Do I dare to say it if I have an opinion?

The little ghosts on the side were stealing pleasure in their hearts.

This is really the reincarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

I know King Yan Luo you have an opinion, but you dare not say it.

It’s just like I don’t dare to blow up a bomb.

“Yes, the creation god, you can also be called the realm king god, this name is good.” The Great Priest nodded with satisfaction, “The words of the Creator God feel too direct, and there is nothing to associate. ”

“Thank you, Lord Grand Priest, for the compliment.” King Yan Luo quickly thanked him.

“Am I complimenting you? This name is clearly what I came up with, does it have anything to do with you? The Great Priest said with a straight face.

King Yan Luo: “…”

“In other words, do you have any good proposals regarding the choice of the Realm King God?” The Grand Priest asked.

“This…” King Yan Luo thought about it carefully, and immediately replied, “I heard that in addition to growing ordinary fruits, the boundary tree on the boundary core star also has a golden fruit, which is very rare, and once it grows a core person, it will have a lifespan of tens of millions of years. ”

“Well, it’s good, you keep playing, provided you don’t delay work.” The Grand Priest nodded again.


Soon, the Great Priest disappeared through teleportation.


Boundary Core Star.

This is a relatively large planet.

In the center of this planet, there is a towering tree soaring into the sky.

This big tree is the boundary tree.

The boundary tree broke through the core of the planet, rushed into the sky, and disappeared into the golden clouds.

On top of the boundary tree, a lot of fruit grows.

Occasionally, extremely rare golden fruits are born.

It is said that these golden fruits are born only every 1 million years.

At this time, the Great Priest had already appeared next to a golden fruit, and he looked at it silently.

“Sure enough, I have the qualifications to become a realm king god.” The Great Priest was still quite satisfied with this golden fruit.

The Great Priest circled the towering tree a few times and found that only 7 golden fruits were about to grow.

The rest of the golden fruits will take thousands or even tens of thousands of years to grow.

Even these 7 golden fruits will take a year or two to ripen.

If you take it off now….

Not no, no.

This will break his foundation and limit their future growth.

“Grow well, I’ll come and pick you up then.” The Great Priest smiled.

These seven golden fruits sway with the wind, and the rhythm is cheerful….

It’s almost called grandpa.

The Great Priest explored the entire Realm Core Star again.

The Grand Priest also wanted to see if there was a more suitable candidate.

Perhaps there is a better candidate than the golden fruit to be the king god of the realm.

This lap is down.

Before I knew it, the day was almost over.

After all, the Great Priest is exploring the entire universe and exploring the entire Core Star.

Although the Great Priest can teleport, it also takes a lot of time.


A day later.

The Temple of the Kings.

“Does the Creator God choose from the Boundary Core Star?” Quan Wang asked innocently.

“I have this initial plan, and for now they are the best choice to become a creator of God.” The Great Priest replied.

“By the way, Great Priest, those pets you have basically already possessed a certain degree of spirituality, so it’s not good for them to become creation gods, that is, the realm king gods you say?” Quan Wang asked with a wink.

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