My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1338: special

"Matrix, what's the current situation of the war?"

In the main city of Macomus.

The old black dragon can't wait to know the current situation of the battle.

"This time, there were 23 raids against the "investigators" of the different demons.

Five of them have been won, and the four monsters that have been captured alive are being taken back to the main city. At that time, the craftsmen of the sacred attribute will be responsible for suppression, containment and memory extraction, and collect information on London as much as possible.

Ten of these games are dominated by our side, and winning will be a matter of time. "

Heilong was not satisfied with the situation, "What happened to the other eight games? Was the opponent run away?"

"There are no statistics on the number of escapes.

The remaining eight raids are evenly matched or we are at a disadvantage. "

"How is it possible? We launched a raid based on triple the strength... Could it be that there is a problem with your initial assessment of the matrix."

"Data evaluation is one aspect, and there are two uncertain factors.

1. As Feng Tiejiang said, the overall standard of this race is higher than average.

Every stranger in the same rank can be counted as an elite, even the top batch.

It possesses abilities that we have never seen before, unspeakable adaptability, and the potential to burst out of desperation.

2. It belongs to information that we don't know beforehand, human beings.

In the team surveyed by London, there are a large number of human individuals, and even some humans are also acting together with alien demons, and are not affected by any pollution.

According to the combat information collected so far.

It has been determined that mankind relies on the "fate system" and at the same time masters a relatively high-end steam mechanical technology, which has a strong overall linkage. "


In the world system of [S-01], shouldn't human beings exist as a slave race?

It is precisely because of this that the Dark Tower is trying to gain control of [S-01], right? Why can human beings here exist as independent forces and grow up by the destiny system, even fighting side by side with other monsters? "

"This is not something we need to care about.

We only need to know that [human beings] are collaborating with other monsters to fight... The above two factors have resulted in eight battles that cannot be won as originally planned. "

"Indeed, even if the human beings with the fate system are mixed among the monsters, the overall limit will not exceed the balance limit. We only need to kill them all and hand over the London Deed to the Black Tower.

Quickly send support troops to these eight areas. "

"The reinforcement request has been sent, and the reinforcements are on the way.

In addition... In the ongoing raid, there is a very strange battle. "

The mother body, due to its own particularity, can be connected to the [brains] of all mechanical life in the world through the "matrix intranet", and project an ongoing raid on the conference table.

The black dragon elder is a member of the dragonborn who is fighting immediately.

"This is Paolis?

This guy's potential is placed in the Dragonborn World, which is considered top level. This battle will also become an important opportunity for him to "build a myth."... In the future, he may even become the same noble dragon as me.

The battle is actually in a state of evenness? What level is the opponent? "

"The two-person team.

One is the strange monster in the [step after opening the door], and the other is the human in the [early door opening].

The weird thing is that there are a total of three combat members on our side, all of them [Opening the Door], and they are all famous figures in various worlds...The overall strength of the three of them is close to the mythology.

They have always been unable to gain an advantage, and as time goes by, they are gradually affected by pollution. "


Changing to other dragonborn may be called incompetent by the elderly.

But the red dragon, Baoulis, was personally admitted.

Moreover, the joint operations shown by the projection show no problems at all, and the mutual cooperation is almost perfect.

But it has never been able to break the situation.

At this time, Blacksmith III Feng expressed his opinion: "If you feel something is not right, send more support troops in the past... [Altered Demon] There are also aliens in this group.

This strange monster who couldn't recognize his appearance probably belonged to a very special kind of existence. "

"Since it is a special category, why not let the old man go and catch him alive... Since it is a special category, there are more information stored in its head."

The old black dragon got up from his seat.

The mother immediately objected:

"Teplo..."King-level combat power" must remain in the city, and cannot be exposed until the final war breaks out.

Your battle will inevitably win, but it is certain that your personal information may be exposed or even encounter unpredictable circumstances.

The real key to this battle,

It is neither the world network under my control, nor the army under our command, nor the current raid.

But the four of us sitting.

Before the enemy king is exposed, we must not act in advance.

I have arranged for a mythical entity to lead an army of dozens of people to go for reinforcements. It is expected that the special monster will be captured alive in 21 minutes and 31 seconds. "

"Well, I was impulsive! I also held back for too long, really want to see with my own eyes what is special about the so-called alien monster."

The old black dragon just sat down.

Zizizi~ A burst of electromagnetic interference sounds.

The projection screen in the center of the conference table is abnormally distorted and the signal fluctuates.

At the same time, there was a scream from the red dragon Baolis... half of the dragon body evaporated and disappeared.

He seemed to see something he shouldn't.


The camera cuts back.

The dragon scale itself carries a high magic resistance, and the body of Baoulis is also considered top level among the dragon descendants of the same level.

The battle of Baolis was also extremely wild.

Not only relying on the tearing attack of the sin axe, he will release the high temperature dragon flame every time he slashes.

Or spit out from the mouth,

Or release from the palm,

Or let the dragon flame condense on the axe blade, so that the next attack will have a dragon's breath effect.

just now.

A large amount of dragon's breath covered Helen's body, blocking his vision while also attracting some attention.

Baolis seized this opportunity.


When an axe hit Helen's body head-on... this was also the first time he hit the opponent's body. In the eyes of Paolis, Helen was like a greasy plant.

Kakaka~ The sound of cracked bones spread.

Sin combined with the power of the dragon, this axe hurt Helen's physical nature.

The nail-sized skull shattered all over the floor, and a terrible gap was split in Helen's abdomen.

The sins carried by the axe continue to invade.

"Finally got it!"

Naturally, Baiolis would not give up such an opportunity, intending to take advantage of the victory and chase to defeat the target in one fell swoop.

However, the situation looks very dangerous.

Demps was fighting with liquid metal, but UU Read didn't mean to help.

Instead, after seeing Helen's body being split, he quickly closed his eyes and even temporarily blocked the optic nerve.

The liquid metal fighting Demps also noticed an anomaly.

When I was about to remind my teammates

Paolis was already stunned.

The dragon eyes looked directly at Helen's body, the crack that had been split.

In the deep darkness, what is there...

Not only him, but the eyes on the surface of Sin Axe also saw Helen's "inside."


Nearly half of the dragon's body exploded directly.

The Great Axe of Sin was also directly shattered in the air, fragments and internal organs scattered everywhere.

"It's really annoying... why stare at someone's body?"

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