My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1337: Dragon, machinery and sin

"This is the smallest team in all intelligence at present.

First, male humans have detected magical fluctuations with non-exotic characteristics and are suspected of obtaining fate interaction permissions. The level is estimated to be [open door first]

Second, the specific appearance is not clear, the outline is a human female, the breath is judged to be a strange monster, and the level is estimated to be [Open the door to the top].

In addition, there is a local indigenous who does not pose a threat.

Such a weak team even arranged for us to deal with it, and it is still based on annihilation. The group above is too cautious, right?

The three of us are all [open the door to the top]... It's a waste of resources. "

It was a huge red dragon tens of meters long, and each dragon scale was branded with flame patterns.

His name is "Baolis Flame Armor" and he is a famous dragon in the dragonborn world.

Yu Longqun won the [second place] result and was given the title of "Flame Armor", only one step away from the mythological structure... its own strength is beyond doubt.

He wondered why he would arrange his team to deal with the smallest two-person team.

At this time, the mechanized voice reached the dragon's ears:

"The mother will never make the wrong decision.

[Altered Demon] is a special race that the Black Tower can't handle. The world-scale group of craftsmen, which is larger than ours, completely failed in the last tentative invasion.

We need to do our best to annihilate our opponents, and then bring their corpses back. "

The sound came from the mechanical armor covering the surface of the giant dragon, which looked solid but kept flowing.

The mechanical life belonging to the mother's body has reached a high degree of affinity with the giant dragon Baolis during several months of cooperative training, and adheres to the surface of the giant dragon in the form of liquid armor, and fights together.

"These cowardly craftsmen are all huddled in the main city of Macomus, and they don't have the guts to fight the aliens... However, they are good at manufacturing.

Okay, I will try my best to tear them apart, but I have to see how powerful the strange monsters are. "

At this time, the dragon Baoulis has reached the coordinate position.

Long Yan, which had already accumulated in his body, spit out towards the waste station at the lower end.

Unexpectedly, a layer of metal hemispheres used for protection quickly rose up to prevent the waste station from being harmed by Dragon Flame.

"My Long Yan can't melt in the first time. It's really interesting... But how long can it last?"

Long Yan not only has a high temperature of nearly 10,000 degrees Celsius.

It also possesses the attribute of "burning", which is more effective than ordinary flames.

Under the continuous burning of dragon flames, the metal layer is slowly melting.


The metal protective layer is removed by itself before it is melted.

It should have continued to burn the dragon flame inside, but suddenly retracted the dragon's belly... It was not that some ability prevented the breath, but Baoulisi retracted the dragon flame by himself.

At the same time, there was a look of love in the eyes of Baolis.

The reason why he stopped breathing was because he saw a female dragon.

Soft white dragon scales,

Slender and perfectly curved dragon claws,

Introverted and soft white dragon wings,

And a perfectly proportioned female dragon figure,

Such peerless beauty made Baolis instantly degenerate.

He has never seen such a beautiful female, and the desire to mate is infinitely amplified.

at this time.

The strands of liquid metal covered the dragon's eyes of Baolis, stuck to the eye sockets into the skull, and plated a layer of metal on the brain.

"Baolis, don't be confused!"

The voice from the partner made the dragon sober up.

Through the filtering of special metal consciousness, Paolis discovered that there was no female dragon in front of him, but a terrifying monster made up of skulls.

"Spiritual invasion!? I was recruited without feeling at all! Is this a strange demon..."

The sudden change caused the dragon to take a step backward and show a rather jealous look.

The breath just now has not been exhausted,

Continue to add some fresh flame to mix in the abdomen, and a hotter dragon flame sprayed out from the mouth, pointing directly to the [Miss Helen] at the door of the waste station.

When Long Yan is about to swallow the target.

There was a faint sound of pages turning, an inexplicable chill swept the current area.

"Forbidden Law. Ice Lotus on Earth"


A drop of ice crystal fell on the surface of Long Yan, and an ice lotus blossomed quickly...In a blink of an eye, the ice lotus had spread.

"What is this..."

The dragon only felt a chill, and his whole body was frozen.

Including Long Yan, the five-mile radius was covered by ice lotus, everything was silent... Only the waste station was unaffected.

The frozen Long Yan was just less than one meter away from Miss Helen.

At this time, Demps, holding an ancient book, walked out slowly.

Close observation will reveal that several fingers are in a'bend state'.

"Unexpectedly, after opening the door, using the forbidden method will still endure a lot of backlash..." Demps said while using simple and rude physical methods to force his fingers back to normal.

"My dear, thank you so much."

Miss Helen thanked her softly, her face didn't panic... It seemed that even if Demps didn't make a move, Long Yan couldn't hurt him.

Demps rolled up the sleeves on both sides, then stretched out his hand to comb up his bangs, making a look of serious fighting.

"It's up to the two of us to deal with it first, we can't beat them before calling them out."



The ice lotus not far away received some kind of strong impact and exploded in an instant, which was obviously the work of the giant dragon.

It is no longer a dragon tens of meters long that has reappeared.

It was a man with a body height of two meters and red hair floating. He looked in his early thirties and had obvious red dragon scales on his cheeks.

A piece of liquid metal clothing covers the whole body, flowing regularly in every part, faintly reflecting a human face.

In addition.

In the man's hand he also holds a weapon of completely different style

A **** giant axe of equal height and length.

The handle of the axe is white bone, and the surface is also carved with strange secret patterns, and the whole body is wrapped with flowing dark silk threads.

The shape of the axe blade is extremely chaotic. It is made of a mixture of "fragmented bones, teeth, large intestine, and brain." There is also a fully functional eye inlaid in the center, which is observing the outside world.

The intruder is not one, but three.

Everyone is close to the myth.

Sinful soldiers,

Machinery is A,

The dragon is the subject,

The Trinity, UU Reading This is a collaboration mode reached under the interaction of multiple worlds, and it is also a brand-new combat mode that belongs to the giant dragon Baolis.

"There is such a level at the beginning of the door! It is indeed an outlier in the S-01 world..."

Step out.

"Dragon Flame Realm"

The area within ten meters turned into a scorched black earth, and dragon flames continuously emerged from the cracks.

With the heat provided by the field, the fighting spirit skyrocketed.

Baolis attacked the other two directly from the front...At the same time, a very strange thing was happening.

The liquid metal covering Baolis began to flow to his side, quickly re-engraving the metal clone of [1:1], carrying the same great axe of sin in his hand.

Plan to attack Demps and Helen at the same time.

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