My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 1023: Next 1 walk

Han Dong, who got the answer to the first question, spent several hours thinking in the illusion.

While the huge amount of information was injected, it also diverged with Han Dong's brain calculations.

Although he was curious about what kind of team almost wiped out the world here, Han Dong didn't ask much...After all, [two questions] had been set beforehand. It's not an inch in front of Chanzu. What a good thing.

Then comes the next question.

"What is the state of [London City] in northern Europe?"

Since the arrival of the old king, and expressing his ‘game attitude’ towards expedition activities, Han Dong began to suspect the ultimate goal of the [Great Expedition].

Is it really just relying on the information provided by the "Old King Slate" to travel thousands of miles to the City of London to kill the next Old King?

No...Perhaps the consciousness behind the Great Crusade is even greater, involving important decisions on the hidden aspects of the Holy City.

Perhaps the expeditionary force went to the City of London because it found some important information on the dark stone slab.

If Chanzu said that there was no problem, and Han Dong himself had been worrying too much, he would return to the expeditionary force normally and continue the big expedition.

If there are really problems, Han Dong will have to think about it.


"Since you asked the question about the City of London, it seems that you humans have also concealed something.

You are now qualified to know.

After all, you also happened to meet a team of [Dark Residents] in the event of fate... Listening to Marites' description, you have already had more in-depth contact with them.

About a year ago, a group of "participants" appeared in the City of London. "

"What!" Although Han Dong had speculation in his heart, he didn't expect it to appear.

"However, the matter is not particularly serious...The level of this group of "participants" is very average and is limited to activities in the City of London. But it also caused a certain number of alien monsters to die.

This is also the first participant invasion in the 300 years since the gate of Destiny reappeared. "

The message given by Chanzu is like a huge boulder falling in a pond in the heart, splashing a lot of water.

"Is the purpose of the expeditionary army not to attack London, but to [verify]?

Check whether the world we are in has been connected to the black tower, as one of the worlds of destiny travel?

No... there may be other purposes, but verification is definitely indispensable. 』

When asked, Han Dong already had the answer to the next step in his mind.

"Ancestor Chan, I will ask you to take us to a place then."

"Aren't you returning to your human army?"

"Although I really want to go back and experience the life of the Great Expedition.

But my return will not bring much improvement to the expeditionary force... It would be better to build the ‘bridge’ in advance.

Please also Chanzu divided into two.

For the first time, I sent my friends back to the expeditionary army to report safety. At the same time, I asked them to brief the leaders of the expeditionary army about our life experience in [Enkey] during this period.

For the second time, please send me and Mary Tis to 【London City】. "


"Thank you Chanzu."

Chanzu put his palm on his bald head and touched it, "Since your question has been answered, I also have two questions that I want to answer."

"Chanzu, please! I will answer if I know..."

Han Dong stared at the middle-aged greasy man who was ‘dribbling with one hand’ on the opposite side. If he didn’t know in advance, he couldn’t imagine that he was an old king with high authority.

"[Burnout Shackles] The restriction on me is suppressed to 20% of the cyan jade you brought back.

In this way, I will also have more free time to manage reality and dreams at the same time.

How did you get such a precious jade?

According to my understanding of destiny, individuals can only enter the world that meets the level...The world level you enter is at most the level of the ancestor body, and there should be no such jade. "

Things about the black tower cannot be spread.

Han Dong had no choice but to point to the black vortex on his body, "I also considered the level of Toad Ancestor, so I definitely can't use the things in the Destiny World.

This piece of jade was bought by a group of special organizations after spending all my points, and through a series of chance opportunities.

Toad Ancestor also knew that I almost returned in a ‘half-dead state’... It was the price paid in exchange for jade. "

To this answer, Chanzu is quite satisfied.

One hand fell on Han Dong's shoulder, whoosh!

Space teleportation directly led Han Dong to leave the secret room.

When you come to the top of the Night Demon Waterfall, you can see the whole view of Upos Lake, and you can even see some elves playing in the lake in groups.

Occasionally some weird low howls could be heard behind him, and several crooked moon beasts were walking through the forest.

The sky is full of kind stars and colorful shining galaxies, and occasionally you can see night dire arranged in a spell pattern flying through the sky.

【Dreamland ()】

Han Dong was immediately attracted by the beautiful scene in front of him.

As Toad Ancestor said, this is an independent space created by many old kings uniting high-level existences in the deep sea...Even if the original world is broken, everyone can move back to live here.

"The second question, where did your head come from?"

When Han Dong was immersed in the beautiful scenery, a question pulled him back.

Facing the ‘amiable’ Toad Zu, UU reading has nothing to hide, and Han Dong himself is also looking for answers about his head... Maybe he can learn some important information from Toad Zu.

"Head found in a prison.

What kind of prison it is, why I happened to appear in that prison, I don't know... The only thing that is clear is that the original owner of this head should be the administrator of that prison.

When I got my head, the prison disappeared. "

"The head of the supervisor?"

"Does Chanzu know anything?"

"I don't know, after all, I have been constrained by [burnout] for many years, and most of the time I live in fantasy dreams...The information you provide, there is no corresponding information in my brain.

Think about it, you can only know the source of your head by asking the gray guy yourself.

I thought it was a subhead that the guy voluntarily separated...After all, even if his ability is placed in the upper presence, it is very strange.

Okay, that's the end of the problem, Nicholas..."


"Since you have decided to go directly to [London City] with Marites, according to the information in my hands, your expedition team is still some distance away from London, and there are still several important cities in the middle.

No matter how fast it is, it will take more than half a year.

I suggest that you stay in Chandu for three months and study the Book of Necromancers (Transcript of Legs) carefully.

At the same time, I will give you certain privileges, allowing you to quickly cross the different areas of Enkai, which is conducive to your learning and cognition.

Although the City of London is only governed by the old king, the level of danger is much higher than here...

As a participant’s first invasion area, besides you, there may be other forces that are also secretly rushing to the City of London. Be prepared to go again. "

"it is good."

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