My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1348: Ecological Area

The sound of the explosion spread in the closed warehouse, attracting almost all the zombies.

In just ten seconds, more than a hundred animals were exposed to the field of vision.

Although most of their postures are barely maintained in [human form], their bodies are deeply connected to the ‘firearms’ in the warehouse area to a certain extent.

Zombies with "arms" are the most common, and you can shoot by raising your hand.

Whether it is shooting power or accuracy, it is much higher than the ordinary lunatics encountered before on the road. Some have even evolved their abilities, and can shoot some weird bullets, like ammunition supported by their own flesh and blood.

The most exaggerated is an obese person whose abdominal cavity has been transformed into a Gatling gun.

In addition to guns, some zombies are also combined with cold weapons. For example, the guy who was killed by Xiao Huang just now has claws similar to'Wolverine'.

There are cutting devices, long knives or heavy hammers.

The above is the manifestation of [Metal Zombie].

However, the most important thing is their evolutionary nature.

There is an amethyst color in every part of the zombie,

Either it flows between the eyeballs, or floats between the convex blood vessels, or even has a thin purple light attached to the weapon.

This color corresponds to [Etterbium]

Such as the "Yi-Mining System" introduced by the robot Xiao Huang, these zombies rely on this system to continuously upgrade.

Among them, some zombies have evolved high-end features such as plasma cutting blades, self-sight systems, and meat-loaded bullets.

"Wow, there are a lot of them~ and, this is a species I have never seen before."

Green stared at the metal zombies all around, his eyes kept shrinking, and his entire long tongue was exposed due to excitement.


Green, who has stayed in the world of different demons for a long time, is too boring, what he wants is this kind of freshness from the new world.

Although these things don’t look strong,

But the ‘feeling’ of beheaded, torn, and chopped is completely different. Such freshness can stimulate Green’s brain to secrete dopamine.

Han Dong knows very well that now he can only let Green go to a big kill, and he cannot stop it.

Before Green took any action, Han Dong hurriedly exclaimed:

"Green, these things don't seem to have deadly parts, and they should be completely destroyed as much as possible.

In addition, our current goal is to go to the ecological zone, pay attention to the direction when you kill the enemy. "

Green made a very understanding expression, and asked in passing: "Well...say you don't want to fight together with you?"


All members go into battle.

Han Dong didn't ask the earl for help either, he just used the present posture of the dead.

The black wind and sand plundered the warehouse area, but the affected zombies were deprived of their vitality every second... As for the Han Dong body, he only needs to walk towards the exit to the ecological zone.

The black sand is getting stronger and stronger,

A statue of Anubis with black hair and dark gold decorations was even constructed on Han Dong's head.

"Sure enough, your mythical puzzle has multiple attributes, it's very strong."

Green stared at the statue of Anubis, recalling the scene of Han Dong incarnation of the Egyptian pharaoh when he once fought side by side against the golden emissary...

While paying attention to Han Dong, the other side caught the nearby metal zombies, with black nails inserted between the flesh and forcibly torn them~Huh!

The mixture of oil and blood splashed wantonly, and the fragments of the residual limbs were swallowed by the abyss.

Compared to Green's brutal way of killing the enemy.

Miss Helen wanted to look a lot more elegant, with a large number of ‘dream-limited’ plant tentacles spreading under her body, blocking the shooting of various weapons, and constraining a large number of zombies in the air.


The tentacles penetrate into the body through the mouth, quickly sow seeds, and then activate it with the witch secret method.

Flower inside!

Even if the body of a zombie is reinforced with metal, it cannot limit the blooming of thousands of flowers in the body.

As one after another zombies constrained in the air exploded, colorful spots scattered throughout the warehouse area, concealing Green's brutal behavior to the greatest extent.

Demps is the lowest-profile in the team.

It was calculated that the speed at which the teammates killed the enemy was greater than the speed at which the zombies could fill up. They did not use large-scale destructive magic, but quietly shot some fish that slipped through the net.


With the direct touch of the fingers, the target will die as soon as it is touched, leaving only a piece of metal debris.

Of course, the robot Xiao Huang is also very happy to kill here...

In this way, all the staff walked towards the [Ecological Zone] step by step.

[Ecological Zone] It is equivalent to the company's central hall and transfer station, with a large number of elevators and connecting passages, which can lead to any regional department of the company.

According to Xiao Huang's description, the ecological zone refers to Pandora's earliest ecological situation and artificially restores the original jungle at that time, thus giving the company majestic vitality and the freshest air.

"The ecological zone used to be the favorite area of ​​the meatballs.

No one manages the company now, so it should be completely abandoned. "


When everyone walked through the long metal corridor and came to the ecological zone, first a dazzling sun shot into the eyes. As the pupils adapted, everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

I thought the world was left and the company was abandoned.

The ecological zone has long since become deserted... However, the entire ecological facilities are operating normally in the green jungle in front of us.

Not only the power supply is normal, but there are even traces of the employees taking care of the garden every day... and there is no metal zombie here.

The plants here release a kind of gas that is harmless to everyone, and smell like the natural scent of the soil after the rain.

These gases chased after the zombies and all retreated.

"Someone has been secretly managing this company?"

When Han Dong officially entered the ecosystem with doubts.


The fireworks hidden in the forest were shot out, and the ribbons fluttered in the air, as if to welcome everyone.

At the same time, the broadcasting system of the ecological zone was opened, and a burst of black tower special words came out:

"Hello! Welcome to you, eschatological travelers.

I’m the handsome Jack, the current CEO of UUkanshu Hyperion.

Because of your wonderful performance in the warehouse area, you have already participated in [the handsome guy title contest next to Jack], and the winner will get a permanent serum, free from the influence of metal spores.

At the same time, he will become the most loyal subordinate of this handsome guy and get the opportunity to escape from this **** planet.

There seems to be a former employee of the company among you. It should know where to participate in the game... I hope you can have a good time in the game.

correct! Please remember not to be hostile to this handsome guy, and don't destroy the company's property, otherwise this handsome guy will be very angry. "

"Jack! He is still alive!"

When he heard the sound here, Xiao Huang, the robot, was so scared that he shed a puff of charred motor oil and trembled all over.

(End of this chapter)

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