My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 1024: process

The first stop of the Great Expedition-the second city in Italy by the mythology-[Minano], will arrive in two days.

When setting foot on the plain where the city of Minano is located, the marching speed immediately slowed down.

At the same time, led by the Wolves of the Night, increase the frequency of investigations in the surrounding area and reduce the possibility of encountering space traps and ambushes.

The great expedition has been going on for more than two months.

The negative effects of long-term exposure to Eternal Night have also appeared in the army. Every day, a lot of knights need to pray and baptize.

The [Mobile Sanctuary], managed by the leader of the Holy Knights-Olivia, had a serious queuing situation ten days ago.

The expeditionary force was forced to camp temporarily, and the sanctuary was ‘unfolded’ by the accompanying mechanical religious technology.

With a huge sanctuary suspended in the air as the center, a series of suspended corridors connect to build multiple small church branches.

With the smooth construction of the branch, the load on the sanctuary dropped below normal.

At this moment, a demon herald from the Knights of Doom came to the door.

For a time, Olivia's body completely turned into a holy light and dissipated in the sanctuary, and in the next second it appeared directly in the core building of the expeditionary army-[Great Demon Castle].

All the heads of the expeditionary army gathered here.

The upcoming [Battle of Minano] will assign a regimental commander to fight.

The city where the mythological body sits is equivalent to a regiment leader. According to world rules, a regiment leader can participate in the battle.

"According to the slate records, Minano is a city dominated by "infidels," and it is also an absolutely blasphemous city.

Even if we are hundreds of kilometers away from this city, the expeditionary eye has captured the filth, poison, decay, and absolute blasphemy that straight through the sky.

This battle is very important to our expeditionary army. We need a clean and beautiful victory to realize our world value and raise our worth in the eternal night.

Let these ancient things value our existence, and finally that conversation can be realized.

I suggest that this [War of Blasphemy] be handed over to Captain Olivia... The Holy Light is a unique ability of our human beings, and it is also an absolute weapon to restrain blasphemy. "

However, the opinions put forward by the big devil were immediately refuted.

"The saint's participation in the Great Expedition is just'accompaniment', mainly responsible for the purification work, how can an important person like her go to the city where the mythological body sits alone?

Let me come...I haven't moved my hands or feet for more than two months. "

Ma Long showed a look eager to try. Since becoming the King of Hell, he has not really fought a powerful monster head-on.

However... a dead energy turned into an arm and forcibly pulled Ma Long back.

"Since the Great Demon is the commander in command, we will do it according to him... Moreover, Olivia is indeed the best choice to fight the first battle. Moreover, Minano is the first mythical city we have attacked. Unexpected situations will occur, and we are on the periphery to ensure that this battle is not affected."

"Really boring."

When a little trouble passed, the leader of the big demon continued to ask, "Saint, are you willing to take up this burden?"

"Of course... Hmm! Disperse quickly!"

Suddenly a force of space struck.

A gentle force of holy light pushed everyone present away so as not to be involved in the space crack that appeared in the center of the hall.

At the same time, a series of high-level holy light barriers cover everyone, which can greatly reduce pollution and invasion.

Even though the six heads are here, everyone's eyes are not good-looking...In the abyss space torn out from the center of the hall, only the breath of death and Malong can barely equalize.

"Old King!?"

Ma Long immediately became demonic, and a crown of ash appeared on his head.

Alex was also covered by a black cloak, suspended in the air, holding a silver scythe in his hand.

The space protection barrier set by the "Expeditionary Eye" does not work at all.

With the thorough stability of the space passage, it directly turned into a large toad mouth full of lumps and saliva... Following them, three young men covered in mucus walked out from the inside.

It was Abel, Demps and Mia who had been missing for three months.

Immediately, the space channel was closed and the strong pressure disappeared.

"You really are not dead!"

The leader of the Great Demon smiled with satisfaction when he saw the return of his most important "Demps".

"Where is Nicholas?"

Commander Xia was searching for Han Dong's trace the first time.

After all, the kid still owed her an account, saying he would accompany her well during the expedition...but he disappeared during the Battle of the Wetland, and no information was brought back.

Although Xia knew that Han Dong's skills would never have been lost, she was still a little worried over the past two months.

[Two hours] passed.

Demps explained all his experiences in an orderly manner.

Including participating in the Destiny Space in the name of Toad Ancestor, and a series of experiences in Toad Capital, even the things of [Guanbi] were also said.

It was incredible to hear the heads of the group present.

It is also obvious that the strength of the three has improved greatly...not to mention that Abel is also equipped with an epic finger.

Although I have heard about it, the middle old king living in Australia-[Toad Ancestor], compared to other monsters, has a good temper and is an absolutely neutral person, he did not expect to be so friendly to a few ordinary humans. . UU reading

"As for Nicholas, Toad Zu deliberately left him in [Enkai] for study and experience, and he will be sent back when time is ripe.

Don't worry about this... I can be sure that Nicholas will be fine. "

"It's okay, because you have been missing for a long time and have some connection with the strange monster, you will be subjected to a comprehensive church physical examination later."



【Enkey-Watch City】

Han Dong was still sleeping in the blanket.

For the first time to go to [Dreamland], you need to rely on the brain to accept the system of the dream world, and also get a lot of information from the mouth of Toad ancestors... It looks like sleeping, but the actual brain is still working at full capacity.

Han Dong woke up once at the end of the dream world.

The whole person was extremely confused, only remembering that he was lying in the bathtub, his head seemed to be resting on Miss Mary's thigh... he couldn't see anything else.

Subsequently, he was absorbed by something soft and soft like a tongue to dry the water stains on the body surface, and then transferred to the big bed for ordinary sleep.

Sleep directly until noon.

As the sleepy-eyed Han Dong was slowly waking up, he found himself still resting on one thigh.


This thigh does not seem to have so much water, and it looks fat and rough, and there are some big bumps on the surface...

"Mary...Did you reveal yourself?"

However, when Han Dong slowly woke up, she found Miss Mary was kneeling on the ground, her head completely on the ground.

"Whose leg is this?"

Han Dong stretched out his hand to wipe off the saliva from his thigh, his vision slowly moved upward.

A middle-aged man with a bald and fat head came into view.

"Ancestor Toad!"

Chanzu habitually touched its bald head, while looking at Han Dong with a smile, cordially asked, "Are you awake?"

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