My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1350: The last legacy

As soon as Han Dong fell into the hidden organic research institute, a sense of discomfort similar to acupuncture spread throughout his body.

"What's the situation? I'm a dead person right now..."

Han Dong's exposed skin has already revealed wisps of metallic qualities.

Before in the station, the metal spores floating in the air were not interested in Han Dong, who was the deceased, but now they immediately became infected and it was not just the concentration of the bacteria.

"It should be the combination of a high concentration of germs and a certain area, forcibly eroding my body.

It should be a high-end field that achieves the effect of "realistic intervention".

Can the field of mythology be so large? It could completely cover the huge research institute like a maze. "

The uneasiness in his heart is gradually accumulating, and Han Dong's conjecture about [Handsome Jack]'s level is more biased towards the king level.

At the same time, Han Dong is also estimating his own infection rate.

After about five hours, the infection will occupy more than 50% of the body.

"If you count according to the time of the game, five hours are enough...Don't expand the domain to resist for the time being, a little reservation will facilitate the subsequent conversation.

Moreover, this infectious body is essentially a plague, and it matches my right arm. "

When Han Dong was about to check the situation in the nearby laboratory, Jack's voice came out on the radio:

"Everyone is welcome to participate in the competition organized by the most handsome Mr. Jack in Pandora.

I believe that you have kindly felt the metal stimulation that spreads throughout your body, eh! now it's right! The concentration here is quite different from the area you have experienced before, but here is the [Final Legacy] left by this handsome guy in Pandora.

Your bodies come from different worlds and have different attributes.

I believe it can better adapt to me and our team’s decades of research results.

Of course, for individuals who are not adaptable but very capable, I also give an alternate route for the game. "

The rules are simple.

Just meet the corresponding requirements to win.

1. Look for the [native strain] hidden in the research institute, a total of three strains.

Their ‘storage’ method is completely different from the location, and you need to find the strains based on the information clues in the institute.

Once the strain is obtained, please inject it or take it orally or directly absorb it according to your own ability.

Absorb all the strains and keep alive and conscious, even if you clear the customs.

To remind you, if the strain is absorbed by other contestants, everyone can achieve the same effect by swallowing their bodies, and even the absorption efficiency will be higher.

2. I have a [Developer Channel] in the Organic Research Institute

Especially for contestants who are not suitable for strain inoculation, you can destroy the scene at will and find the entrance of the developer channel to win.

However, this difficulty is higher than the former, please be careful.

The game will officially start in fifteen minutes, during which there may be other contestants coming, please be sure to cheer.


"Remaining in Pandora's [Final Legacy]? Jack and his research team worked together for decades.

Come to think of it, this research has not yet been completed...The final step is still short of the result, which is the final synthesis of the above three different types of strains.

Now Jack comes back and wants to use our flesh to synthesize three strains through this kind of competition similar to ‘raising Gu’.

The winner becomes an object in disguise and is brought back to the black tower by Jack.

It was a good game of chess.

However, I was chosen to participate in this gu cultivation, and I am relatively good at researching biological-related germs. "

Han Dong was very interested when he saw "Metal Spores" from the beginning.

It now appears that metal spores are nothing more than a low-level product of the research institute.

Because of its excellent airborne transmission, it is spread by ‘Handsome Jack’ in other areas of the company to resist and infect invaders, and at the same time play a role of screening.

Only those who can resist the initial infection are eligible to participate in this game.

【Game start】

Han Dong didn't run to various laboratories that might store strains at the first time. Instead, he checked the office and quickly flipped through the documents left here.

Whether it was some seemingly useless manuscripts or diaries designed for personal information, Han Dong skipped them as much as possible.

The first level of the talent tree-≮Dark Learning≯, as Han Dong completes the opening of the door, he can realize the truth.

The passive bonus effect has also been greatly improved, allowing Han Dong's reading ability to increase exponentially. Even when reading such simple texts that do not need to be understood, he can easily do multiple tasks.

The magic eye was born.

The three eyeballs on Han Dong's face are all staring at different copywriting for review, omitting a lot of insignificant information, and only collecting the key points and storing them in his brain.

Slowly, Han Dong has sorted out in his brain what Hyperion Corp. is doing in the classified [Organic Laboratory].

"Jack this guy is a talent.

Such a colonized planet directly related to metals, when everyone discovered that ytterbium had the characteristics of "technological jump", the focus of research was all on arms, intelligent machinery, space technology, and other research directly related to physics.

While developing physics, Jack put part of his mind on the level of biology.

Trying to make a breakthrough in biology by "technical jump".

However, the deeper research content is all hidden, and the purpose of the research is temporarily unclear..."

Continue to monitor the research archives, and finally collected information about the ‘strain’. The clues are as follows:

The first type of strain has strong carnivorous properties and requires a large amount of meat protein every day, otherwise it will quickly lose activity and transcribe toxic proteins between cells to self-decompose once they are malnourished.

The second category is named "no birth".

Remarks: This strain is extremely lethal. Researchers below C-level are prohibited from approaching. B-level researchers must report to the company's management in advance and get permission to enter the cultivation room where the strain is stored.

The third type of strain has high tolerance to metal imitation and metal dependence.

If there is no metal substance within ten meters, the activity of the strain will decline exponentially within five minutes and then completely inactivate.

If there is a metal substance within ten meters, the strain will adsorb and imitate. UU reading

"Finish...just need to find the experimental area corresponding to the characteristics based on the clues.

The first one should be easy to find. Since we need to eat meat continuously, we must also supply meat continuously. "

The earl puts it outside to maximize the sense of smell and accurately capture the smell of meat trapped in the space.

Passing through the dark experimental passages, and then over the layers of rubber curtains, to the depths of a hidden laboratory... The painting style in front of me has changed 180°.

The dilapidated laboratory in icy metal style is directly transformed into a slaughterhouse.

The individual referred to by the robot Xiao Huang as a "meat ball", like a white pig, is pierced through the shoulder blades by two iron hooks and sent to the cultivation room by hanging transportation.

Han Dong's eyes had already noticed a group of "meat aggregates."

"This thing is a strain?"

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