My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1351: Bad Mood

In a large laboratory similar to a slaughterhouse.

Every once in a while, [Meat Balls] hung on iron hooks are transported in. These poor guys are all natives trying to break into Hyperion Company.

It seems that they have been selected, none of them have been deeply infected, and the ratio of meat to metal is above 8:2.

The appetite is amazing.

The strain here can eat a whole meatball every ten minutes.

[The first type] The meat-related strains have been completely out of control during several years of cultivation. They continue to grow in a stacked posture of meat emulsion, turning the culture room into a "meat cavity".

"It's very aggressive. I guess I just opened the door of the training room, this thing will want to eat me.

But the real difficulty is not the aggressiveness of the strain.

It is how to completely eat the strains that have flooded...The cultivation room is about 400 square meters, and the total amount of meat emulsion strains may add up to more than one ton.

There is no choice but to be hard. "

Due to the limitations of the unknown domain, ordinary space transfers cannot be used. Han Dong also needs to spend five times more energy than usual to make a void jump... The void skills must be hidden, and the space energy is also very precious and must not be used. it's here.

The metal gate of the cultivation room is more than three meters thick, and is equipped with a giant hydraulic valve to close it to prevent strains from spreading.

Han Dong stared at the minced meat in the cultivation room, his consciousness spreading into his body:

"Count, are you hungry?"

"The earl knows what you are going to do. I just had afternoon tea, and now I don't have any desire to eat."

"Then let me tell you the truth, the "ultimate strain" developed by Hyperion should be used on the right arm.

Whether it is for my own use or in accordance with the requirements of the competition, I need to absorb all the strains. Next, you need your help from Earl. "

"Alright, because of your good attitude, the earl can barely help you... after all, your body is also my body."

After all, Han Dong lifted the "dead pose" and returned to normal.

Quack! The sound of the metal gate opening.

The moment the hydraulic door opened, Han Dong turned into a red light flashing into it, not giving the bacteria a chance to grow outward.

The air was filled with a strong smell of carrion, and the granular strains were crowded in the culture room, and the whole was still slightly squirming.

The visual impact of close observation is quite outrageous.

at the same time.

Feeling the entry of living creatures, the minced meat has quickly rushed toward Han Dong's location.

"Count, move on."

"Why don't you start... this thing is too disgusting."

Han Dong didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly opened his mouth to bite at the nearby meat emulsion strain.

There is a taste of caviar, but the overall taste is rusty, and the taste will not be described.

To ensure the perfect absorption of this meat emulsion, Han Dong chooses the most primitive way of ingestion-[eating] to achieve the best results


The earl didn't expect Han Dong to really speak up.

An unacceptable mentality continued to magnify, and a large blood dog head was immediately derived from the right arm, with more than a dozen big mouths on the surface, participating in the "meat feast."

In the early stages of swallowing, there will be some granular dense masses on the body surface.

However, as the plague manipulated, all the lumps were transferred to the right arm... At the later stage of eating, the entire right arm even swelled into a hypertrophic tumor of more than four meters.

belch! ! A loud hiccup spread through the laboratory.

It took a full 42 minutes, all the meat emulsion strains in the culture room were emptied, and there was no residue left.

At the same time, Han Dong and Earl jointly manipulated the right arm to remove all unnecessary components and only retain the most essence of the bacteria.

When the boosting effect brought by eating, the "flesh control" and "swallowing" of the right arm are improved.

However, such an improvement can only be considered general.

"This fleshy strain should be regarded as a [component], which is mainly responsible for engulfing organic matter to obtain energy... The real core should be one of the other two strains.

Next, you act with me in the form of a blood dog. "

"Okay, the earl does need to walk around, it's going to hold me to death."

The blood dog peeled off from the right arm looked fat in a circle.

Regardless of the eyes full of the whole body and the long mouth made up of thousands of teeth, it is pretty cute.

One person and one dog just walked out of the training room.


A ray of blood slashed down from the sky, and at the same time it felt like a killer.

"Prophet first"

Even when the magic eye is closed, it maintains 30% of its effect.

Han Dong stepped back.

But the earl's speed was a step slower, not to mention that he could not perceive it in advance.

The current earl, like he just came out of the buffet, is already very good without holding the wall... It is too difficult for him to make such a quick dodge action.


Blood red splashes.

The dog's head flew several meters away.

"Actually... not hit."

The intermittent voice came with a sense of guilt.

The other contestant who appeared in front of him was not a native, but a hostile member from Marcomus City, who was sent by the parent body to investigate Hyperion's elite team members.

The door has been opened and reached the mid-term, showing a posture of [killing people].

Mainly bones.

The skeletal body was covered with bandages, and the surface was full of the sins of his previous life.

Two sinful axes with painful faces imprinted in his hands.

The calf structure is discarded and replaced with a long knife.

The body is bones, but the skull retains fleshy texture, and he said in a hoarse voice:

"I have been waiting for you for a long time...Alien Demon!

With such a huge amount of fleshy strains, my body simply cannot consume them. Thank you for completing this process for me and saving it in the right arm, saving a lot of trouble, ha...ha! "


Han Dong didn't listen to this person at all, and didn't even look directly at this [Breaker]... Han Dong just stared silently at the fallen count, with a slightly strange expression.

Seeing that Han Dong was full of flaws, this person did not intend to keep his hands.

A realm of sin unfolds, sigh swish! If you can hear a lot of meat beheading sounds, even a scene of execution as an executioner before his life appears.

"Full moon beheaded!"

The axe and the blade of the foot under him are concentrated at one point.

This decapitation can largely ignore the opponent's regenerative ability, as long as you can't avoid it, you will almost die in the same rank!

A "cut line" symbolizing execution has already been formed.

When swiping across the neck.

Han Dong suddenly turned his head and looked directly at the [Sinner Slayer] in front of him... At the moment of being stared at, this person felt that a vortex was generated in his brain, which was quite uncomfortable.

Due to the effect of the vortex, the speed of the slash is slowed down.

Gaji Gaji!

Very terrifying tentacles emerged from the back of Han Dong's head, floating in the air.

In the eyes of this person, Han Dong turned into an image of a faceless person at this moment, just like a terrifying evil **** from another world.


Five fingers clasped the sinner’s head. UU reading www.

In an instant.

The sinner's whole body, including the bandages wrapped around the body, grew a lot of gray spots, and the internal structure, even the soul structure, was corroded and destroyed.

Pinch hard!

At the same time the skull shattered, the whole body was annihilated.

"It's really annoying... Recently a lot of annoying things!"

Han Dong, who had killed the target, complained about the last sentence, his face was full of negative emotions... Slowly picked up the earl's dog's head, slowly mended it through the tentacles, and then returned the body.

"Is it all right?"

"Yes... It hurts... The cut just now should have been a long time ago. If I hadn't been covered with blood in advance, I'm afraid it would be dangerous.

Where's that guy? The earl is going to kill him. "

"Dead, come with me."


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