My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1349: Handsome Jack

Listening to the very standard and slightly humorous black tower language in the broadcast, Han Dong vaguely smelled a conspiracy atmosphere in it, and at the same time noticed a key word-[escape from the planet].

"Xiao Huang, is this person once on the planet Pandora, who can be regarded as a high-level manager of [humanity]?"

"H...Handsome-Jack, it's not just a human being.

This guy is very dangerous. When he existed, even the group of human beings at the top of the nine major companies were scared, and it was strange why he appeared here.

Pandora had been under the dictatorship of Jack as the top executive of Hyperion for eight years, and that period was also known as the [Handsome Age].

Airdrop machines with the Hyperion logo can be seen all over the street.

Admirers wearing Jack’s masks can be seen everywhere,

Many forces that tried to fight against Hyperion were secretly erased. "

"Dictator? That is to say, this guy once ruled Pandora with his own power... What's the story behind it? The rest of the arms companies formed a coalition army and dragged him down?"

"Not really.

There is only one rumor that has been accepted by the public. There are a group of treasure hunters like yours who came to Pandora from [outside] and secretly ended Jack's great plan.

However, after my later investigation, this rumor was not credible. All the treasure hunters mentioned in the story could find their names in the cemetery information. "

"Then how did this guy's dictatorship end?"

"No one knows exactly what the situation is.

But according to the news of our internal employees of Hyperion, the conclusion is that-Jack thinks the dictatorship is too boring, so he left on his own initiative and disappeared completely on Pandora.

Because when Jack disappeared, his dominant position has not been shaken at all, and there is even a tendency to become increasingly stable. "

Han Dong nodded thoughtfully.

"Well... such a former ruler suddenly disappeared in the most glorious time, but suddenly appeared before the worst, Pandora was about to collapse.


I have a certain guess, but I have to meet this person to verify it.

Xiao Huang, lead the way to participate in what he said. "

"I can only do what now.

However, with Jack in power, I cannot gain control of Hyperion at all. "

Xiao Huang led the way in the ecological zone with a look of loss and panic.

Due to sudden changes, the team's atmosphere has also changed.

However, Green was rather happy.

After a fight, he no longer has much interest in the metal zombies in the warehouse area. Now that there are guys similar to [BOSS] taking the initiative to show up, playing games with each other is also quite interesting.

Han Dong has maintained a state of thinking.

Currently, there is only one thing that worries Han Dong the most-the level of handsome Jack.

This leader who once led the Hyperion Company and ruled the Pandora world dictatorily is extremely high-level, and there is a high probability that he will be a myth-level or even a king-level.

If it is the latter, not only Han Dong and others will be in danger.

This [London game] guided by the Black Tower will also be affected... The local indigenous people who were not cared at the beginning may intervene as a third-party force.

If this is the case, Han Dong must take the opportunity to figure out the position of this ‘handsome Jack’.

"Nicholas, have you guessed what?" Demps leaned over and asked quietly.

"The dictator of the world suddenly took the initiative to leave at the peak of his stabilization. There is only one reason I can think of.

That is, when he was in a high position, his vision reached a higher level, and he saw and even gained something that interests him more than ruling Pandora. "


"For some reason, it touched the deep fate, and even gained the power to interfere in fate."

Due to the existence of the password, Han Dong could not elaborate on the [Black Tower].

Speculation based on existing intelligence.

Jack is likely to be related to the Black Tower, but Han Dong still does not understand one thing. Since Jack has left Pandora at the most glorious moment, why should he come back in this special period.

"As far as possible to win in the so-called game, I have to meet this person.

Demps, you have to do me a favor... If I can meet Jack, you have to find a way to distract Green, whatever you can do, as long as you don't mess with Green. "

"If you want to kill me, I'll just say..." Demps looked unwilling.

"give it to you."

Han Dong patted Demps on the shoulder and made an expression of "I believe you can do it".


Under the leadership of the robot Xiao Huang, everyone went around the middle ring of the ecosphere and followed a long corridor hidden in the forest to a greenhouse area similar to a track and field field.

In the center of the venue, a bust made of pure gold is placed.

In order to prevent others from not knowing it, the name of [Handsome Jack] is deliberately engraved on the base with multiple arrow symbols.

"Is this the competition area, what about the other contestants?"

The crowd slowly approached the field when they touched the golden sculpture.

The voice recorder inside the sculpture played Jack's voice:

"Welcome to [Jack's Exclusive Fitness Field].

The next game will be played, and it will not be held here...Because the ‘handsome title’ is too expensive, every place has an important meaning.

I especially built a bigger and more special venue for this competition!

The specific rules will be explained below, please follow the exclusive passage to the competition venue. "

After all, the sculpture moved away to reveal a circular channel for one person to slide down.

When Han Dong tried to release a crow to investigate the situation below, just over ten meters away, his perception with the crow was interrupted.

Helen also tried to throw away the plant seeds, but she would still be cut off.

Helen stared at the passage of the black hole and whispered: "The passage leading to the lower end has multiple layers of barriers. Do you want to go down? It may be a huge trap."

"It's better than this.

I will participate in the competition, and you will continue to investigate within Hyperion. "

As soon as Han Dong put forward his opinion, the sculpture immediately heard the voice of the radio: "Di, di di! Unstable words are detected, all those who have been invited to the competition must go to the competition area.

Individuals who refuse to compete and stay in the company's area will be forcibly expelled from the company. "

Green put his hands behind his head and said nonchalantly:

"It's a rare game to play, why not go to UU Reading

Isn’t the purpose of this trip to gain control of the company? Now it seems that as long as you can meet the company's CEO through the game, you can achieve the goal by killing or enslaving him, right?

I'm going down first, so hurry up and follow. "

After Green slipped down the channel, everyone followed suit.

as expected. During the downturn, you can feel the obvious conscious influence and spatial effects. During the downturn, everyone is separated by space due to space isolation.

When Han Dong fell alone, an open underground area appeared in front of him.

The density of metal spores in the air is dozens of times higher than before.

All kinds of weird biochemical equipment are all over here,

"This is... Hyperion's [Organic Research Institute]?"

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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