My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1352: The last strain

"Nicholas, how do you feel that you are in a bad mood."

While moving the dog's head that had just been severed, the earl asked tentatively...After the earl took his head back, he smelled a rare hostility from Han Dong.

"The plan is disturbed, a little annoying.

Otherwise, our current progress should have obtained the control of Hyperion, resume the production and operation of the corresponding workshop, and begin to transform the local indigenous people.

[Handsome Jack]’s position is not clear. Judging from his current methods and methods, it should belong to a kind of existing ambition, but also insidious and cunning.

If it is [King Level], the entire battle will be affected.

In addition, the risk of the battle plan formulated by the leader of the Great Demon will rise sharply.

In addition, I faintly feel that the Dark Tower party seems to have another purpose, spending a lot of resources to forcibly strip the City of London to this planet. Apart from causing us to lose our geographical advantage, there may be other ideas. "

The earl also shook his dog's head up and down, echoing:

"The plan given by the head of your human race is inherently very risky. I didn't expect that the night mother would actually agree..."

"Meet Jack first.

Earl, you can smell the special metal smell in the air and follow the smell. "

The characteristic of blood descent is that they can change the number of organs in the body at will, and enhance the effectiveness of the effect.

The earl even took advantage of the effect of the blood to improve the derivation of flesh and blood.

It can be used to modify specific organs

For a time, the blood dog's body was covered with holes similar to the nasal cavity, and dense blood-red tentacles were scattered throughout the holes, which played a role in amplifying the sense of smell.

"There is a heavy metallic smell here, and there is a high probability that it will not be a living thing."


The remaining two strains are suggested according to the clues obtained.

One of them is "inanimate", and the second is a strain that depends on metal to survive.

After Han Dong absorbed the first strain related to meat, one thing was inferred.

Among these strains, only one is the real main body, and the other two strains should only be [components]... It should be the best choice to obtain components first.

Bypassing several experimental channels, came to an ordinary laboratory.

However, according to Piaget's sense of smell, a variety of metallic odors come from here.

Combining the experimental data read by Han Dong and some characteristics in the laboratory, he turned on the computer and entered a string of special codes recorded in the file.


A hidden elevator appeared in the laboratory,

There are dozens of different kinds of metal ores in the metal mine, which is nearly 100 meters deep below the institute.

According to clues, the metal-like strain is hidden here, attached to a certain ore.

The magic eyes are fully open.

Han Dong's vision has become an ashes style. The situation in the mine is unobstructed, and all the details are in full view.

The earl, who was just about to guard the entrance of the elevator, was suddenly patted on the head by Han Dong.


"It's done? So fast?"

Han Dong opened his palm, and a small amount of material similar to magnetic fluid was spinning in his palm, gradually being sucked into his skin.

"It's simple. It happened that my magic eye had just been upgraded, and it was easy to tell the difference between the metal and the strain... And, based on the characteristics of the strain collected, I could probably guess Jack's secret.

However, the final strain is the key...Go! "

The final strain has no obvious properties such as meat or metal.

However, the strains mentioned in the materials as "non-biotic" are subject to the most stringent supervision, and only B-level researchers are qualified to go to the culture room for related operations.

It is highly infectious, lethal and serves as the core of the final legacy.

Based on this speculation, the strains are most likely to be stored in the deepest part of the [Organic Research Institute], and at the same time, the highly sealed area that requires the highest authority to enter.

Along the way, Han Dong continued to move towards the deepest point of the Organic Research Institute according to the information in the signs and the diaries of certain experimenters.


While Han Dong was on his way, a violent explosion sounded from not far away, accompanied by the compression of a thick metal.

It seems that Green is destroying the structure of the institute.

"It just so happens that this kind of thing needs to be distracted from Green, and I hope that the Institute can trap Green for a while..." Han Dong didn't worry about Green's problem at all. Death is the most remote thing for Green.

Soon, a warning sign posted between the passages came into view.

[Severely protected area]-Note: Any researcher who enters the area must undergo a comprehensive inspection when entering and exiting to avoid the spread of germs.

At the same time, Han Dong also smelled a familiar breath.

"...There is someone ahead! Count, ready to kill the enemy."

The earl immediately got serious when he heard it, showing his fangs.

Just a second after the blood-red figure plunged into the darkness.

Ooh~ A violent dog barking came out immediately.

The earl, whose whole body was entangled by plants, was fixed in mid-air, unable to move.

It is not the enemy who walks out of the darkness, but the teammates who have separated due to the game, the sixth element-[Helen Silber].

"Miss Helen."

"Mr. Nicholas, isn't this your mount? Excuse me... the experimental area is affected by the domain, coupled with the continuous invasion of metal bacteria, people are a little nervous."

"It's okay... Me too."

As the tentacles of the plants untied, the earl settled down.

Helen was also embarrassed, and quickly reached out and stroked the earl's dog's head.

A kind of tentacles with healing and nerve-stimulating effects are constantly scratching on the surface of the dog's head.

The earl was so comfortable that he even wanted to turn his belly.

However, he was extremely upset with Han Dong in his heart, "Nicholas! Did you know in advance that the target is the sixth element, and deliberately asked me to send it up. 』

"Don't talk nonsense, I really don't know...Well, now that Miss Helen is here, count you can go to rest. 』

Without the earl’s objection, the blood dog was disassembled into strands of flesh and blood and returned to his right arm.

"Ah~dogs~" Helen didn't seem to touch enough, she looked reluctant to give up. UU Reading

Han Dong asked very seriously:

"Miss Helen, have any strains been found in this heavily protected area?"

"Um...but that strain is dangerous. I plan to look for the other two strains before coming back to deal with it."

Han Dong immediately opened his palm, showing magnetic fluid and a pile of caviar-like sarcoma.

"The other two are with me, take me there.

Unexpectedly, Miss Helen would use the word ‘danger’. What is the situation? "

Helen put a hand on her lower lip, recalling the previous scene:

"Most of the contestants scattered in the institute are the same as me. They tried to find the strains from the deepest point, so they found this place... Just now, three guys found the strains. I kept secretly observing them and prepared to wait for them to accept them. After strains, absorb them directly.

I don't know, these three guys are all dead...The body may still be there, take you over and have a look. "

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